Naruto Dimensional System

Chapter 281 Titan’s Battlefield

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At this time, Thrall appeared, his eyes were completely red. It was obvious that he had run out of energy after releasing the magic. He glanced at Li feebly, and suddenly wailed, "No! No! You are ...You are hell...hell...roaring! Why did you come here...could it be...that all of this is divine punishment?"

Along with his voice, the whole space buzzed, and then he and the surrounding highlanders turned into a blood dance. Li touched his nose, thinking when did he become the so-called Hellscream?

The old Highlander seems to be the wizard in this tribe, but how could he cast such a magic at this time? What is the Titan's battlefield...?

Just when Li thought of this, an extremely loud voice began to sound slowly, "I... heard... your call... I will... guard... your land! Because... I am... God of Territory…Titan!”

Along with this sound, a beam of light stretched out crazily from the huge pit, shooting straight into the sky. Li looked at the traces of the beam of light and snorted. He couldn't just rush down the pit now, could he? Who knows what is inside. If it reaches this level, no matter who takes the first shot, it will have a decisive effect on the outcome.

Along with this beam of light, the earth began to tremble crazily, and then Li found that the ceiling of this space was approaching the ground. Of course, this was only a momentary feeling, and soon Li discovered that this was not the ceiling that was approaching the ground. is approaching, but the ground is starting to rise crazily.

Is this going to break out of the ground? Li was stunned for a moment, but now was not the time to think about this. He shouted to the guys behind him, "Back off!"

Those guys from Konoha Shadow naturally knew what Li meant, and they quickly ran one by one in the direction they just came from. But luckily they were standing at the entrance from the beginning, and now the overall height here is no more than It looked like they were raised five or six meters, but they managed to save their lives by jumping.

But Li didn't move, just looked at the deep pit and said softly, "Okay, the rest is a matter between the two of us."

With his voice, the violent vibrations became more intense, and the lifting speed of the entire ground suddenly increased by more than several times. Soon the ground had smashed into the ground above, and then passed through the unknown ground above. There were so many tunnels and underground cities in just a few breaths. Li felt his eyes light up. When he looked around, he found that the setting sun was setting in the distance.

It turns out that one day has passed, and now I am standing outside.

Looking down along this area of ​​land, the platform was already at least four to five hundred meters above the ground. However, he did not continue to rise upwards, but just stood still. Li used the flying technique and found that At this time, I can easily leave here, but in this case, it doesn't make much sense. Since this is the battlefield chosen by Titan, then I can just deal with him here.

It's just that at this time, Titan was still out of breath, and the silence was really a bit disturbing. The sunset in the distance was slowly setting. Just when Li was a little bored, a vibration came from the underground, and there was a bang in the deep pit in the middle. A fierce earth-yellow light beam was emitted. When the light beam disappeared, the deep pit in the middle had been filled.

At this time, the sunset completely set, and the world turned black. It seemed that there was no moon today, but Li soon discovered that he did not need the moon at all.

Because there is obviously a self-luminous thing in front of me. As the deep hole in the middle is filled, a huge creature is already standing in front of me. It is really incorrect to say that he is a creature, at least not What living thing is made entirely of rock?

The guy in front of me is nearly fifty or sixty meters tall. He is covered in black rocks, but there are many cracks on the rocks. Through these cracks, yellow light is revealed to the outside, and he On the head was a human face. This face was indeed familiar. When he took a closer look, he couldn't help but laugh a little. This face was the face of the old wizard.

He was stunned for a moment and then understood. First of all, the Highlanders tribe generally has wizards as spiritual leaders, so when they worship the Titans, they will inexplicably bring some emotions towards the wizards. , so they brought in some wizard concepts when they imagined the image of Titan.

As for the body of this Titan, it is probably said that these highlanders worship power and metal rocks too much. As a result, the image of the Titan in front of them is indeed a bit joyful, and the whole body is a bit too bloated. Of course, it is not the same as that kind of body. If the fat man is bloated, his body is completely packed with muscles!

"You're finally here! Old friend!" Tai Tan slowly opened his eyes. Although he was talking to Li at this time, inexplicably, he felt that this guy was actually talking to another person next to him.

Along with this voice, there was a vibration around Li, "Hey, I didn't expect you guys to choose this path."

And that voice was extremely familiar to Li, it was clearly the voice of the system!

"So what if you choose to incarnate as a guardian god? I will still be able to achieve liberation after I have endless followers. You can only pray that your host becomes more powerful before I can bring you liberation! "Titan widened his eyes and said, "But this host of yours is really good.

! "

Li shouted, "Wait a minute, isn't it boring for you to talk like this? I can't understand you at all!"

The system said slowly, "Then kill this guy. If you can kill him, you will be able to get everything from him. By then, no matter what answer you want to get, there will be no problem."...

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