Three days later

, because of the habit cultivated during this time, Naruto woke up from his sleep very early, and Naruto did not want to continue cultivating because he was returning to Konoha Village today.

He combed through the results of cultivation during this time, the Flying Thunder God became more and more skilled, but there was still a long way to go before it could be used without sealing, the sealing technique had all been learned, the second form of the Mad Demon Leg was also cultivated with small achievements, and the most Demon Sutra also broke through the second layer, and at the place where the dantian came out of the cyclone, all the spiritual energy turned into water.

Reiki water means that it can hold more aura, and more aura can be used when performing martial arts, and it is more powerful.

When he learned the sealing technique, Watergate also taught him the spiral pill, and Naruto quickly learned under the action of the powerful talent, because the spiral pill he cast was with his own aura, so his spiral pill was not sky blue, but a strange purple, and the spiral pill shining with purple light was more powerful and more destructive.

These were all the results of Naruto's cultivation during this time, and Naruto smiled with satisfaction after combing through. The consciousness sank to the sealed space.

As soon as he arrived on the island, he saw Watergate, Jiu Xinnai, and the Nine Lamas were playing cards across the big iron gate, because of Naruto, Watergate and Jiu Xinnai also put down the mustard against the Nine Lamas, and the Nine Lamas knew that the two couples in front of him were just two stupid people who were a little natural.

After this time of getting along, Watergate Jiu Xinnai knew that the Nine Lamas were not at all like the rumors, just a tsundere fox who longed for freedom and liked to fight.

They soon became friends after understanding each other, and as they got acquainted, whenever Naruto was absent at the end of their cultivation, they began to fight the landlord (how did the cards come about?). Of course, it was

condensed by the Nine Lamas using aura) Considering that he was too large, the Nine Lamas separated a doppelganger about the size of a human, and his consciousness was attached to the doppelganger (you can refer to the Nine Lamas when the nine tailed beasts squatted on the ground before the death of the Six Dao Immortals)

Naruto came in and saw the three of them fighting the landlord and couldn't help but appear a few black lines on the head of the landlord, stepped forward and said to the water gate, "Dad, the cultivation is almost over, today I want to go back

" "Hmm, You can go back first, a pair of circles" said while playing cards at the water gate.

"One against two, two left" This is the Nine Lamas.


Sorry" "Sorry" This is Watergate and Jousinnai.

"Wang Fried won" saw the Nine Lamas play the last two cards.

"Stupid Nine Lamas, are you cheating? Basically you win? Seeing that the Nine Lamas had won again, Jiu Xinnai sat cross-legged on the ground and yelled at the Nine Lamas.

"Bastard, do I need to cheat, it's obviously your bad luck" The Nine Lamas squirted at Jiu Xinnai not to be outdone.

Watergate saw that the two started again, and pulled Naruto to the distance, "Since you want to go back to the village, then go back first, the seal of the Nine Lamas can only be lifted next time it comes out, the key to unseal is then from Jiraiya teacher, only by finding the teacher first can you completely unlock the seal

" "Well, I know, the key was placed on the body of a toad in Myoki Mountain by the lecherous fairy" Naruto replied.

Hearing Naruto say that the key was on a toad, Watergate said, "Then I can only come out next time to find Jiraiya-sensei, now I can't use psychic, if I want to become the contractor of Myoki Mountain, I must sign a contract with Myoki Mountain, and the contract scroll should be on Jiraiya-sensei now."

"And Naruto, why do you keep calling Jiraiya a lecherous fairy?"

"This dad should know why," Naruto replied.

Hearing Naruto's words, Watergate thought of something, smiled awkwardly and did not speak again. The two turned their heads to see the Nine Lamas, and the quarrel between Jiu Xinnai was over, and one person and one fox turned their heads with a proud snort, and no one paid attention to anyone.

Watergate and Naruto stepped forward and told them that they planned to return to Konoha, and told the Nine Lamas that the seal could only be lifted next time. Explaining the reason, the Nine Lamas expressed their understanding, they have been sealed for so long, and they have not waited for these days. Naruto returned to consciousness and withdrew from the sealed space.

Open your eyes. Looking at the valley where he lived during this time, Naruto walked to the mouth of the cave and left a Flying Thunder God mark, so that the next time he came out, he didn't have to pretend to be someone else, the Flying Thunder God is currently the only time and space ninjutsu in the ninja world that can ignore any enchantment, and come out with the Flying Thunder God, Konoha's perception enchantment cannot be found.

Naruto didn't come out with anything, so he didn't need to pack anything, so he turned around and walked out of the valley.

Naruto kept opening the Kagura Heart Eye, Naruto began to whirlpool the bloodline, and this time also told Jiu Shinnai, Jiu Shinna understood Naruto's situation and said

, "Your Kagura Heart Eye and Vajra Chain are not the same as mine, Kagura Heart Eye perception range is wider than mine, and can see more clearly, you are more like the Genshin perception mentioned in the Soul Gathering Technique."

Hearing Jiu Shinnai say that Genshin perceives Naruto thinks that he can see things around him just after fusing or that he devours that unconscious remnant soul, but it's not that far, through the cultivation of the most Demon Sutra, his perception distance is getting farther and farther, so it seems that Genshin perception and Shenyue heart eye are fused together.

When he was about to reach Konoha's sphere of influence, his perception swept away, there was no one nearby, and there was no feeling of being spied on, Naruto used the transformation technique to change into the appearance when he left the village, converged all his aura, and continued to walk forward.

Slowly you can see the gate of Konoha Village, and I don't feel anything about returning to Konoha Naruto, and the only bonds that Konoha has to him now are Hinata, Ichiraku father and daughter, and Iruka are not even now.

For Hinata, in addition to the influence of memory, but also the recognition of Hinata through contact, he has always had no malice towards him, and has always been so gentle.

Ichiraku's father and daughter, it was the first time Naruto met someone who had no ill will towards him and only treated him as an ordinary child. And at that time, that bowl of ramen was tantamount to a gift in the snow for Naruto.

With his thoughts, Naruto quickened his pace and walked towards the back mountain, where the man captured by the dark part was hiding in a cave in Konoha's back mountain at this time, guarded by Tenji (another dark part controlled by Naruto).

Walking to the mouth of the cave to sense that there was no one nearby, and he was not being spied on, Naruto lifted the transformation technique and returned to his original appearance. The dark part of the guard, seeing that it was Naruto who came forward

, greeted him respectfully, "Sir, you are back", "Well, back", he walked into the cave and came to the man, put his right hand on the top of the man's head, and performed the art of memory (this was taught to him when Watergate knew how he got out of the village after he clashed his fists), of course, the erased memory was only the memory after being caught.

As the amnesia ended, the man quickly passed out, and when he woke up again, he would not remember what happened during this time.

At this time, when it was time for ninja school to finish school, Naruto did not say that he would send Hinata home as usual, but asked Hinata to go home by herself and wait for him to go to her again and ask her out to go shopping.

Hinata didn't think much about it, and walked towards the house alone. Seeing Hinata leave Naruto's shadow avatar, he quickly ran towards the back mountain, and soon came to the cave where the body was located, and Tenichi, who was in charge of monitoring, also walked into the cave with the shadow doppelganger, and at this time Naruto lifted the shadow doppelganger.

After disarming the shadow doppelganger, all his memories were imprinted in Naruto's mind, and Naruto carefully recalled every detail. Although the Nine Lamas would tell Naruto about the shadow avatar every day, he still had to see some details for himself.

After reading it, Naruto turned to the two dark parts and said, "Is it Tenichi who reports to Sarutobi Hinata?"

"Yes, my lord." Tianyi replied respectfully as he knelt down on one knee.

Hearing Tenichi's answer, Naruto took out a stone with the symbol of a fox and handed it to Tenichi, "Put this stone in the Hokage Building, the closer to the Hokage Office, the better, don't let people find out

" Tenichi took the stone "Yes, my lord, subordinates retreat first" After speaking, he turned and walked towards the Hokage Building.

Naruto didn't stay any longer after Tenichi left, and rushed to the house because he had also made an appointment with Hinata.

When he got home, Naruto washed casually, changed his clothes, took all the money in the piggy bank and went out, walking towards the Hyuga family grounds.

Ignoring the fingers of those people to him, Naruto held his head in his hands and walked with a grin, but the water gate and Jiu Shinai in the sealed space were different, although they had seen similar scenes from which balls of light, but when they saw it again, they were so angry that the two trembled.

Soon arrived at Hinata's door, by this time Hinata was already standing in the doorway waiting for him, Naruto quickly ran forward and waved "Hi Hinata

, sorry, long wait" "It's okay Naruto-kun, I just came out too" Hinata replied.

"Hehe, let's go, go to Ichiraku ramen first, and then go shopping after eating a full stomach" After saying that, he took Hinata's hand and left the gate of Hinata's house.

Although as the two have been in contact, Naruto sends himself home every day after school, and they all hold hands, but this time is different, this is the first time Naruto has asked himself to go shopping, so Hinata is still a little shy.

Just after Naruto pulled Hinata away, Hinata Hiashi inside the door sighed and returned to the living room, "The two of them have not been in contact with three generations, plus Naruto's identity, this may not be bad." With Hinata's younger sister Hanabi showing talent, Hiashi focused her main energy on cultivating Hanabi, and Hinata's discipline was not as strict as it was at the beginning, which is why Naruto could ask Hinata out for shopping.

Soon Naruto pulled Hinata to the Ichiraku ramen restaurant, and when he saw Naruto walk in with Hinata, he said kindly, "Yo." Naruto, I haven't seen you come over for a few days

" "Hehe, Uncle Ichiraku, I've been busy cultivating during this time, so I don't have time to come out, two bowls of tonkotsu ramen, thank you" Naruto touched his head and replied with a grin.

"Okay, wait a minute, it'll be fine soon" After a while, Ichiraku put the ramen in front of the two.

Looking at the hearty ramen in front of him, Naruto couldn't help but swallow, during this time of cultivation in the valley, eating grilled fish or wild fruit, he had long missed the taste of ramen.

As I said that, both Naruto and Hinata began to eat ramen, Naruto ate while saying that it was delicious

, and finally Naruto ate two bowls, and Hinata still ate five bowls like last time. After paying the money, Naruto dragged Hinata out to shop, and as soon as he went out, Naruto used the transformation technique to transform himself into another form, because otherwise no one would buy something for him when he went shopping.

Seeing Naruto use the transformation technique, Hinata said, "Naruto-kun, those people are too much, they don't know Naruto-kun's gentleness at all. Hearing

Hinata say this, Naruto smiled happily and said, "Hinata, is this praising me?" Hehe, I don't care what they think of me

" "But, but," Hinata still wanted to say something, but he didn't know how to express it for a while.

Seeing Hinata like this, Naruto took Hinata's hand and said, "They have nothing to do with me, so I won't feel bad because of what they say, as long as Hinata stays with me, Hinata, are you willing?" Hearing

whether Naruto himself was willing to accompany him all the time, Hinata began to blush again, lowered his head and whispered "As long as Naruto-kun, I am willing to accompany you all the time"

After listening to Hinata's answer, Naruto laughed and didn't say anything more, seeing Naruto laughing so happily, Hinata also laughed, and then the two continued their shopping trip.

Soon arrived at the night market, which was very lively, bought some random snacks to feed Hinata as he walked, and walked to a small stall selling accessories, Naruto stopped and picked up two hand ropes to ask Hinata if he liked it.

And Hinata, of course, said that he liked it, "I like anything that Naruto-kun gives."

So Naruto paid for the two bracelets, and just like that, both of them had an extra bracelet on their wrists.

Time passed quickly, feeling that it was almost time to shop, Naruto and Hinata left the night market and delivered Hinata to Hinata's doorstep.

When they arrived at the door, neither of them spoke, looking at Hinata with a reluctant face

, Naruto stepped forward and hugged Hinata and said softly, "It's late, Hinata, it's time to go back to rest, tomorrow there will be class" "Uh-huh, then Naruto-kun also went back early to rest" Hinata was suddenly hugged Hinata and became shy, this is the first time Naruto-kun hugs himself.

"Hehe, I'll be here today, and I'll continue dating next time" After saying that, without waiting for Hinata's response, Naruto quickly left.

"Next time? Hee-hee" Seeing Naruto walking away, Hinata muttered and walked into the house.

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