Naruto Dimensional System

Chapter 293 Shadow

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At this moment, in Michelangelo's mansion, Dimar, who was casually wearing a thin shirt, was walking around the corridor anxiously. In fact, at this time, Dimar did not hide the fact that she was a woman. Although he still walked like a man, she did not hide her graceful figure.

Suddenly, the lake in front of her suddenly boiled, and then a water element formed from the surface of the water. The moment it took shape, dozens of water arrows were shot at him.

Such a sneak attack was obviously beyond the expectations of Dimar or Dimaria. You must know that she was still very relieved about her brother's house. At this time, her charming and almost enchanting face became serious. Because if you want to deal with him, there can't be only one water element.

Sure enough, one water element after another formed on the water, and then countless water arrows formed in the air and rushed towards Dimar. But Dimar only smiled coldly, and then these water arrows began to slow down very quickly, even to the point where you couldn't even see that they were actually moving...

Then Dimar slowly drew out the sword from her waist, smashing all the water arrows flying towards her into mid-air. Looking at her, she didn't look like she was dealing with a life-and-death crisis. But just like on an outing.

But with Dimar's magic, if he hadn't been fatally injured before she reacted, there would really be no way to hurt her.

"My dear, you haven't come out yet? Do you want me to catch you out?" Timaria said softly, as if talking to her lover.

Angel smiled and appeared from mid-air, "It seems that your strength has not stopped. It seems that you have made some progress."

At this time, Timaria quickly rushed to Angel's side, grabbed her slender waist, and held her chest heavily with the other hand, and then started to knead her hard, "Come on. Come on, let me see how you, little fox, didn’t come to see me immediately after you came back to see how I can deal with you!”

At this time, Angel's eyes were as charming as silk, and then she gently lifted Timaria's chin with her fingers, "Look at your tough mouth. You are not like a very hungry dog ​​now. Besides, you won't be able to do it for a while." Do you know who of the two of us is trying to deal with who... Hmm!"

"Cough! Cough! You two, pay attention!" The cough directly interrupted what must be said to be an extremely erotic scene between the two of them. At this time, Michelangelo was standing in the corridor looking at the two people who were kissing each other crazily. Although he looked a little hesitant, he still interrupted the two people. After all, both of them were stunningly beautiful. Everything in front of him It's enough to drive any man crazy.

However, there was no embarrassment between the two of them at this time, and Timaria's hand was still sliding down Angel's waist. At this time, she said without looking back: "Oh, my dear brother , I wonder if you have something urgent? Of course, if it’s not that important, then you can come back to me in five or six hours! Or are you interested in visiting now? "

Michelangelo was a little helpless towards his younger brother or sister, but at this time he could only say coldly: "Anyway, I really can't control your hobbies. But I want you to do it. If things don't go well and my father punishes me, it won't be easy for you or me! You are the only one in the family who has the hope of becoming a strong person, so don't end up being the least effective guy instead of you!"

Timaria stopped moving at this time, and it was obvious that he was a little angry at this time, "Listen, brother! Don't always use dad to pressure me! That guy has never been nice to me! After all, I know everything in my heart, if you don’t believe me, then don’t let me do anything!”

"I hope so!" Michelangelo said directly with a cold expression on his face, then turned around and entered the house.

At this time, Angel suddenly asked: "Let's be honest, this brother of yours... is so cruel. Isn't Michelangelo very gentlemanly? Did he arrange something for you? If it is something important, Just do it first, after all, I can’t run away.”

When she heard the three words "can't run", a shadow suddenly passed over Timaria's face. She looked at Angel's face with some resentment. After a long time, she sighed, "Actually, it's just a little bit." It's just a small thing, don't take it to heart. But you have to remember that no matter what happens, I will always be the one who loves you most."

Timaria didn't know that when he said this, Angel's expression dimmed. Of course he didn't know that Li had already told Angel about his plan, and the most important part of it was...

Michelangelo's entire family has actually been on the side of the Principality of Arubares for a long time.

In fact, when Angel asked Timaria what happened, she was just testing him.

On the other hand, Li Ze never contacted Bradman again. At this time, various forces in Badria City became active.

In fact, although Arubares has not declared war with Mist, it is officially going to war with the Principality of Acatlia. Li just watched the development of the situation quietly.

Half a month later, six thousand Holy See Knights from the Anxelam Temple arrived in Badria City. It is said that there are a large number of people from the Inquisition here.

So many elite soldiers

Naturally, the purpose of coming to Badria City was not for sightseeing. It was at this time that the Principality of Acatria, a Southern Jordanian Alliance, declared war. The announcement of the declaration of war contained some reasons that had already been used by others. Even a child knows that this is just a simple desire to fight and has nothing to do with the so-called reason. ..

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