Therefore, they naturally have no resistance to Wei Mei's soul

attack, and the physical attack is completely ineffective for

Wei Mei, so, this battle, ending with Wei Mei unharmed and easily taking down this group of

people, looking at the people lying on the ground, Wei Mei smiled heartily

, so it quickly brought these people back to the Yellow Spring Realm,

When he returned to the Yellow Spring Realm, the entrance and exit suddenly lost track

, but he didn't care about this ghost

at that time, at that time, he just wanted to quickly transform into creatures of the same race as himself

, and it used spiritual power to control these

people, bringing them to the place where the underground Yellow Spring swamp was, and then let them jump down one by one

, and jumped into the Yellow Spring swamp with those people,

Monsters flew out from it

, the number of monsters just matched the number of people who jumped into the Yellow Spring swamp

, one is not much, one is not much, looking

at the monsters that look the same as himself, Wei Mei couldn't help grinning

, but soon he found other problems

, that is, these monsters have no consciousness

, in other words, this batch of monsters are only form, and there is no god

This discovery couldn't help but make Wei Mei's extremely joyful emotions cool down extremely quickly

, seeing that the monsters at this time did not meet their expectations

, Wei Mei no longer cared about them

, but wanted to continue to go to the ninja world to catch people to convert, but this time no matter how it searched, the entrance to the ninja world disappeared without a trace

, looking for the ghost that had not been found for a long time, and returned to the underground

began to study that batch of monsters

, with the research, he found that those monsters and it will greatly enhance its strength after fusing

, so, he was interested in converting monsters

again, ,,,

I don't know how long it took, Wei Mei suddenly felt that the entrance and exit to the ninja world opened again

, and following the perceived direction, Wei Mei quickly rushed over

, and the consequences were when he arrived at the place, It saw that choice

again, so he couldn't wait to jump

in, came to the ninja world again, Wei Mei found that the change was not much

, the human strength in the ninja world was still

the same weak, this time it attacked a village and took away five hundred people, and

this under its control, entered the Yellow Spring realm, all transformed into

monsters, this batch of monsters is the same as the first batch, the same unconscious existence

, It's just that this time the ghost is not discouraged, because even if these monsters have no wisdom, they can enhance its strength

, but, unfortunately, when it returns to the Yellow Spring Realm, the entrance and exit disappear again, and I don't know how long it took, the entrance and exit appeared again, and the ghost also came to the Ninja Realm again, took away a group of people, and transformed into monsters


so I don't know how long it took,

Anyway, it has been reincarnated many times

, before that entrance and exit appeared, the monsters in the Yellow Spring Realm had reached tens of thousands

, and the strength of the Yellow Spring Realm had also improved considerably

, causing it to develop a new form, and that was exactly the hydra form it used when fighting with Naruto and his party before

, but at that time, whether it was the power of the soul or the body, it was much worse than now

, and once the passage opened, Sora went to the ninja world again

, this time it was different from before, because he searched around for the human Charm, and from the memory of

this person got a name "Otsuki Kaguya," in which person it controlled, this

Otsuki Kaguya was called "God", at that time Sora was thinking that if Otsuki Kaguya

was transformed into a monster, maybe he could create an existence like it.

So, it set off in the direction where Otsuki

Kaguya was, but this time, it experienced the greatest power since its birth

, if it were not for the critical moment when it decisively gave up a part of the soul origin, in order to escape, maybe it would have stayed in the

ninja world forever, after escaping from the hands of the big tube wood Kaguya, the ghost did not dare to stay in the ninja world too much, but directly returned to the Yellow Spring Realm with the humans who had been controlled by it

,,, after a long

time, the passage was opening, in order to expand the scale of the monster, even if he was afraid of Datuki Kaguya, Wei Mei couldn't help but come to the ninja world

, this time, it got another exciting

news, that is, Otsuki Kaguya was sealed

, after learning this news, Wei Mei was extremely happy and extremely regrettable

Happily, it thinks that there is no longer a threat to its existence in

the ninja world at this time, but unfortunately, at that time, Otsuki Kaguya was the best person to switch

in its mind, even if it is not her opponent now, as long as it keeps transforming monsters, one day, it can defeat Otsuki Kaguya and transform it into its people, thinking

of this, Wei Mei couldn't help but cheer up and

look for suitable humans in the ninja world

Through years of research, he found

that the stronger the physique, the stronger the strength of the human being, the stronger the transformation of the monster to improve it, originally thought that after the Great Tube Muguya was sealed, it has no rival charm in the ninja world

, this time he met the Ninja Sect, at this time the Ninja Sect has already popularized Chakra's cultivation,

and some of them have even mastered the attack methods that can target the soul because of their own special control

It's just that the gap between these people and Datumu Kaguya is too big, and they can't directly crush

the ghost, but the ghost can't hold up the many of them, and in desperation had to choose to flee back to the Yellow Spring Realm

, this time the escape road, it is not just escaping by itself, it also caught a disciple of the

Ninja Sect, and after throwing this Ninja Sect disciple into the Huangquan swamp, the ghost was pleasantly surprised to find that this time the monster transformed by the disciple of the Ninja Sect actually had a trace of consciousness

This discovery made Wei Mei ecstatic, it guessed that it could transform into a conscious monster method

, that is, the people who entered the Yellow Spring Swamp have selected to cultivate and control the existence of Chakra

, but unfortunately, at this time,

the entrance and exit to the outside world disappeared again, and if you want to confirm this conjecture, you can only wait

for the next entrance and exit to appear, so Wei Mei constantly waits for the entrance and exit to open, and after opening, go to the ninja world to search for suitable humans

, As its strength increases, the human strength it brings back is getting stronger and stronger

, and the consciousness of the monsters converted

out is becoming more and more complete, until that day, the entrance and exit appear again, and the charm li can't wait to rush out of the Yellow Spring Realm and come to the Ninja Realm

, this time, it just happened to encounter the Ninja Sect War

, this time it got a very powerful

human, the name of this human is Uchiha Kena,

One of Indra's descendants

, Uchiha China and other humans, returned to the Yellow Springs Realm and threw all these humans into the Yellow Springs Swamp

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