Naruto Dimensional System

Chapter 271 Fierce Battle

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At this time, with the style of the Shadow Knights of Konoha, even if the opponent rushed in front of them, the elite Highlanders warriors were helpless against these despicable Shadow Knights of Konoha.

Just when these highlander warriors thought that they could not do anything to the Shadow Knight of Konoha, and the other party could not do anything to them, the hand crossbow, one of the standard equipment of the Shadow Knight of Konoha, exerted unexpected power at this time.

At this time, at such a short distance, a refined hand crossbow is enough to penetrate fine chain armor. Of course, although the hand crossbow can penetrate chain armor, it absolutely cannot penetrate too deeply.

This also means that it cannot cause fatal injuries, but for the Titan Weapon Manufacturing Factory, it does not matter if the equipment is not powerful enough. The backstage of this shop has quite high magical attainments. Although the crossbow arrow does not penetrate deeply into the flesh, it is enough. You know, how can there be no reason not to apply poison on the arrow? Moreover, the poison fed was specifically formulated to target the constitution of highlanders.

It's just that the poison smeared on it this time is not a fatal poison, but an extremely powerful anesthetic. As long as it is contaminated with a little bit, even a highlander's body will have to sleep for more than three days.

On the other side, Yakir was only fighting madly with the Berserker at this time. He didn't want to fight with the opponent. After all, the physical fitness of humans is not an opponent of monsters like orcs, but although the opponent's attack method is On the surface, there is nothing big about opening and closing, but if you are an opponent, you will find that if you don't face him head-on, you will be constantly squeezed by the opponent's offensive to avoid the space, and in the end there will be no chance to fight back. .

At this time, Yaqir only faced the opponent for seven or eight times before he was shocked by the powerful force of the Berserker Warrior, causing magic all over his body to surge. If he continued like this, he would sooner or later be left with internal injuries.

However, at this time, Yaqir tried his best to activate his magic, and the strengthening magic kept shining on his body. He knew that although he could retreat now, if he retreated, the battle formation behind him would be in chaos. .

Yakir took a deep breath and another holy light enveloped his whole body. However, with this magic, the skin on his body could no longer carry so much magic. After a burst of blood spattered, the hand in Yakir's hand The long sword also left blood marks on the violent warrior's body.

At this time, Li Ze had already rushed into the opponent's enemy formation. He didn't think that chanting a few magic spells outside was really of any use. At the time of this kind of battle involving more than a thousand people, the magician played a more important role. The most important thing is the deterrence. At this time, because the strong men of the Highlanders were restrained, Li was able to kill like a fish in water in the opponent's enemy formation.

He turned the war hammer in his hand in a circle and hit a high-ranking Highlander warrior directly. There was a loud bang, and the shield in the hand of the senior warrior was smashed to pieces by Li. Even the bones of the senior warrior's hand were broken in this blow. At this time, the senior warrior had an unbelievable look on his face, as if he felt like he had encountered a monster, but the force Li used in his hand was not just brute force. When he used normal attacks, there were also waves of earth pulsations. At the opponent, the senior warrior was knocked unconscious by Li Zhen without even a chance to fight back.

At this time, not even a senior warrior could block Li's blow. What else could stop Li from shuttling among these Highlander warriors? At this time, Li was like a stick stirring up shit, rushing back and forth among the enemy formations. It really looked like he would die if he got close to him or die if he touched him.

Suddenly he saw Yaqir fighting a violent warrior, and he rushed over without saying a word. Yaqir naturally knew what Li was going to do, so he shouted loudly, not caring that his enhanced state had reached the limit, and several rays of light shone at the same time.

The berserk warrior narrowed his eyes at Yaqir's move, and then screamed loudly. At this time, Li hit the berserk warrior directly from behind with a hammer. At this time, because of Li's smooth movement, It hit the violent warrior's butt directly. Of course, Li's men didn't care about it. They heard a crackling sound and thought that the pelvis was probably shattered.

However, this violent warrior was born with a strong ability to continue fighting after being injured. When he was injured, his eyes completely turned blood red, and then he actually overcame the severe pain of a shattered pelvic bone and began to chase madly. Li Lai's eyes lit up when he saw him, but Li Shi didn't like such an opponent, so he didn't take action to kill him, but just led him around in circles.

Of course, Li would not be such an idiot to lead him into his own camp. He directly led this completely crazy guy into the Highlanders' lineup. This violent warrior was in severe pain. There were some who really couldn't tell the difference between friend and foe. In order to chase Li, they accidentally injured a lot of Highlander warriors along the way. On several occasions, they killed several Highlander warriors with just one axe.

At this moment, the battlefield in the melee suddenly seemed to have stopped for a moment.

There was still some sunshine in the early morning, but at some point the sky was filled with dark clouds.

These black clouds seemed to have a life of their own, and they were still gathering towards the sky from all directions at an incredible speed. Soon, a huge black vortex was formed in the center of the clouds. Purple electric light kept shining in this vortex, and huge thunder kept coming from the clouds.

At this time, all the combatants involuntarily slowed down the movements of their hands, looking at the vision between heaven and earth with some fear. At this moment, Angel slowly flew up from the camp wearing a blue magician robe.


At this time, her body was wrapped with countless bloody lights, and accompanied by her long hair that kept flying, at this time, Angel looked as terrifying as the goddess of vengeance from hell. ..

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