With the integration of Zilaiye's spiritual power, with the small tower as the center, there was a transparent fluctuation, and after the fluctuation, a huge suction force came out from the small tower, and this suction

force was only aimed at

the monster, and other things were not affected by the suction

, and the monster was sucked into the small tower of the soul soldier, and it was

reduced to black beads inside the small tower

, the black bead is decomposed and absorbed by the small tower, so as to strengthen

itself, this is only the soul soldier refined by Zilai itself, one

of the uses of attack, with the absence of the replenishment

of the monster, the body of the ghost has also become extremely irritable, constantly flashing left and right in the air, constantly consuming its soul power at this time

, ,,, far away, At

this time, the water gate has found the underground space where they were before, and there are still a large number of monsters flying out at this time

, and at this time, these monsters seem to have been instructed by the charm,

and they do not see the water gate, and go towards the plain at full speed, and the water gate did not have many waves when they saw this, and flashed directly to the ground, rushing to the direction where the monsters flew out

, and soon, the water gate came to the underground space, where the waterhole is located,

Looking at the monsters that were quickly flying out

of the waterhole, the water gate secretly said "This

is it," said the water gate flashed to the side of the waterhole, carefully observed

, "This and the Yellow Spring swamp outside should be connected, I don't know how many monsters there are below," "

It is not appropriate to search under the waterhole, it is better to seal it first,"

At this point, the

water gate stood up, The two hand seals flew over

, one rune after another flew out from the fingertips

, floating down to

the pool, as the runes became more and more, they were connected to each other, forming an isolation force

, as the last rune fell, a transparent but extremely strong barrier appeared above the pool

, the barrier blocked the monsters in the water,

as the monsters

impactedThe runes above the barrier also flickered

, observing the situation of the enchantment, the water gate muttered in a low voice, "Without the right formation eyes, neither the enchantment nor the special power contained in the formation can be exerted to the extreme

," "Judging from the impact of the monsters at this moment, this enchantment can only block for an hour

," "But that's enough

," "As long as the monsters in the outside world are cleaned up and cut off the endless flow of energy,"

"If you want to take it, it becomes easy,"

and then the water gate turned around, flashed out

, followed the trajectory of the monsters, constantly cleaned

up the monsters, as the monsters were cleaned up, black beads fell into the storage ring

, the water gate soon returned to the location

of the plain, at this time Zilaiye also cleaned up the monsters, and

the enchantment in the field was also the end of the crossbow at this time,

Without the protection of the stone statue shell, the power of the soul is constantly consumed

, at this time

, his size continues to shrink, his body becomes only one size larger than

Naruto, "look" to the return of the water gate, the monsters are also cleaned up

, Naruto smiled, and then slapped his hands

, as long as the back quickly protruded out of the six Vajra chains,

did not see Naruto and any imprint movements

But the Vajra chain is densely covered with runes

, the chain as soon as it appears towards the ghost

, at this time the ghost has completely lost the ability to resist

, can only watch itself wrapped in the chain, and it itself can only be incompetent and furious, constantly howling

, Naruto has no chance, manipulated the chain to bind him to death, including the big mouth was wrapped around the chain a few times

, this time, Wei Mei couldn't even make an angry howl

, so his eyes were gloomy

, staring at Naruto deadly, and when he saw this, he and others flashed to Naruto's side, and

the Nine Lamas also sent their power back to Naruto because of the end of the battle, at this time there was only a small avatar left in the outside world

, three people, six tailed beasts in a circle, and Wei Mei was in the middle of them

, due to the forbidden power that came with the Vajra chain, At this time

, don't say that he used the power of his soul, even if he wanted to move, he couldn't do it

, looking at the ghost who was staring at him, Naruto smiled and said, "Hehe, don't worry, I won't kill

you," "At least not now

," "But well, you have to let me see what you have in your mind that interests me,"

said Naruto squatted down, put his left hand on top of his head, and

raised his right hand slightly, Cast

the small mirror image technique, so that everyone can see the things in Wei Mei's mind together, and the province will have to retell it later

, as Naruto explores the memory of Wei Mei, the small mirror image technique also began to map out what Naruto explored

, at first it was a darkness, nothingness,


I don't know how many years ago, Wei Mei has been living in a void, dark, empty place


is no light, no sound, no other creatures around, some are just the darkness that is silent and does not exist, I

don't know how long it took

, one day the scene in front of the ghost's eyes suddenly changed

, the darkness subsided, there was no longer nothingness around

, the Yellow Spring Realm appeared, but at that time, there were no other creatures that could move in the Yellow Spring Realm except for the ghost, and

it took a long time, Wei Mei found

the Yellow Spring Swamp, the real Yellow Spring Swamp is not Naruto and their cultivation place before

, but the waterhole in the space below where Wei Mei is located, where is the real

Yellow Spring Swamp, and this one on the surface can only be said to be a diversion

of the Yellow Spring Swamp, next to the Yellow Spring Swamp, Wei Mei

got a way to make monsters - throw creatures into the Yellow Spring Swamp, you can create the same species as him,

At the same time, Wei Mei also knew the existence of the ninja world, knew the existence of people, in its inherited memory, people, is the best choice to convert monsters

, after getting this news, Wei Mei looked around for a way to get out of the Yellow Spring

Realm and go to the Ninja World, finally, one day, a whirlpool appeared in front of Wei Mei's body

, and he also knew

in his mind what this whirlpool was - that is, the entrance and exit to the Ninja Realm,

The excited Ninja Mei couldn't wait to rush out of the whirlpool and came to

the ninja world, but the population of the ninja world at that time was not as large as it is now

, and the ninja world at that time was more chaotic

, there were no five major powers, no ninja villages, and even ninjas did not exist

, and Wei Mei saw the existence of the two called villages at that time

, and launched their so-called "war" for a little thing

There was a war of less than two hundred

people, and at that time, because he wanted to transform into the same race as himself as soon as possible

, he didn't look much and rushed directly towards those

people, because the people at that time did not know the theory of cultivation, all that existed were ordinary people

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