"By the way, Brother Shuishui, I heard my father say that now he has the idea of expanding the

revolutionary army," "You can talk to the lecherous immortals about this

," "If it is feasible, those cadets who can graduate can be completely added to the revolutionary army," "

And Uncle Fugaku seems to be short of manpower there,"

Uchiha Fugaku is in charge of the Ministry of Defense, There are also a lot of things in their defense department, especially now that Hope City is gradually known by people from other countries,

and every day Hope City will have all kinds of spies and spies who come to collect intelligence.

The most the Ministry of Defense does every day is to find these outlaws, modify their memories, and then release them.

"Well, when I have sorted out the list and reported it to Jiraiya-sama, then he will make the decision," Shisui said with a smile.

Naruto smiled when he heard this, and said, "Hehe, that's right, I have to find something to do for the lecherous fairy, I see that he is quite idle every day,"

Shisui said with a smile when he heard this, "You really are,"

Shisui didn't say a word, but Naruto knew that

if he wanted the head of the department in the city to be the most dashing now, then it must be him.

There are only a few members of the warhead now, and he doesn't have to worry about

it, "Ahaha, don't talk about this, by the way, Brother Shuishui, how is your Sharingan?" Naruto asked.

Shisui raised his hand and touched his eye sockets when he heard this, and then said, "I have rarely used kaleidoscopes since I became the principal, but I can still feel my eyesight declining,"

"Maybe in the end, I will be directly blind, hehe

," Naruto thought for a moment when he heard this, and then said, "This is not urgent, if it really comes to that time, it will definitely find a way,"

The reason why the kaleidoscope of the Uchiha family wants to transform requires blood relatives within three generations to exchange eyes, That's because their bloodline comes from Indra.

It was Indra who united with the women of other families and gave birth to their ancestors.

After generations of dilution, the blood veins in their bodies have become very thin, so this method is needed.

But now I hope that in addition to the Fugaku family, there are also water stops and soil

, but both of their fathers died in World War II, so this method will not work.

Naruto also knew about the father of the two, Naruto, whose father is called Uchiha Kagami, is a disciple of the second generation Hokage Senjukuma.

This is a real ninja of the Uchiha clan who inherited the will of Senju

, and Obito's father is called Uchiha Yodahyun, who is Uchiha Madara's assistant, and he is also one of the people who opened the kaleidoscope of that era.

However, he also died in the Second Shinobi War.

Therefore, the method of transplanting blood relatives eyes is completely useless for both.

But Naruto has other methods, Indra's bloodline is the bloodline of the Otsuki clan.

Just find a person from the Datumu clan to completely extract the power of their bloodline and let the two absorb it.

As for the candidates, there are currently exactly two, one is the Otsuki Kaguya who is sealed in the moon, and the other is the Otsuki Kaguya who lives on the moon.

It's just that at present, dealing with these two people, it is still a little difficult to capture them alive, so this plan has to be pushed back.

Then the two chatted for a long time, until Naruto left the school and came to the door of the hospital when the students were about to finish school.

Soon after, groups of people walked out of the hospital, led by Tsunade, while Hinata followed her, followed by some of the other nurses in the hospital.

The hospital in Hope City is also divided into two shifts, morning and evening, and Hope City does not have the kind of people who need to be treated with particularly serious injuries now.

So every day, Tsunade basically packed up her things and went home after work, because there were still two people waiting for her to cook.

Since marrying Jiraiya, Tsunade has taken the initiative to take on the task of cooking.

Although he strongly opposed it, he couldn't hold Tsunade's clenched iron fist.

In desperation, Jiraiya had to agree to Tsunade's request that he be in charge of washing the dishes and miscellaneous dishes.

Hinata, who was chatting with Tsunade ,,,

, suddenly saw Naruto's figure appear in front of him, stopped and was stunned for a moment, and then quickly walked to Naruto, and said happily, "Naruto-kun, why are you back again?"

"Hehe, I haven't been shopping for a long time, do you want to go together?" Naruto said with a grin towards Hinata.

For this Hinata naturally would not refuse, immediately nodded and replied

"Okay," at this time Tsunade also came to the two people, Naruto saw this and immediately stepped forward and greeted "Tsunade mother-in-law," Tsunade patted him on the shoulder when he saw this, and then said, "Okay, take Hinata to play, the things you sent have been handed over to me, I will tell you after the results of the research," "

Hehe, hard work Tsunade mother-in-law,

Then let's go first. After talking to Tsunade, Naruto took Hinata and turned and walked towards the shopping street.

Hinata also waved at Tsunade at this time and said, "Master, let's go first, see you tomorrow," Tsunade also

smiled and waved at Hinata, and then turned and walked towards the house.

After taking a few steps forward, Naruto popped up the contact toad and informed Hinata that he and Hinata were eating outside, then put away the contact toad, took Hinata's hand and walked towards the shopping street.

As time passed, Hinata also became more and more cheerful, and was no longer the little loli who blushed when she spoke to Naruto before.

And her hair is getting longer and longer, and now it has reached the position below her shoulders and is tied into a ponytail.

The Qi bangs on the forehead are still maintained at that length, and the whole person looks cute with a hint of playfulness.

Along the way, Hinata chirped towards Naruto and asked various questions.

For example, how long will you stay in the country of bears, the mining task will not go well, and you will not eat well in the country of bears, and you will not encounter danger.

Naruto listened and answered Hinata's questions one by one with a smile.

After coming to the commercial street, the two came to the area dedicated to buying snacks.

After buying a box of sticky rice balls, Naruto held it in the palm of his hand, tied up a feeding Hinata on the side, and then asked her, "Hinata, didn't it work hard to study with Tsunade's mother-in-law?"

Hinata opened her mouth, bit the three-color balls, held them in her mouth, and replied while chewing, "No, my master and mother take good care of me, and I find studying medicine more and more interesting, not only can help others, but also enrich myself

," "Well, this glutinous rice balls are delicious, better than the balls last time, sticky,"

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