Naruto saw that the people of the Uchiha clan had left, and he heard everything that should have been heard, and he no longer stayed, and then turned and went out.

When Naruto was stealthy eavesdropping just now, he sensed that there was another person in the nearby void.

That's when Naruto learned his identity, and his father's disciple, Uchiha Obito.

Uchiha with soil, should be regarded as the most emotional fluctuations in the Uchiha family, and it is also the strongest existence of the Sharingan.

During the Three World War period, he was divided into logistics teams and also went to the battlefield, and when he was caught in the line of duty, Obito rushed into the enemy's position to rescue the captured Harano Rin despite Kakashi's objections, due to Uchiha's impulse to take the soil, he underestimated the risks around him, and just when the gangsters were almost attacked, Kakashi appeared in time to free Uchiha Obito. However, the strength of the enemy should not be underestimated, and Uchiha Obito's negligence again caused Kakashi to lose his left eye, and seeing this, Uchiha Obito had violent mood swings, and instantly opened the double-hooked jade chakra eye.

Opening the eyes is double-hook jade, which is a unique existence in the history of the Uchiha family, and even the strongest Uchiha is only double-hook jade when it opens its eyes.

After opening his eyes, he killed the ninja who injured Kakashi.

This incident was also seen by Jue, who was investigating the news on the battlefield at that time, and then told Uchiha through a special method.

The two then team up to rescue Rin from the cave. At this time, the enemy collapsed the cave with earth outside, and when the three escaped, Kakashi failed to avoid a rock due to a dead end in his left eye, and Uchiha pushed him away with soil, but he was suppressed, and his life was in a state of dying.

Before dying, he asked Rin Harano to transplant himself to Kakashi as a gift to congratulate him on becoming Shinobu, and after letting Kakashi protect Rin Harano, the three said goodbye, and later Uchiha Obito was recognized as dead, and his name was engraved on Konoha's memorial tablet.

After Kakashi leaves with Rin Harano, Jeo appears, and he brings Obito to the rescue to Uchiha Madara.

Uchiha used the cells between the thousand hand pillars to save Uchiha Obito's life and shape half of his body crushed by the boulder.

Looking at Uchiha Obito in front of him, Uchiha made a series of plans against him.

Later, Rin Harano was placed a spell on the heart by Uchiha Madara and implanted in his body to plan to destroy Konoha, because the charm could not make herself hurt herself, Rin voluntarily chose to die under Kakashi's Rachel in order to protect Konoha from destruction.

And this scene happened to be seen by Uchiha Obito, who was absolutely brought out, and he collapsed, and many spikes grew on his right body shaped with cells between the thousand hand pillars.

The two goujade in the scarlet eyes turned wildly, and finally directly stepped over the three goujade, evolving into a kaleidoscope writing wheel eye.

When the Kaleidoscope Sharingan appeared, he awakened the Void ability, and using this ability and the inadvertent use of Mu Duan, he killed all the Mist Ninjas around him.

At the end of the kill, he fainted due to the overuse of pupil power, and then took him back to Uchiha.

Then he stayed with Uchiha, and Uchiha began to brainwash him like crazy until Uchiha Obito was completely blackened.

After Uchiha's death, Uchiha Obito has been following the plan he made during his lifetime.

This time he came back because he had found out about Konoha's current situation, and he decided to come back and collect some Sharingan.

Sharingan possesses an ultimate pupil technique called Izanagi.

The function is to record the caster's own state with the Sharingan at the moment of activation, and then within the effective time of the spell (the effective time is different for each person), any damage suffered by the caster, even the death of the caster, can be physically restored to the state recorded by the Sharingan (but the Chakra consumed by the caster will not be restored, and the integrity of the eye using the technique is not counted). The price is that the eye that uses Izanagi will permanently lose its light.

That is to say, for every chakra eye you have, you have one more life.

Naruto in stealth resisted the urge to go up and kick him to death and turned away. , because after Watergate and Kushina learned what Uchiha had done with Obito, they told Naruto that Uchiha Obito would be in charge of them.

As for what they planned to do, Naruto didn't ask, but since they all promised them, let's leave him alone for the time being.

After leaving the Uchiha clan, Naruto came to the root base camp, and he left a mark in the passage after he and Jiraiya broke in last time, so when he cast the Flying Thunder God, he came directly to the passage.

The stealth continued, and Naruto walked in, while Shimura Danzo was sitting on his throne, looking down and muttering something.

After making sure that he was not discovered, Naruto moved a little closer, and he heard Shimura Danzo say "Hinata, you forced me, don't worry, I will succeed the Hokage after you die, and then I will slowly erase the evidence that you once existed, I am the strongest Hokage" Naruto

shook his head speechlessly after hearing this, and then left a mark on the back of his seat and left.

Although Tuanzo felt that something behind him suddenly disappeared, he turned his head to see that there was nothing, and then only regarded it as an illusion, shook his head and continued to dream his sweet dream.

After going to these two places, Naruto went home, the original plan was basically completed, and the rest could be done tomorrow.

Early the next morning, with a knock on the door, Naruto finished his cultivation, walked out and opened the door, only to see Jiraiya standing in the doorway drunk.

Pinching his nose, Naruto said with a look of disgust, "Lustful immortal, you are about to become the appearance of the middle-aged uncle before"

Of course, this is just Naruto saying this, after practicing the exercises, Jiraiya's body has always maintained its peak state, and the fragrance left by his body after cultivating the Ten Thousand Souls Immortal Technique has also been retained.

Now it's just covered by the smell of alcohol, and the smell of alcohol will dissipate after he takes a shower.

"Oh, occasionally, occasionally indulge, it's okay, I'll have a number," Jiraiya said with a big grin.

Then Naruto pulled away and let Jiraiya walk in, then closed the door.

After Jiraiya came in, Naruto let him take a shower, and then let him lie on the bed to rest, and he himself had to go out on an errand.

Just like last night, Naruto used his stealth to go to Sarutobi Hinata, go to Koharu, Mito Monyan's house, leave a mark in the living room and bedroom of several of them, and then return home.

After returning home, he saw that Jiraiya was sleeping soundly, and Naruto did not disturb him, sat next to him, and found martial arts in his memory.

"Broken Stick", "Desperate Knife", "Killing Sword", "Dead Leaf Palm

",,,,, Finally, Naruto found a claw method called "Flying Soul Claw", and a secret technique called "Violent Qi".

The flying soul claw was for the Nine Lamas, and the last time he let the Nine Lamas come out to fight, Naruto saw that his attack method was only pure power output except for the tailed beast jade crushing, and the magic fight was disorderly.

If you encounter someone whose strength is not as strong as him, you can crush it directly, if you encounter someone stronger than him, then there is no way, you can only slowly boil through a huge amount of aura.

So Naruto decided to find him a book of exercises to increase his fighting skills.

Hearing the name, the Flying Soul Claw knows that this martial art can hurt the soul, and the soul is driven by the aura to cast the Flying Soul Claw, which can not only cause damage to the body, but also directly hurt the soul.

As for "Violent Qi", although it is a secret technique, it does not have any amplification effect.

If you have to say it, this is just a book of exercises to pretend. ❌

After casting violent qi, you can convert Aura into coercion, and the more and stronger the Aura is, the stronger the coercion.

As for why Naruto wanted to learn this secret art, of course, it was because he was handsome.

There is a picture in his memory, a thousand hands raised a finger and then a strong coercion erupted from his body, and the weak person would be directly pressed and unable to move.

After seeing this picture, Naruto has always wanted to learn this, and taking advantage of the time today, Naruto wants to find out if there is such a technique in his memory.

Sure enough, the emperor did not pay off, and Naruto, who had been looking for a long time, finally found this violent secret art.

Then Naruto went to the sealing space, immediately rushed to the Nine Lamas who was fighting the landlord, pointed his finger at his eyebrows, handed over the exercises to him and said a good cultivation, and then ignored the dull gazes of the two and left the sealed space.

After returning to consciousness, Naruto immediately began to check the cultivation method of violent qi.

Since Storm Qi didn't have any amplification ability, it was not complicated to learn, and Naruto soon learned it.

After learning it, Naruto immediately wanted to try it, and as for the object, of course, it was Jiraiya, who was huffing and sleeping.

I saw Naruto wrap his hands around him, and then a burst of coercion visible to the naked eye erupted in his body, and then controlled the coercion to press towards Jiraiya.

Since it was on the second floor, Naruto was extremely controlled not to let the coercion touch the floor, although no one lived downstairs, but this was also a home that had been living for so many years, Naruto did not want to destroy it.

As soon as the coercion came into contact with Zi Laiye, he saw a burst of fiery red aura suddenly erupt from his body, and then Zi Lai also suddenly jumped up and came to his senses.

Naruto jerked back when the aura appeared on Jiraiya's body, and only then did he remember that the aura in his body would actively protect his body.

The asleep Zilai did not control his Aura with consciousness, and when he felt that Jirai was also harmed, the Aura in his body automatically operated and stimulated, helping Jirai to resist the harm.

At this time, Naruto regretted it, and for a moment of excitement he forgot the characteristics of the aura after being refined.

But at the moment, it was too late, Jiraiya's Aura was already as hot as a flame, and there was no consciousness in Jiraiya, and when Jiraiya automatically operated, it also drove a little flame in the cyclone.

Jiraiya jumped up and shouted, "Who??" And

the furniture near him, including the bed under him, as well as the walls, were all destroyed by the aura, and when he saw where he was, and Naruto, who was shivering against the corner, he quickly converged the aura.

Then he opened his mouth and asked Naruto, "Naruto, what's going on?" Jiraiya pointed at Naruto and then at himself.

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