Naruto Dimensional System

Chapter 292 Determination

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At this moment, Li smiled coldly and said hello, "Bradman, just take care of yourself!"

After saying this, Imber and Yakir nodded, and left here directly with the two of them.

At this time, Bradman looked gloomy in the small hall, while Leila in black gently held his hand. "Well, the war with the Principality of Acatlia is about to begin. These people are all talents, especially Ogast's strength. To be honest, I can't see through him at all. I'm afraid you may not be his now. Opponent? Is it worth it for that useless Arthur? I think, even if he used some magic on those guys, what if it is refined? I think these guys are treating you Still very loyal!”

Bradman couldn't help but let out a long sigh at this time and said: "You are right, now is the time to employ people, why would I want to do this? But do you really think Ogast will be used by me? They are relying on me now, Maybe those little guys are doing it because of my power, but that Ogast, you also said that his strength is not weaker than mine at all. I am afraid he is doing it for Master Zeref! I am really afraid of such help. Instead, they devour me!"

Layla in black shook her head gently, "Bradman, this is not your fault. If Angel hadn't been secretly involved, I don't think the final result would be like this. No plan will ever be set in stone. . Even at the beginning, didn’t we expect that Angel would get involved at that time? Although Olgaste is strong, his age is there. How could he beat Angel in terms of scheming? ?? It’s not like you didn’t see what Ogast looked like just now. This kid doesn’t seem to have any scheming other than hiding his strength.”

Bradman also sighed involuntarily, "This Ogast's strength is really hard to see clearly. Not only is he powerful in all aspects, he is also able to break my space magic. Although this magic is not practiced by me, but is a new ability added to me by Lord Zeref, but speaking of it, the power of this magic is not weaker than my original magic. It is even said that if I use this magic, I would like to It won’t be a problem to get rid of Dimar.”

Layla in black said softly: "Bradman, now I really want to have a few people who can help you. That Ogast is so strong, you must have a good relationship with him... …”

"No need to say any more. He really disappointed me! If my few words can make him like this, then he can't help me at all!" Then Bradman glanced at Leila in black again, Said: "Forget it, let's wait until I come back to talk about this matter."

After coming out of the military headquarters, Li clearly saw the arrogant look of the janitor towards the three of them.

This is no wonder. This so-called officialdom is the most realistic snobbery. Who would be polite to two people who have been convicted and lost power? The two walked in silence for a while, and Imber finally said: "Ogaste, I didn't expect you to be so strong. I thought I was the one with the highest magic power among us, but now that I think about it, it's really true. It’s ridiculous.”

Akil also smiled bitterly at this time, "Yes, if I knew you were so powerful..."

Li looked at Yakir and asked, "Could it be want to change places now?"

"To be honest, Michelangelo has already approached me, and has promised that the two of us will be given the position of at least one deputy leader of the Knights in the future, and the title will be given to at least a count with a territory." Imber said calmly. Said slowly.

"Then what do you think?" Li asked.

Yinber laughed and said: "Then what else is there to think about? I definitely won't go! To be honest, Bradman can stay with him for as long as he wants. Feel free to change the words of the person above. This kind of person It won't be taken seriously. In the end, it will probably be eliminated by the new owner."

"That's true." Li sighed slowly, "To be honest, I didn't intend to fall out with Bradman, but I have already shown my strength and I really can't pretend to conflict with him this time. I just want to remind him that my strength is not inferior to his, so he can do what he wants."

Li didn't sleep all night. He didn't know why, but he always felt that something was wrong, as if there was a pair of eyes looking at him.

Everything he arranged for Zeref to do now was done in the name of the god Anxeram.

When he told Angel that destiny is a river, he said that the so-called god is just a bird. Although he can see where the road ahead is, he cannot grab everyone there at once, but He can catch one of the fish, and that lucky fish is the elect.

In other words, in the final analysis, the so-called voters are actually just bait.

If you can't control your own destiny now, and if you know that there is a voter's position in front of you, will you squeeze your head like those ordinary fish and grab it? Li shook his head gently, now he couldn't answer this question.

But then again, isn’t the so-called miracle the biggest bait?

He suddenly rose up in various worlds, as if he was a person who rose up in one day. Everyone's eyes were on him. There was no doubt that if he was willing to recruit his subordinates, he didn't know how many people would be willing to take refuge in him. subordinates.

If you want to control the world in the future, there is only one way...

That is, becoming a god.

It doesn’t take much, as long as you can make a country with your own hands

Or if a city-state becomes the strongest existence in the world, then the entire world will surrender to it.

At least those countries within the secular sphere will tremble. The next plan is to let the Principality of Arubares unify the continent, and then stand in front of the entire continent...

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