Naruto Dimensional System

Chapter 282 Battle of Titans

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I am extremely depressed at this time. Hasn’t the system gotten better? Why is he so virtuous now? Can't you just say it nicely? To say this again, Li let out a long breath. At this time, he had the urge to roll his eyes and knock the system to the ground, but it was useless to do anything now. He looked in front of him. The Titan let out a sigh of relief, "As you can see, I have no choice but to give you two options now. One is to tell everything directly, and the other is to be beaten by me until you tell me..."

"Actually, as long as I don't die, you won't be able to get out of here..." Following Titan's voice, the entire venue roared. Along with the roar, a circle of light kept shining around the perimeter of the entire venue. "This is a technique, something from a long time ago. This thing is very troublesome to arrange, but it has great binding power on the people on the opposite side, and the more stringent the conditions for its activation, the greater the binding power, such as the current one The effect of this restraint is... Unless the Titan dies, no one can leave, including myself!"

Li opened his mouth. Of course he understood what Tai Tan meant by including him... In other words, now Tai Tai has made the determination to die? The purpose of choosing this battlefield was actually to die here.

Li suddenly felt something bad. After all, if he fights with a normal person, the other party will definitely not want to be hurt or die, so when attacking, he will choose some dodges that are more humane. But the guy in front of him has obviously risked his life and death. This is very troublesome. Although the opponent will definitely not win, the trouble it will cause to him will definitely not be small.

Li closed his eyes slightly, and when he opened them again, his eyes were already blood-red, and kaleidoscope patterns were spinning in his eyes, "Then come on, let me see what your strength is. How is it!"

Hearing this, Tai Tan let out a burst of laughter like a hurricane, then opened his huge palms and pressed towards Li, and Li's eyes suddenly opened, and black flames appeared in the air. This is Tian Illuminate the fire!

The flame that can never be extinguished can only be forcibly extinguished by the power of the equally powerful Mangekyō Sharingan. This Titan was enveloped in the fire of Amaterasu in just an instant. It is no wonder that his body is really It was too huge, so Li was not prepared to use Tsukuyomi on this guy.

You must know that Tsukuyomi depends on mental strength. Li Ke doesn’t know how strong the mental strength of the whole guy in front of him is. Don’t force the other person’s mental strength into his own space only to realize that he has pulled in a tiger. !

At this time, Titan was shrouded in Amaterasu, and the rocks on his body crackled with the flames. He just let out a loud roar, and then the rocks around his body suddenly peeled off a layer. In this case, he really escaped. Without the restraint of Amaterasu, Li's pupil power can be used almost endlessly to use Amaterasu's power. The kaleidoscope in his eyes rotated, and a large amount of Amaterasu flames poured out again.

It's just that this time the Titan suddenly jumped up high, but it happened to avoid Amaterasu. Li Ya was surprised. With the size of this Titan, if the Titan couldn't jump at all, he would be able to accept it, but the Titan in front of him But he jumped up all of a sudden, and he jumped really unusually high...

At this time, Titan directly raised a height of more than several thousand meters!

At least at this time, Titan had become very small in Li's eyes. At this time, Titan stopped in mid-air and looked at him coldly, and then fell suddenly. At this time, Titan did not fall towards Li, but chose the entire The landing point was in the middle of the field, which made Li feel a little strange. After all, if he chose himself as the landing point, the effect and power would definitely be stronger.

But then he didn't think so anymore. Even though he was standing very far away at this time, the crazy kinetic energy coming from the ground almost made Li Fei fly out of the field.

Before Li could stand still, he saw that Titan had raised his fist high. Even though the position Li was standing at was not within reach of Titan, Li still subconsciously dodged to the side. The moment he dodged, a powerful shock wave rushed over from where he was just now. A huge crack was created in the entire earth by this punch, and Titan obviously didn't have enough fun.

The whole person suddenly jumped towards Li Fang, and the huge impact once again made Li stagger. Titan looked at Li coldly, and punched Li with left and right punches.

Li wanted to fight back at this time, but the guy in front of him was too difficult to deal with. Although he was huge, his flexibility was also terrifying. His huge body brought powerful kinetic energy, but it was still a shock. The attacks all caused great trouble to Li.

In just a moment, Li felt that his body seemed to be a little paralyzed. He snorted coldly and wanted to fly directly, but Titan stepped on the ground suddenly. In just this moment, Li fell down again. On the ground, that was the moment he was about to step on the ground and leave...

He was interrupted by the Titan's step, and then the Titan stepped again, and again, and again...

More than 20 consecutive blows made Li's legs numb, and Li's heart felt painful. Although this guy was no match for Zeref in terms of magic, this kind of attack really made Li feel miserable. Unheard of!

Li yelled, and the kaleidoscope in his eyes turned crazily. Then Li Gao raised his hand, and with his movements, a purple aura surged out from his back, and then a huge arm held a long knife.

He slashed at the Titan. This is part of Susano'o!

Li is already preparing to use this move, Suzuo's man! This is also a very powerful move among the Mangekyō Sharingan. ..

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