For this watergate did not refuse again, nodded, and Zilai also said, and then exited the office

, at this time it was close to the evening, Jiu Xinnai had returned home from work

, he was preparing dinner He came out of the kitchen

, saw that the person who came back was Watergate,

she said with anger, "What's wrong with you?" If it wasn't for Naruto saying that you were fine, I would be ready

to go to the country of ghosts to find you," Watergate has not heard from him for two days, Jiu Xinnai thought that something had happened, and

was stopped by Naruto when he was about to go to the country of ghosts

, although Watergate could not be contacted, but the nine lamas in their bodies could contact each other, and

under the inquiry of the nine lamas in Naruto's body, they learned that Watergate was fine

It's just that for some reason I can't get in touch temporarily

, hearing this Jiu Xinnai also temporarily let go of her heart, but she should be angry she is still angry

, they can finally meet again

, the previous time of death, the soul body of Watergate did not go to the underworld, he was swallowed into the stomach by death, and

now resurrected, whether it is Watergate or Jiu Xinnai cherishes the opportunity now

, although there are nine lamas in the past two days,

But Jiu Xinnai was still extremely worried

, worried that if something happened again, they would be separated again

, and Watergate scratched the back of his head when he heard this and said, "Sorry, Jiu Xinnai, I worried you, but I really didn't mean it, I promise you, there will be no more downloads," Hearing this, the expression on Jiu Xinnai's

face eased a little

, and he snorted coldly and said, "Go wash up, and then come down to eat,"

Jiu Xinnai also noticed that Watergate was dressed at this time, his clothes were dirty, knowing that he must not have washed in the past two days

, Watergate nodded, and said "Hard

work, my wife," and then walked upstairs

, saw him go upstairs, Jiu Xinnai showed a smile, and then went into the kitchen and began to busy

, when Naruto returned, the table was already full of food made by Jiu Xinnai,

Naruto was stunned when he saw this, and then asked Jiu Shinnai, "Mom, is Dad back?"

Now under normal circumstances, Naruto would not release a perceptual probe

, so, after he came back, he didn't know that Watergate had gone home, Jiu

Shinna put the last soup on the table, "Well, come back, now wash upstairs,"

Hearing this news, Naruto also smiled heartily,

When he just knew that Watergate couldn't be contacted, he also panicked

, but soon he recovered

, who is Watergate? His father, a strong man known as a flash

, so his heart is extremely convinced that Watergate must be fine

, just when Naruto was about to say something, there were footsteps upstairs, and when

he turned his head, he saw that Watergate had changed into a set of casual clothes

As he wiped his still wet hair and walked downstairs

, Naruto waved at

him and said, "Haha, Dad, is it okay?" Watergate walked up to him, patted him on the shoulder and said, "Of course it's okay, don't you worry about my errands?"

"The entrance to the Yellow Spring Realm has been determined, and I have fixed it in that position,"

"You can take someone over tonight to try it," "You can take someone over tonight to try it,"

Naruto nodded and said, "Okay, then after eating

, I will inform them to assemble, or let the oni mackerel come first," the reason why the warhead people will come first is not only to let them improve their strength first

, but also another reason, that is, in the warhead, the strength of the oni mackerel is not mentioned

, I Ai Luo and Fu both have tailed beast protection, even if there is any problem, there is a chance to rescue

After sitting down, Naruto served a bowl of rice to everyone

, Jiu Xinnai took the meal, looked sideways at Watergate and said, "I will also go to the evening action!"

Watergate heard this, turned his head to look at Jiu Xinnai, looked at her with a serious look, Watergate smiled gently and said, "Okay, take you with me at night

," Jiu Xinnai

also smiled when he heard this, and then turned his head and said, "Let's eat,"

Naruto and Watergate looked at each other, and then also began to eat

, after dinner, Naruto got up to clean

up the table, after washing the dishes

, the family of three left the house, came to the door of Jiraiya's house

on the side, knocked on

the door, the three began to wait at the door, after a while

, the door opened, Jiraiya looked at the three people at the door, and said "Hey, why are you here?

Saying that, Jiraiya turned sideways and let

Naruto and them walk in, at this time Tsunade was in the kitchen, cleaning up

, seeing that they had just finished eating

, after sitting down, Watergate opened his mouth and said, "Sensei, Naruto plans to take someone to the Yellow Spring Realm tonight, so we came and asked if you want to come together?"

Of course, the first attempt will always encounter problems, if everyone goes together, no matter what the situation is, it can be solved,"

After a pause, Zilai also asked "Do you want

to go with Jiu Xinnai too?" When Jiu Xinnai heard this, he pretended to be unhappy and said, "Jiu Lai Ye teacher, do you think I can't go?"

Haha, of course not, it's just that the place is too gloomy, although there is no danger to go there, but it is not good in the end, so,"

Jiu Shinna heard Jiu Lai say this, glanced at Naruto and Watergate, and then said, "That's why I want to go and see ,,,

" At this time, Tsunade also cleaned up the kitchen and dining room, walked out

, and heard Jiu Shinna say this, she opened her mouth and said, "I want to go too,"

Seeing this, Zilai nodded helplessly

and said, "Okay, then go together, all go," in fact, they didn't mean not to let them go

, but they wanted to wait until they were really sure that there was no danger at all before letting Tsunade, Jiu Shinna and others try, Tsunade

saw his appearance, knew what he was thinking, sat next to Jiraiya, took his hand, and said softly" I know, Jiu Xinnai also knows, you just don't want us to take risks, so you put us in a department far away from the battle before

," "But, don't forget, we are also cultivators, and we are cultivators with not low strength,"

"Even if there is danger, I think, we won't have any problems," "Besides, if you don't

encounter any danger, you will carry everything in front,"


Of course, you can protect us, so that we also feel safe and happy," "

But many times what we want is not to wait at home, waiting for you to come back, but to go out with you, to carry out tasks together, to experience storms and waves together, to face danger together."

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