After the establishment of the Ninja Sect, Otsuki Haki has been thinking of ways to fight against the Otsuki clan.

But after establishing the Ninja Sect for a period of time, it was determined that with the power of the Ninja Realm, no matter how much they practiced, it was impossible to fight against the Otsuki clan

, this clan has existed for an unknown amount of time, and it is not for nothing that they call themselves a god race.

The people of the Datumu clan never practiced, and the way for them to improve their strength was to eat the Divine Tree Fruit, so that their life level could be strengthened, and the Divine Tree Fruit

grew out by absorbing the essence of countless people.

Not to mention the others, just eating a fruit Kaguya has already made them helpless,

what if it is those high-ranking people of the Great Tube Wood Clan who have lived for countless years and devoured a lot of Divine Tree Fruit?

So Otsuki Yue made a decision, a very cowardly decision.

Although at that time, he was sure that no one could cultivate to break the restrictions of the ninja realm and go to the outer heavens,

but what about later? He really wasn't sure about that.

In order to prevent someone from rushing out of the ninja world and being discovered by the Otsuki clan, Otsuki Yue cut off the possibility of ninja world cultivation.

Destroy all the original cultivation methods and develop a new cultivation system, the Chakra system.

Chakra requires the fusion of physical cell power and spiritual power, and in the process of continuous cultivation, it will slowly reduce the cultivator's qualifications.

Moreover, it can also cause the cultivator to continuously consume life force.

Originally, it was reasonable to say that the more cultivators cultivated, the stronger they became, and their life levels would continue to evolve.

But ninjas are different, although cultivating Chakra will also increase strength, but this strength is indeed exchanged for vitality and qualifications.

In this way, Otsuki Yue cut off the path of cultivation of people in the ninja world.

At that time, under the powerful prestige of the Ninja Sect, the Chakra system was quickly spread.

In addition, Otsuki Yue was originally the son of the god who protected the ninja world, so people did not doubt whether there was a problem with this cultivation method.

As time passed, after Otsuki Hakai determined that only the Chakra system was practiced in the ninja world, he decided to take the next step.

From Kaguya's mouth, he learned that there are two "gods" in the ninja world, one is the god of death and the other is the evil god.

The evil god's trail is erratic, but the god of death is in the underworld, he controls the entire underworld

, and from his mother, Otsuki Yue also learned that this so-called god of death is also a member of the Otsuki clan.

It's just that he doesn't know when he came to the ninja world, and he doesn't know how he became the Shinobi Shinigami.

After thinking about it again, Otsuki Hakai decided to go to the underworld to find out the truth, and if he could, he hoped to use the power of the Shinigami to fight against the Otuki clan who would attack the ninja world in the future.

Since then, Otsuki Hakai has been constantly calculating what will happen to the ninja world after he goes to the underworld.

In the end, he came to the conclusion that as long as he died, the Ninja Sect would slowly wither away, and the Ninja Realm would return to a state of chaos.

In this regard, Otsuki Hakai does not intend to correct, or prevent, or chaos, so that people in the ninja world will focus on the civil war, and

no one will look for and study the truth of this world.

Later, Otsuki meets Toad Maru of Myoki Mountain, also known as the Toad Immortal, and

he gets a prophecy from the Toad Immortal that in the future of the Ninja World there will be a blue-eyed boy calling the names of the nine beasts, and he will bring a new change to the Ninja World.

Hearing this prophecy, Otsuki Hakai thought twice, and then asked Toad Pill if this person could break the restrictions of

the ninja world, and Toad Maru shook his head after sleeping and felt a new prophecy and answered him, the changes brought by this person were limited to the ninja world.

Compared to the big tube of wood feather, he also blocked his mind, he has found a way to go to the underworld.

As the possessor of the bloodline of the Great Tumu clan, his lifespan itself is extremely long, coupled with the blessing of the immortal body and the ten tails, which makes it very difficult for him to die.

At that time, he also knew that if he died, it would be difficult to find an existence in the ninja world that could suppress the complete body of the ten tails.

So he made a decision to separate the power of the Ten Tails to form new lifeforms, and use these lifeforms as a backhand to limit the people in the ninja world.

It didn't take long for him to set up the altar and pull out the ten tails in his body.

Using the magical creation and creation power of yin and yang, he divided the ten tails into nine parts, each of which inherited the different powers

of the ten tails, and as the nine lamas who inherited yin and yang, the big tube wood feather gave him half of the energy of the ten tails.

When creating the Nine Tailed Beasts, Otsuki Yue also discovered that they all possessed wisdom.

So he left a command in the subconscious of the nine tailed beasts - as long as someone in the ninja world tries to break the restrictions of the ninja world in the future, then the nine tailed beasts can be reintegrated by the strongest nine lamas and stopped it.

Of course, this command only exists in the subconscious of the tailed beasts, usually it does not appear, the tailed beasts do not notice, only when they encounter that situation, this subconscious will launch autonomously, after the tailed beasts

have formed and become independent individuals, the big tube wood feather named them one by one, and told them the prophecy of the toad pill.


not long after, the big tube wood feather resigned, and his soul was also dragged by

the underworld to the underworld, after the death of the big tube wood feather, the nine tailed beasts slowly grew up, and then they each found a favorite place to live,

waiting for the person in the mouth of the big tube wood feather.

After opening the Underworld, it took a lot of time to master the power system of the Underworld.

This is a completely different power system from the ninja world, and after a lot of development, he finally developed a new ability of the eye of reincarnation, the six paths.

After many years of cultivation, the power of Otsuki Haji has returned to the strength of the ninja world.

Then he searched for the Shinigami in the ninja world.

In the end, he found the Shinigami and determined that the Shinigami was a member of the Otsuki clan.

And as soon as the Shinigami saw him, he immediately attacked him, at that time the Shinigami was still the lord of the underworld, and even if Otsuki Hakai recovered his strength in the ninja world, there was still a big gap compared to him.

The first time they met, the two sides clashed, and the defeat of Otsuki Yue ended in a rout.

After fleeing, Datu Mu Yue was cultivating while looking for the weakness of

the God of Death, and under the long-term cultivation lurking, the Big Tube Mu Yue finally seized the opportunity for the God of Death to sacrifice the Hades Seal, snatched the Hades Seal, and injured the God of Death.

While injuring the Shinigami, Otsuki Hakai also got some information from the soul of the Shinigami.

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