But this was not a problem for Naruto, but he saw that he swept and clearly "saw" the shadows around Indra.

Although the Tomb of Wheels has a time limit and will return to the main body after a certain period of activity, Naruto does not want to wait.

He wanted to try what kind of changes would happen to the body of using the Wheel Tomb after violently breaking the shadow.

At this thought, Naruto instantly activated the Spirit Absorbing Battle Body, and the Desolate Halberd Technique was continuously cast by Naruto, and one after another energy shocks swept towards Indra.

From time to time, Naruto also dodged over, came to Indra's side, and cast the last form of the Mad Demon's leg, short air, and kicked at the latter.

In Naruto's perception, the shadows beside Indra were also trembling at this time, and they were about to be shattered.

With a smile, Naruto dodged back, and at the same time a black-purple spiral pill quickly condensed in the palm of his hand.

As soon as this spiral pill appeared, it set off a violent turbulence around it.

"Big Spiral Wheel!"

Naruto threw the large spiral wheel directly at Indra, and then quickly retreated.

Indra also saw the large spiral chakra flying towards him at this time, feeling the violent energy fluctuations coming from above, and he couldn't help but want to dodge.

But at this time, the shadows were still blocking the attack Naruto had just made.

By the time those shocks dissipated, the Great Spiral Wheel Yu had already flown in front of Indra.

At this time, Indra was trying to retract the shadow, and it was too late to dodge, and the large spiral wheel had already hit the shadow.

A blinding white glow flashed, and the large spiral wheel quickly exploded, and the various attribute energies inside were constantly vented around.

After a violent explosion and the blinding white light dissipated, Naruto looked towards the center of the explosion.

I saw a black ball appear there, but at this time the black ball was already incomplete, and Indra inside was also in pain at this time.

In the Great Spiral Wheel just now, Naruto added spiritual power, and while the Seeker Jade Shield was exploded, Indra was also impacted by spiritual power, speaking

of which the Spiral Pill technique can be said to be a divine skill.

No matter what power is added to it, and every energy, attribute, and attack mode of the spiral pill will change after being added inside

, without giving Indra time to recover again, Naruto condensed two soul sealing needles in the palm of his hand, and then flashed

to Indra, pierced the soul sealing needle from the top of his head, and then Indra convulsed and fell to the ground.

Wrapped in spiritual power, Naruto led him to the water gate and Jiraiya.

"Although he can use most of his power, he is still a lot worse than when he was alive," Naruto said.

Jiraiya nodded when he heard this, and then said, "This may have something to do with his inability to synthesize Chakra on his own,"

In Asuras's memory, Jiraiya had also seen Indra's power when he fought.

But when he fought Indra just now, he found that he was much worse than he remembered, whether it was reaction, speed, strength.

Naruto smiled and then said, "Then leave this alone, let me see what is in his head first,"

After speaking, Naruto raised his hand and placed it on Indra's forehead floating in the air, closed his eyes, and began to search for souls.

A moment later, Naruto opened his eyes with an ugly face, lowered the hand placed on Indra's forehead, clenched his fists and said, "I really didn't expect it to be because of this,"

Looking at Naruto with a scowl on his face, Jiraiya quickly asked, "What happened?" "

Indra had in mind what he had done in the underworld for the thousand years since Otsuki's death, and the layout of their Shinobi sect over the years," Naruto said coldly.

When the words fell, Naruto raised his hand to cast an imaging technique, and saw a picture suddenly appear in the air.

At this time, the Nine Lamas in the sealed space did not say hello, and directly condensed an avatar in the outside world, and then the target looked at the picture played in the video technique grimly.


thousands of years ago, Kaguya fell in love

with the son of the king of Zu and gave birth to an heir, and the son of the king of the ancestor betrayed Kaguya under political pressure, and Kaguya was disappointed and went to the side of the sacred tree to devour the fruit, gaining great power and becoming one with the sacred tree.

Kaguya, who launched the Infinite Moon Reading to turn the sons and people of Zu into offerings of the divine tree, washed away the memories of some people and put them back in order to avoid the extinction of mankind, and

calmed the disputes between the earthlings, was called "Goddess of the Zoku" by humans. Kaguya later gave birth to Haji and Hamura, whose eldest son, Haji, was a six-path immortal praised by ninjas.

Due to the reason why the fruit of the Divine Tree only bears fruit once in a thousand years, the high-level of Otsuki did not notice Kaguya's betrayal.

However, thousands of years later, Kaguya still did not hand over the fruit of the divine tree to the high-level of Otsuki according to the prescribed time, and also interrupted the Chakra, which was supposed to be provided to the high-level of Otsuki.

Therefore, the high-level of Otsuki sent Momo-Shiki, Jin-Shiki, and Ura-Shi to Earth together to find Kaguya's whereabouts.

Since Kaguya secretly ate the fruit of the Divine Tree, she was afraid that

the high-level of Otsuki would send someone to Earth to find her, so she asked people to "worship" the sacred tree every once in a while, so that the sacred tree could absorb people's spirits, so as to create a large number of living weapons to deal with the peach, gold, and pu-style sent by the high-level of Otsuki.

Soon after, Haji, who discovered the truth, opposed the practice of worshiping

the sacred tree, and Haji and Hamura repeatedly asked Kaguya to stop the worship of the sacred tree in order to protect humans, Kaguya was very disappointed to see that his children could not understand his painstaking efforts, and planned to take back the Chakra scattered to the two children.

Then, Haji and Hamura fight their mother Kaguya with a fairy tin staff.

Kamiki turned into the Ten Tails in order to protect Kaguya, and the battle between the three lasted for months

, this battle brought great disaster to the world, and in the end, Haji and Hamura's power surpassed Kaguya, and the two used the power of Yin and Yang to seal their mother using the Earth Explosion Star

, and the stones on the earth flew into the air and wrapped Kaguya into a spherical stone, and then flew to a height unmatched, forming the moon

At the same time, Haji secretly seals the ten-tailed empty shell (outer path golem) that has lost its power on the moon, after which Haji lifts the infinite moon reading, so that the people who are wrapped in the divine tree can be freed.

Afterwards, Otsuki Hakai thought that the Ten Tails with the huge Chakra would bring disaster to the world, so he absorbed the Ten Tails Chakra into his body

, and in order to guard the Golem of the Outer Way, Hamura led some of the Otuki clan to live on the moon. Since then, the Six Dao Immortals have become the founding ancestors of the Earth Ninja.

But from his mother's big tube of wooden feathers, he saw the strength of the Outer Heaven clan.

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