After a pause, Jiraiya continued, "Then let's do this today, I'll go to refine

Ku Wu later," "The Water Gate side is still according to the original plan, go to the Land of Ghosts first, and find the location of the alien space where the ghost is located," "

Naruto will go with me later, after refining Ku Wu, after marking the mark, contact the team that is performing the mission outside, and send Ku Wu to them."

Naruto and Watergate both nodded when they heard this, indicating that

there was no problem, and then the three of them left the office and set off towards their respective destinations

, and Jiraiya also took Naruto to the refining room

, at this time, there were no longer only those two apprentices, but a few more people were added

, and Hikoichi, Shingo, who was an apprentice before, is now out of the apprentice stage, and

now the newly recruited apprentices are all they are taking

The general supply of weapons in Hope City was handed over

to them, and everyone saw Jiraiya and Naruto coming, and greeted them one after

another, and after Jiraiya nodded in response, he took Naruto into his exclusive refining room

, which was still the same arrangement as before

, the only thing that changed was that the shelves here were now filled with various refined metals

, and Jiraiya also came to the shelves and took some Chakra conductive metal,

He took some more Jin Yao steel

, and then came to the refining platform

in the field, and then Zi Lai also began his operation

, the flame condensed in the palm, with the output of the aura, it expanded violently

, the temperature rose, and the two metals were wrapped inside

, because the melting point of the two metals was different,

so Zi Lai also divided his soul power into two parts

And the flame is also separated with the power of the

soul, one heart and two uses, with different flame temperatures, refining these two metals

, not long after

, the metal melted into liquid, at this time Zilai also

divided the soul power again, the two metal liquids were divided in a specific proportion, and then the two metal liquids divided

into small parts were fused, and the

soul power then shaped it

After the appearance

of the form of Ku Wu, Zi Lai also controlled the flame temperature to decrease, the power of the soul continued to exert, constantly perfecting the shape

of Ku Wu, not long after, Zi Lai Ye's body was already suspended dozens of three-pronged

Ku Wu, Ku Wu was shaped, Zi Lai Ye's hands quickly sealed, and Du Wen formed by spiritual energy flew out from his hands, imprinted on Ku Wu, and

with the last Du Wen's integration

Ku Wu emitted a burst

of golden rays, as time passed, the golden rays flickered a few times, and then printed into

Ku Wu, leaving only a golden diamond pattern on top of Ku Wu

, after the temperature of Ku Wu was completely reduced, Jiraiya waved his hand and sent them to Naruto, "Okay, you can take these first, it should be enough for temporary use," Naruto

nodded, and put it all into the storage ring

Then he spoke, "Then I'll

go first, lecherous immortal," Jiraiya nodded and said, "Okay, you go first, I'm refining a batch and handed it to Watergate, and the three of the Fire Genma

," "Anyway, there is nothing to deal with today, and the airship should continue to improve

," Naruto said with a smile, "Hard work, lecherous fairy,"

After waving his hand, Naruto turned and left, and

walked out of the refining room

Naruto took out the contact toad, contacted Itachi's group, asked their location

, and then flashed towards the nearest place where the mark of the Flying Thunder God had been left

, and Jiraiya also continued refining in the refining room at this time

, ,,,

the water gate, and came directly to the Land of Ghosts after leaving the office

Like the last time, there is no change

in the country of ghosts, it is still the appearance of the ghost, with the experience of the last time, this time the perception of the water gate is not only explored on the ground, but


in the air, the alien space of the country of ghosts is different from the general alien space

, in these alien spaces experienced, the rest are attached to the void around the ninja world


the country of ghosts, which is temporarily named the alien space of the Yellow Spring Realm, is located in the ninja world, and it will be opened regularly

, but unfortunately, the water gate has not yet been able to determine the law of the opening position of the Yellow Spring Realm, so he can only use stupid methods, carefully probing every space of the country of ghosts

, time passes, the scope of water gate exploration is getting bigger and bigger,

and the spiritual power is also consumed more and more

In order to ensure their combat power, every once

in a while, Watergate will stop to rest, and when the mental power is almost restored

, this continues to start, due to this gloomy environment, I don't know how long it took

, Watergate finally found a place with fluctuations in the entrance of a different space

, this place is located above the center of a lake

, seeing this, Watergate breathed a sigh of relief

Sit down cross-kneeled, quickly run the exercises, so that they recover

as quickly as possible, and then the water gate got up, hands sealed, just like last time, quickly opened

the entrance of the Yellow Spring Realm, as the entrance opened, the desolate breath inside also leaked out

, feeling this familiar feeling, the Water Gate smiled with satisfaction

, yes, this is indeed the entrance of the Yellow Spring Realm, the

entrance is opened to prevent it from hiding again

The water gate quickly sealed

, one after another runes appeared, forming a formation, the position of the entrance was nailed

in this space, with this water gate or not at ease

, the entrance is open, Wei Mei will also sense, in order to prevent Wei Mei from escaping the Yellow Spring Realm, bring his race to the Ninja World to make trouble

, the water gate arranged a protective formation for the entrance

, with this formation, Wei Mei wants to come out, it is impossible,

People from the outside want to enter, but they can only wait for

the water gate to open the formation, the entrance has been opened, the position has been fixed, the protection is also done

, the water gate clapped his hands, leaving a mark in place, and then flashed away from the country of ghosts

, and when he appeared again, the water gate had returned to Hope City

, and when he went to the office to find Zi Laiye, the latter asked him, "It's been two days, how did you come back?

Watergate was stunned when he heard this, and then said, "It's nothing, it's just that there is no obvious passage of time in the Land of Ghosts

," "I said, how did I get hungry a few times during the time of looking for

the entrance," "It turns out that two days have passed,"

Jiraiya patted him on the shoulder and said, "Let's go back and rest first, don't be too anxious about finding the entrance,"

Watergate said with a smile when he heard this I've already found

the entrance, teacher," "And the location of the entrance has also been fixed by me, so that the entrance will no longer be hidden and the location will not change again,"

Jiraiya asked him after hearing this, "The protection is also ready?"

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