Then Naruto said to them again, "I will slowly find a way to release you from your respective human pillar power bodies, but it will take time, so please wait a little longer"

After listening to it, the tailed beasts all said that it was no problem, they had been sealed for so long, and they didn't care about waiting.

Although Naruto could pull Jiraiya to find all the human pillars and violently lift the seal, he didn't want to do it.

Renzhuli are all poor people, this Naruto knows very well that if the seal is violently unsealed and released the tailed beast, Renzhuli will die, this is not only him, Isofu, Shigemei, and Ox Ghost does not want to do this.

Because they have a very good relationship with Renzhuli, they are not willing to sacrifice their lives for freedom.

Naruto hoped that he could find a way to release the tailed beast that would not affect the human pillar power, but it would take a long time, plus he would have more and more things in the future, so he could only let the tailed beasts wait patiently.

And the tailed beasts knew about Naruto's situation, so they all understood him and told him that it didn't matter, they were not in a hurry.

Then Naruto didn't say anything else, but pulled the tailed beast to chat, talking about the tailed beast's previous life and talking about their interesting things.

This made Naruto gain a lot, and through the tailed beasts' mutual demolition, he knew a lot about the tailed beasts when they were children.

For example, when he was a child, the Nine Lamas stole Sun Wukong's bananas and wanted to blame Chongming and let the two of them fight.

But after being snitched by Shouhe, he fought with Sun Wukong, Chongming, and Shouhe.

For example, the cow ghost liked to sing when he was a child, but unfortunately he did not have this talent, so he hid and sang to himself every time.

There is also Isofu, although he looks fierce, he is the most gentle existence among them and likes to play with children the most.

He also has a very small voice and is very naïve, but he likes to pretend to be mature.

And the rhinoceros and King Mu liked to go over the house,,,,

etc., and Naruto had been listening to them tear each other down, occasionally interjecting, just like time flew away in a happy whisper.

Seeing that Naruto was almost talking, Naruto stood up, bowed down to the tailed beasts, and then said, "I want to ask everyone to help me", the tailed beasts

saw this and said that they did not need to do this, even if Naruto did not say, they had already made a decision.

Then all the tailed beasts stretched out their right paws and folded them together, and seeing this, Naruto smiled and raised his hand and touched their folded claws.

Then a part of the chakra in the body of each tailed beast converged towards Naruto, and flames ignited on the eight tails behind the Nine Lamas.

These flames are different in color, and each flame represents the ability of its respective tailed beast.

This also means that the future Nine Lamas or Naruto can exert all the abilities of other tailed beasts.

After doing this, Naruto said to the Nine Lamas, "Nine Lamas, leave the Beast King

to them," and then turned to the other tailed beasts and said, "The exercises given to you by the Nine Lamas, you practice well, this can make you stronger, but you must hide your people's strength, and you can't let them know." "

The Beast King Technique is the most powerful demon cultivation technique in Naruto's memory, and it is an attributeless exercise. So other tailed beasts can also learn.

The tailed beasts all nodded after hearing this, indicating that there was no problem, when the Nine Lamas contacted them, they saw the changes in the Nine Lamas, and learned about the existence of the exercises from the mouth of the Nine Lamas, but at that time they did not ask the Nine Lamas, after all, they all had their own proportions.

And although the Nine Lamas usually like to bully other tailed beasts, but that is only a way for him to express his attachment to other tailed beasts, he also wants to teach them the exercises, after Naruto finished speaking, his mind moved, and the cultivation method of the beast king decided appeared in the minds of the major tailed beasts.

At this point, all the things that need to be discussed with the tailed beasts are over, Naruto is also ready to leave the mind space, after saying goodbye to each other, Naruto's voice sounded in his head: "Naruto, thank you, the Nine Lamas are usually very lonely, we all know this, I hope you have always treated him like this

" "Don't worry, he is a partner connected to my life" Naruto transmitted to the bull ghost.

After hearing this, the cow ghost smiled and ran to the Nine Lamas, spitting a large wad of ink on the Nine Lamas' face, taking advantage of the Nine Lamas' lack of reaction, and then disappeared with laughter.

Seeing this, the other tailed beasts also smiled and left the mind space. The Nine Lamas suddenly let out a roar at this time, "Damn the cow ghost, you wait, if I don't beat you up hard in the future, I won't call the Nine Lama"

Although it sounded very angry, Naruto saw the reluctance in the eyes of the Nine Lamas, so he quickly stepped forward to comfort him.

It took a lot of effort for Naruto to finally coax the Nine Lamas and said that he would accompany him to beat the bull ghost in the future.

Then the two also returned to the sealed space, and after returning, Naruto did not continue to stay in the sealed space, and left after talking to them.

Consciousness returned, Naruto opened his eyes, saw that it was already late, and quickly cast the Flying Thunder God to come to the vicinity of the Uchiha clan.

In the mind space, Naruto gained the power of all the tailed beasts, among which Nanao Shigeaki has a special ability - stealth.

Coming to the place where the Flying Thunder God mark was left last time, Naruto asked the Nine Lamas to cooperate and use the stealth ability.

After absorbing the Chakra of the other tailed beasts, the Nine Lamas quickly turned it into Reiki, at which time the Nine Lamas transmitted the characteristics used by Reiki stealth to Naruto.

As the aura with stealth properties entered Naruto's body, he immediately transported it throughout his body.

Slowly Naruto's figure disappeared in place, of course, this was only the disappearance of the naked eye and perception.

Then Naruto came to the gate of the Uchiha clan, and saw that there were guards at the door, and after he couldn't get in, he circled around.

Soon he found a wall, and after sensing that there was nothing special inside, Naruto jumped in.

He then walked towards the center of the clan, where he encountered some patrolling Uchiha ninjas, but none of them found him.

Finally, Naruto came to the center of the Uchiha clan, which was the residence of Uchiha Fugaku, the patriarch of the Uchiha clan.

After finding it, Naruto left a flying thunder mark at the door, and then wandered around the Uchiha clan.

Naruto, who was wandering around inside, came to a place that resembled a council chamber and heard a commotion coming from inside, so he walked over and lay down outside to listen.

The elder of the Uchiha clan in the council hall was saying to Uchiha Fugaku: "At present, the suppression of the clan by the disciples of the village is becoming more and more serious, and most of the people in the clan have the idea of rebellion, of course, I support this idea, I don't know what the patriarch means?" "

Uchiha Fugaku is a person who looks majestic and makes people not look angry and self-threatening, at this time, hearing the words of the Great Elder, he said with a slight chill: "The village has done too much, I think my Uchiha clan is a family that existed at the beginning of Konoha's creation, the reason why Konoha was able to establish success, our clan has made a lot of efforts, what about them?" Unexpectedly drove us to this remote place, and the clansmen who will serve in Konoha's various institutions have been withdrawn, this is obviously bullying our clan, so I think it's

time" The Great Elder laughed after hearing this, "It's long overdue, overturn the reign of the ape flying sun, when the time comes, the patriarch will be the Hokage, and besides, this Hokage position should have been the patriarch a long time

ago" Then the Uchiha clansmen standing below all echoed, and again Uchiha Fugaku looked at the Uchiha Itachi beside him and said, "Itachi, Haven't you thought it through? "

When Uchiha decided to rebel, Uchiha Itachi had become a ninja and showed super talent, so Uchiha Fugaku would take him with him when the Five Middle Clans were deliberating.

But when he first attended the meeting and learned that the Uchiha clan was preparing to rebel, Uchiha Itachi kept stopping it, hoping that the village and the clan would find a way to resolve the conflict.

This also made Uchiha Fugaku wonder if it was right for him to join the Dark Ministry.

At first, Uchiha was allowed to join the Dark Department so that he could get better training and make good use of his talents, and later when he planned to rebel, he thought that he could pass on information about the village to the family.

However, what Uchiha Fugaku did not expect was that after joining the Dark Division, Uchiha Itachi inherited the so-called will of fire and always felt that the village was above the family.

Not only does he not tell his family what he knows, but he has been organizing his family.

Uchiha Itachi next to him lowered his head after hearing this and said, "Father, I still need to think about it, I really hope that the family can benefit by peaceful means, not through rebellion

" After Shimura Danzo left the conference room, he found Uchiha Itachi, informed him of the village's decision, and threatened him with his younger brother Uchiha Sasuke "If you carry out this plan, you can leave your brother alive, otherwise" heard Shimura Danzo

threaten with his own brother, Uchiha immediately agreed to carry out this task himself, otherwise his younger brother might not be able to stay.

At this time, he was still making the last struggle, and he still hoped that the family could give up the rebellion, so that he could go to the third generation and give up the Uchiha extermination plan.

But now it seems that this struggle is powerless, and after seeing that the people of his clan are filled with righteous indignation, he gave up, but his heart could not help but be very painful.

Thinking that in a few days these people would be killed by himself, he couldn't help but close his eyes and shed tears.

At this moment, his chakra eyes suddenly opened on their own, and the three goujade quickly rotated and connected to form a windmill-like three-page windmill, with a circular pattern in the middle.

Under intense grief, he awakened the kaleidoscope of chakra eyes.

Uchiha Fugaku, who had been watching Uchiha Itachi, after seeing his son's eyes evolve into kaleidoscopic chakra eyes like his own, said to Uchiha Itachi in a serious tone, "Itachi, I hope you can make a real decision and don't waste your good talent."

Uchiha was still in tears at this time, and did not make a sound, but just nodded.

Seeing this, Uchiha Fugaku asked everyone to disband, and he also walked outside, leaving only Itachi alone in the council hall.

At this time, the ferret now looked at the clansmen who left one by one, and sighed several times in his heart.

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