Naruto Dimensional System

Chapter 294 The war is about to begin

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This is a battle launched to divert conflicts within the alliance. At this time, Arubares launched a war, and everyone in the alliance fully supported it. I only hope that in the future, when Arubares sets his goal within the alliance, it will not Will focus on myself. In order to show its support for Arubares' side, even the Mist Empire sent 5,000 knights to directly participate in the battle this time.

So in the end, for this inexplicable expedition, the nephew of the Southern Treaty Alliance mobilized eight knights, a total of 45,000 knights, 45,000 knights' attendants, and 80,000 infantry.

A total of 170,000 people rushed directly towards the Principality of Acatlia.

It can be said that these 170,000 people are already the national strength of the Southern Yue Alliance, which means that the Mist Empire still has some surplus food. It can even be said that if Arubares is playing tricks this time and wants to directly transfer these If all the people are destroyed and their own army is retained, they can easily take over the entire Southern Alliance.

The 170,000-strong army of the Southern Treaty Alliance is directly led by Marshal Olshfang, the First Marshal of the Mist Empire and the Grand Duke of the town. Bradman is the deputy commander and has direct command of the army. right.

In fact, Olshefang is still related to Bradman. A pair of his children are also visiting the city of Badria. Yes, he is the father of Michelangelo and Timaria, and also the father of Michelangelo. The patriarch of the largest family in the St Empire.

As for Li, who was setting off with the army at this time, in fact, he was personally invited to become a monk by Bradman, because Li's status was not much lower than that of Bradman.

He is now Orshfang's son-in-law, but until now Li still doesn't know who he is going to marry. After all, Orshfang has so many daughters, but one thing is for sure: politics will always be puzzling.

In less than two weeks, the entire army was now stationed in the luxurious living room of the leader of the Golden Dragon Mercenary Group. The so-called city barely lasted a day before it was crushed. In the past, Bradman and Marshal Orsh were staring at a giant sandbox in the center of the living room. This sandbox was so large that it even occupied about half of the hall, but the things on it were also very detailed. Even the possibility of deploying troops in each city is clearly written.

The cheap father-in-law and Bradman, who were yawning and looking at him, remained silent.

"Lord Olshfang," Bradman finally spoke, "Although we have captured this so-called strongest outpost in Acatlia, the food reserves here are not as much as what we reported in our intelligence. This time His Majesty Mist sent 170,000 troops, but the food and grass rations only amounted to 70,000 to 80,000 people. To be honest, our Principality of Arubares is not a big food country, and we cannot afford to supply so much, but you. Now count the troops The food stored in the farm is only enough to last less than three weeks."

"Bradman," Olshefang's deep laughter rang out in the hall at this time, "Although you can be said to be the most outstanding person among the younger generation, in terms of experience, I'm afraid you Are you far inferior to me? Although launching this war is not a smart move from a military perspective, it is quite a smart move from a political perspective. But after all, you and I are both soldiers, so It is a last resort. If we lose, then only the people in the alliance will suffer, so this time no matter who it is for, we should win this war."

Bradman was hesitant to speak at this time. Of course he understood the delicate political situation within the alliance. Some of these things were tacitly understood by everyone. For example, this battle was actually to delay the expansion of the Principality of Arubares. footsteps...

Although the Principality of Arubares established the enemy of the Principality of Acacia as an excuse to expand its army, the entire Southern Alliance expanded the matter. Perhaps the Principality of Arubares just wanted to expand its army at first, but He has no intention of attacking Arcadia.

So now that the entire Southern Principality is going to attack Acatlia, Arubares will have to send troops for it.

Li looked at the two guys, big and small, in front of him and couldn't help but yawned. He really wanted to tell them directly that in fact, Arubares would have unified the continent. What Li is doing now is actually It’s just promoting this trend.

At this time Bradman sighed and began to frown and look at the sand table in front of him. After passing through this city, there is a huge funnel-shaped canyon in front of you. The big end faces directly towards the Southern Alliance, and then it begins to gradually narrow rapidly, turning into a canyon that is only more than two kilometers wide and less than three meters wide. Kilometers, an extremely narrow passage more than thirty kilometers long.

At the end of the passage is a permanent military fortress. Fifteen granite walls of about 20 meters were built according to the terrain. They also built more than thirty fortresses on both sides of the passage. As for their magicians, most of them were deployed in these fortresses. At this time, they were condescending and could hit the entire passage.

The Grand Duke of Orchfond is extremely tall, and his silver hair makes him look even more handsome. It can still be seen that his handsome face is full of traces of time. You must know that the young marshal was a famous handsome man that all the noble young ladies in the entire alliance were attracted to.

"Lord Orshfang, if we attack this line of defense head-on now, what do you think our chances of success are?" Bradman asked with a frown at this time.

Orshfang glanced at Li and said, "What do you think of my virtuous son-in-law?"

Li was stunned for a moment before he realized that Orshfang was calling him. To be honest,

Li didn't really react.

Li pondered for a moment, and then slowly said: "Now this outpost has been captured without bloodshed by our internal forces. This time, I think the Principality of Acatlia will definitely hide behind the defense line."...

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