Naruto smiled when he heard this, then tied up another one to feed Hinata, and said, "It's good to think it's interesting, but Hinata's personality is really suitable for studying medicine

," "Hee-hee, that's what Master said," Hinata replied with a smug look.


the two of them sold while walking, eating almost all the snacks, feeling that their stomachs were full, and the two did not continue shopping.

Naruto also told Hinata that there was something to do later, and asked her if she wanted to go with her.

Hinata's answer to this Hinata was, of course, "Okay,"

so Naruto pulled out the contact toad and began to ask where Kai was at this time.

After learning that the latter was still in the revolutionary army station at this time, Naruto took Hinata directly to the doorman.

After registering, Naruto walked in with Hinata.

From far away, Naruto heard the voice in the training ground, so he pulled Hinata towards that side

, and soon the two arrived at the training ground, by which time the rest of the revolutionary army had gone back to rest, leaving only Kai, Kakashi, and Sasuke in the field.

At this time, Sasuke was doing physical training, and I saw that he was pulling the horizontal bar.

Now Naruto next to the field could see that Sasuke was obviously approaching the limit at this time, and the muscles on his hands were constantly trembling.

His eyes also showed a hazy appearance, his teeth were clenched, and every pull used up his whole body's strength.

Looking at his appearance, Naruto would not feel strange whenever he fell.

But I didn't expect Sasuke to insist until Kai said "Stop!"

Sasuke then jumped off the horizontal bar, half-kneeling on the ground and gasping.

Seeing this, Kai nodded at Kakashi on the side, Kakashi took out a container from the storage ring

, opened the container and took out a little wood spirit qi, and sent it into Sasuke's body with a flick of his fingers.

The aura of the wood spirit entered his body, and Sasuke suddenly fainted, and when he was about to end, Kakashi flashed before he picked him up.

At this time, Naruto also took Hinata and quickly stepped forward to Kai's side.

Seeing that Kakashi was not in his arms, it was just too tired, and Sasuke, who was asleep, breathed a sigh of relief.

After the wood spirit qi entered his body, he kept repairing the torn muscles around Sasuke's body, and at this time he had resumed normal breathing, but he was just asleep.

Looking at Sasuke in Kakashi's arms, Kai nodded with satisfaction and said, "Not bad, very strong-willed, as long as he can hold on, I will take him as an apprentice,"

Naruto asked with a little surprise when he heard this, "So Sasuke completed the training plan made by Kai-senpai?"

Kai shook his head when he heard this and said, "Of course not, today I just wanted to test his physical limits, and

I didn't ask him to complete all the training items," "But I didn't expect him to be so stubborn, and he had to complete today's training goals like the other members

," "This is still a little early for him to train like this for the first time

," "I didn't expect him to stick to it and finish it completely,"

"Hehe, that's good." , but I'm sure he'll be able to hold on," Naruto said with a smile.

At this time, Kakashi on the side said, "I want to take him back to take a medicinal bath, so that he can grow faster," the medicinal bath

was prepared by Tsunade, and it is currently only used in the revolutionary army.

The medicated bath can not only remove fatigue, but also slowly change the physical fitness.

Although Sasuke had absorbed Indra's xenomorph aura, most of the energy he absorbed was used to strengthen his eyes, and Indra's xenogenic energy only had the effect of strengthening spiritual power.

There was only a small amount of help with the strengthening of the flesh, perhaps because he and the Asura inherited different things.

At this time, Sasuke's body still had a lot of energy in the seal, and as long as his physical strength kept up, the gap in the gossip seal would become even bigger.

The more energy permeating out, the more spiritual reinforcement he could get.

After saying that, Kakashi flashed out of the training ground with Sasuke in his arms.

Since Sasuke had come to the Revolutionary Army to practice, he didn't have to go home for the time being, and he was staying at the station.

After Kakashi left, Naruto said to Kai, "Then Kai-senpai, let's go," Kai

nodded when he heard this, and Naruto saw that he cast a flying thunder god and led him and Hinata to Konoha.

The place where the three appeared was Konoha's Hokage Rock, and after that, Naruto opened his perception and then found Xiao Li in a forest west of Konoha Village.

Xiao Li, whose full name is Li Lok, is an orphan who is eleven years old at this time, one year away from graduating from ninja school.

At this time, his whole person was very self-pitying, and he was the only one in his class who had not mastered the three-body technique until now.

Every day his ears were filled with a lot of ridicule, distrust, cynicism.

But none of these voices could break him, and he always believed that he could become a great ninja even if he couldn't know ninjutsu or illusion.

Every day after school, he would go back to his empty home, eat a little dinner casually, and then he would come to this forest to practice physical arts.

However, without the guidance of his master, many of his training methods did not work, but harmed him.

For example, at this moment, he is pounding a stake.

From the surface of the stakes, the tree was originally large, nearly two meters thick in diameter.

But at this moment, the place where Li Locke was beaten has been deeply dented.

The grooves left by the blow circled around the stump, and the whole stake looked like an hourglass.

While hitting the stake, Li Locke's mouth kept chanting, "One hundred sixty-one, one hundred sixty-two, one hundred sixty-three, continue, if you can't punch a thousand times, do a thousand push-ups!" While

counting, he hit the stake until he swung his fist four hundred times, he stopped, and this last punch was already his limit.

Ignoring the already bloody fists, he gasped violently, and then immediately lay on the ground and did push-ups, while continuing to say in his mouth, "A thousand push-ups, if you can't do it, jump rope a thousand times, one, two, three, four,,,"

Soon sweat blurred his eyes, his arms began to shake, and his breathing became more and more rapid.

When the third hundredth push-up was done, he couldn't hold on any longer, his hands went soft, and the whole person fell to the ground.

After falling to the ground, he struggled to turn over, raised his right hand to block his eyes, and saw two tears flowing from the corners of his eyes, and whispered in his mouth, "Woo, why?" Why can't I perform ninjutsu? Why can't I spell? I'm so weak in my physical skills, woo-woo, why?"

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