After doing everything and returning to the topic, Naruto's consciousness returned, Watergate

guided Naruto's cultivation in the consciousness space, and Jiu Shinna cheered for Naruto next to Watergate.

"Naruto, in fact, the cultivation of the Flying Thunder God is not difficult, the first step to do is to use spiritual power to perceive the nodes existing in space, only by sensing the spatial nodes can you continue the next cultivation, remember that you can only use spiritual power," Naruto's voice came from the water gate.

Hearing this, Naruto released his spiritual power and carefully observed the surroundings, and slowly saw that the places seen by the spiritual power darkened until all around were dark, and at this time some small points of light appeared in the surrounding void.

"Is this a space node?" Naruto, who saw the point of light, couldn't help but say in his heart.

Seeing the spatial node, Naruto withdrew his spiritual power, opened his eyes and asked the water gate in the sealed space at the same time.

"Dad, I see many points of light, is this a space node?"

"Yes, that point of light is the space node, I didn't expect you to see it so quickly, so it seems that you are also very talented in time and space ninjutsu."

"So what's next?"

"The next words you try to use Chakra to perceive without mental power,"

Hearing Watergate's answer, Naruto continued to close his eyes and try, he did not convert Chakra, but used Reiki, releasing Aura while opening the Shingetsu Heart Eye, this time faster than the last time, soon the surroundings were dark, and those points of light also became the size of a human head, and more than the last time, all around were densely packed.

He opened his eyes again and described what he saw to Watergate, who also looked serious after listening to it, and it took him a week to do this.

Watergate told Naruto all the next steps of the Flying Thunder God, and after listening, Naruto began to try. Always look at the space node, choose a target, and only the target and the two you are in can start the next step of cultivation. As he focused his attention, Naruto's light spots gradually decreased, until finally there were only two light points left.

The next step of cultivation is to leave a mark on an object, perceive the location of the mark, and through the sealing, pass through the spatial node where you are to reach the spatial node where the mark is located.

The Flying Thunder God Technique does not have the ability to directly attack, it is only a kind of instantaneous technique. However, its learning difficulty is the rarest type of ninjutsu, and the perception of space nodes rejects most people who want to learn.

Since the creation of the Flying Thunder God in the second generation, only himself, Watergate, and the three people of Watergate's escort have learned (those three can only be used with joint hands, which can be regarded as learning), of which Watergate has been improved and perfected to the third stage of Flying Thunder God. Watergate's ability to use the Flying Thunder God without a seal is closely related to his super high talent in time and space ninjutsu, and on the other hand, it is also related to his familiarity with the art of the Flying Thunder God.

Started the last step of cultivation, but Naruto always succeeded, although honestly sealed, but still could not succeed, of course Naruto was not discouraged, and kept trying.

Cultivation has no years, time flies quickly, soon it is dark, hastily eat something, Naruto came to the sealed space, his hand on the water gate and Jiu Xinnai's eyebrows, the two of them appeared in their minds called "Gathering Soul Determination", this is a method to cultivate the soul exercise, absorb the soul origin floating in the void to strengthen their soul, the stronger the soul power, the higher my talent.

Although the current Watergate Jiu Xinnai is only a little conscious body (that is, soul fragments), he can also practice this technique to strengthen his soul origin, and then let this conscious body fuse with the soul when he is resurrected in the future, so that the strength and talent of both of them can be stronger after the resurrection.

After handing over the exercises to the two, Naruto withdrew from the sealing space, he himself also had to cultivate, the stronger the strength, the more power to speak, he understood this truth.

Naruto, who returned to consciousness, did not continue to cultivate the Flying Thunder God, but cultivated the Most Demon Sutra, which is the foundation of his own strengthening.

In this way, Naruto began to cultivate in the valley, cultivating the Flying Thunder God during the day, cultivating the Most Demon Sutra at night, taking time and drinking water gate Jiu Xinnai, the Nine Lamas, chatting and chatting, although it was very tired, but Naruto was very happy.

Three days later, Naruto was finally able to fully use the Flying Thunder God Technique, through the guidance of Watergate, Naruto left the mark on a large tree, unlike Watergate, Naruto's mark was not a text, but a pattern of a fox's head. This also made the Nine Lamas in the sealed space secretly happy.

Although Naruto now needs to seal the seal to use the Flying Thunder God, it is enough, and he does not need the Flying Thunder God to increase his combat power, so he does not need to cultivate to use the seal without the seal, as long as it can be used.

After learning the flying thunder god Naruto, he began to learn from Jiu Xinnai, and before learning the sealing technique, Jiu Shinai taught Naruto the art of multiple shadow avatars, which has the same characteristics as shadow avatars, and only dissipates when the energy is exhausted. In this way, there are many yellow hedgehog heads in the valley, some are looking at scrolls, some are practicing legs. Some are flying around with the Flying Thunder God, and the body is cultivating the Most Demon Sutra not far away

, and it lasts until Naruto dissolves the multiple shadow doppelgangers after eating in the evening, and at the moment of lifting, Naruto's mind has a lot of sealing techniques, leg techniques, and the practice experience of the Flying Thunder God. Although the energy of these doppelgangers had always been provided by the Nine Lamas, but so many things were stuffed into his mind at once, Naruto felt tired, and the mental exhaustion was more tired than the physical exhaustion, so Naruto stumbled into the cave and slept.

Nothing was said all night, early the next morning, Naruto woke up from his sleep, felt it, and did not feel any discomfort, only felt refreshed, walked out of the cave to try the cultivation things one by one, he found that whether it was Mad Demon Leg, Flying Thunder God, or various sealing techniques have made great progress, Mad Demon Leg The first form of broken Yue has reached the realm of divine transformation, and he can start the cultivation of the second form of breaking the flow, and the Flying Thunder God is also becoming more and more proficient, With Watergate's teaching, it is believed that it will soon be possible to use the Flying Thunder God without seal.

In this way, during the day, he used the shadow avatar to practice martial arts, flying thunder god, sealing art, ontology cultivation exercises, and sleep at night, Naruto lived an extremely fulfilling life every day.

Konoha Village.

The doppelganger Naruto left behind has been replacing Naruto to class, and his task is much easier, go to class every day, chat with Hinata, and send Hinata home in the evening, so that the day's task is over. (Since the energy of the shadow avatar is provided by the Nine Lamas, the nine lamas can know what is happening on the shadow avatar's side through perception, so Naruto is not worried about what happens there.) Several

dark departments controlled by Naruto still insist on monitoring tasks every day, and report Naruto's situation to the three generations every day, and there has always been no abnormality.

Today is the seventh day of admission, and today's class has only one content - sparring, and after the practice, you can leave school. So students can't wait to get started.

Seeing that the students were eager to try, Iruka smiled, "Okay, let's start the sparring practice, and the first group Inoue Taro vs. Nara Shikamaru." Hearing

Iruka's name, the two students walked to the middle and stood opposite each other, and seeing that the two were standing, Iruka said, "The seal of opposition." After

Iruka finished speaking, the two made a seal and began to practice against each other, at this time, the ninja school only taught the three-body technique, and this is basically not used in battle now, so the sparring is basically using physical skills, Shikamaru, as the eldest young master of the Nara clan, has been guided by the family since he was a child, so it is no surprise that he won quickly.

Seeing that the sparring was over, Iruka said "The Seal of Reconciliation", and

after the Seal of Reconciliation, he muttered "Trouble is dead," and went back with his hands in his pockets.

Next, Iruka began to roll call

"*** and *** sparring

" and "**** and **** sparring", so that the

students began to practice in groups and groups, and the Naruto shadow doppelganger standing below heard Iruka's name and training, basically a family heir and a commoner sparring, and the victorious ones were also the descendants of these families.

"Uchiha Sasuke and Uzumaki Naruto practice"

The shadow doppelganger who was in a daze heard Iruka name and quickly reacted and walked to the middle of the field, at which time Uchiha Sasuke also stepped forward.

Usually the shadow doppelganger only chats with Hinata in the class, and never touches other students, although the children of these large families played with him when they were children, but now Naruto does not want to continue contact with them.

Now the Uchiha clan has not yet perished, so Sasuke at this moment is still just a proud little brat.

Then the two formed a seal of opposition, and when Iruka finished shouting, Sasuke rushed towards Naruto with his fist, and when Sasuke was about to get in front of him, Naruto raised his hand and said "admit

defeat", hearing Naruto say defeat, many students around showed mocking expressions: "This demon fox boy actually admitted defeat, is this afraid of being beaten?" Only

the children of several clans of Konoha stood there and didn't say anything, just stood quietly, Hinata clasped his hands and put them in front of him, wanting to say something, but remembered Naruto and what she said "Don't care what they say, because I don't care, and I don't want you to be angry because of them, it's not worth it"

In addition, hearing Naruto say admit defeat, Iruka and Naruto had a # word popping up on their foreheads.

"Naruto, sparring can make you know more clearly what you are deficient in, so that you can correct and become stronger" This is what Iruka said.

"Naruto Uzumaki, are you looking down on me? Insulting the Uchiha clan? This is what Sasuke said.

Naruto ignored Sasuke, turned to Iruka and said, "Iruka-sensei, I haven't even learned the three-body technique, I definitely can't beat Sasuke, I don't want to be beaten, so I admit defeat" Hearing Naruto

say that he didn't want to be beaten, Iruka thought of something, and didn't say anything more, so that the two formed a seal of reconciliation.

After Naruto Sasuke left, Iruka stepped forward and said, "After all the sparring is over, everyone should know their shortcomings, practice well after going back, after school" Iruka said after

school, Naruto pulled Hinata towards the school gate, after this time of contact, Hinata was not so shy.

When he was about to reach the school gate, Naruto saw Sarutobi Hinata standing there, and thought about letting Hinata wait in place, while he walked towards Sarutobi Hinata, "Third generation grandfather, why are you here?"

"I'll take a look at little Naruto, how does it feel at school?" Seeing Naruto ask himself, Sarutobi said with a smile.

"Good, I made friends," Naruto replied with a smile.

Hearing Naruto say that his friend Sarutobi glanced at Hinata who was now in the distance, "Then you come on, make more friends, and why did you admit defeat when you practiced today?" Why don't you use those chains?

"Hey, how did the third generation of grandpa know that I could use chains?" I felt like those chains were too strong for me to control, for fear of hurting Sasuke. Hearing the question of the three generations, Naruto continued to say with an innocent look.

Hearing Naruto's answer, Sarutobi touched his head, "Well, little Naruto did the right thing, as for why he knew it was because Grandpa was Hokage, and Hokage knew everything

" "Is that so?" After that, I will also become Hokage! Naruto continued to fool the ape flying sun.

"Haha, then you have to come on, hurry home" said and touched Naruto's head and turned to leave.

"Goodbye grandpa three generations" After saying that, Naruto walked back and pulled Hinata, sent Hinata home, and then went back to his own house.

In the valley.

In the sealing space, the Nine Lamas reproduced what happened in the ninja school to Watergate and Jiu Xinnai through a small ninjutsu, and when they saw the ape flying sun slash appear, a creaking sound came, which was the sound made by Jiu Xinnai clenching his fists. The water gate next to him did not say anything, but there was a fierce light flashing in his eyes. The Nine Lamas lay there and didn't know what he was thinking, Naruto was still cultivating, so he didn't know what happened in the sealed space.

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