It's just that this murmur didn't last long, and after his chest stopped rising and falling rapidly, and the pain in his arm was not as severe as just now, I saw him wipe his tears and get up from the ground.

Raising his hand to wipe away the tears and sweat from his clothes with his sleeve, he came to the side, picked up a jump rope from the ground, grabbed it in his hand, and began his jump rope training.

"Jump rope a thousand times, if you can't finish it, you will frog jump a thousand times."

There was no exception to jumping rope a thousand times, and he failed, he only jumped more than five hundred times and could no longer hold on.

Gasping, he lowered the jump rope, crouched down with his head in his hands and began the frog jump.

At this time, his physical strength was also close to the limit, and every frog jump did not land firmly on the ground.

On several occasions he fell directly to the ground with his face on the ground, but he did not give up, endured the physical pain in his body, and continued to train.

Fall, get up and continue, tears captivate the eyes, dry continue, can't hold on, foot cramps, stand up, rub it, continue after recovery.

His performance has always been watched by the Naruto trio in the distance.

From the moment he cried when he failed to do push-ups, Kai's expression became extremely serious.

Naruto and Hinata also watched seriously from the sidelines, and did not disturb loudly.

At this time, Naruto and Hinata on the side heard Kai's whisper, only listening to him say, "Genius, in my eyes, this is a real genius

," Naruto nodded when he heard this, and Hinata on the side also spoke, "He's very good, I can't do this kind of training

," Kai also said, "When I was the same age as him, I couldn't do the training he has now," "

And it's still under the premise of no one teaching him."

At the beginning, he was also a student who was not good at ninjutsu and illusion, but at that time he could do physical arts, and his physical skills were taught by

his father Materday, so he saved a lot of detours

, and when he was the same age as the teenager in the distance, his father Materday was still there, and at that time his father was just a shinobi, a ninja who had been a shinobi in Konoha for decades.

Every day his father did coolies, looking for cats, weeding, picking up garbage, and so on, and

the other ninjas in Konoha would laugh at him at that time, and his father did not care about this, but just gave him a thumbs up and said, "Kai, this is the real youth," at that time

, he was also full of complaints against his father, thinking that his father was too cowardly.

Until the Great Ninja War, his father taught him the already perfected Yamon Dun Jia and showed his true strength in front of everyone in order to cover their retreat, as well as the words left behind.

He really understood why his father did that.

It was only after his father's death that he really woke up and began to cultivate desperately, when he was fourteen years old.

The teenager in front of him has not yet worn a brace, which means that he is still a student in the school, but at this moment he has done what he did when he was fourteen years old, which shows that this teenager is better than him!

As a true physical arts master, he could naturally see that Li Luo's physical cultivation had not been guided.

Because his method of exerting force when shaking his fist is wrong

, this mistake will leave a dark injury on the body, which is fine if it is dealt with in time, but if left alone, this dark injury will not only affect the improvement of strength, but also make him very painful after middle age.

Naruto looked at Li Lok, who was still training, and asked Kai, "Senior Kai, are you satisfied with this disciple?"

Kai nodded when he heard this, and then said, "Very satisfied, but, what is the situation in his family?" "

As far as I know, he's an orphan, so if Kai-senpai wants to take him as an apprentice, let him live in Hope City in the future if he wants," Naruto began.

Kai nodded when he heard this, and at this moment, Li Locke, who was pulling the horizontal bar, fell from above because of his lack of physical strength.

Underneath him was a sharp wooden stake that had been erected and was about to fall on the stake to see it, and Naruto suddenly appeared where they were fighting, and a pit was full of cracks.

And Kai, who was standing here just now, has disappeared.

When Kai's figure appeared, he had already come to the bottom of the horizontal bar and caught Li Locke, who fell from above.

Just when he saw Li Rock fall, Kai instantly opened the first four doors of the eight-door Dun Jia.

At a speed that neither Naruto nor Hinata's eyes could keep up, he directly dodged over there, and after catching Li Lok, Kai closed the Hachimen Dun Jia.

Li Locke, who originally felt bad, felt that he was being hugged, and then opened his eyes.

At this time, he saw clearly that he was held in his arms, and he saw that this person looked at him with a look of approval, and his eyes revealed concern.

"That, senior, thank you," Li Rock said.

Seeing him open his eyes, Kai asked softly, "How is it?" Can you still stand firm?

Li Locke nodded when he heard this, and then Kai gently placed him on the ground.

After standing firm, Li Luo opened his mouth again and asked, "Senior, I don't seem to have seen you, are you?"

Kai grinned when he heard this, and then said, "My name is Matt Kai, you should not know," "

But I want to take you as an apprentice, I don't know if you want to?"

Li Luo was stunned when he heard this, his mind was blank at this time, he would never have thought that one day someone would suddenly say that he would take him as an apprentice

, because in the mouth of his classmates, he was a crane tail, an idiot, even the teacher of the ninja school did not treat him like he was to other students.

Looking at Li Locke, who was stunned, Kai frowned, and then said, "Are you because you don't believe in my strength?" Then you're good to go!

After saying that, Kai turned around, the spiritual energy in his body ran, and the extreme body was instantly activated, and the violent spiritual energy converged towards the legs,

"Rigid whirlwind!"

As the words fell, Kai jumped forward and stepped heavily on the ground.

Then there was a loud bang, rubble splashed, and a large pit suddenly appeared on the ground, and the pit was covered with cracks like spider webs.

Seeing this blow, Li Locke was even more shocked, his eyes were round, his mouth was slightly open, and he didn't say anything for a long time.

Seeing his appearance, Kai thought that the power of the exertion was too small, so he failed to attract him.

I saw that he instantly began the first six doors of the eight doors of Dun Jia, and under the blessing of the extreme body, a dark green aura flame formed around his body at this time.

As the aura rose, his body began to emit a strong energy impact, and Li Luo, who was standing not far from him, was shaken by the energy impact.

Seeing this, Naruto in the distance slapped his forehead and said, "Not good!"

Then he flashed to the stunned Li Lock, pulled him outward, and returned to the place where he had just stood.

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