“Tu Duan. The Art of Rock Fist! ”


The earth shattered, Ye Xuan narrowly avoided the attack, and at the same time, the group hid in the rear and quickly froze, took a deep breath, and spit it out fiercely!

“Wind escape. Vacuum Link! ”

The transparent air like silk has a slight whistling sound, and even steel can be easily cut off.

Onoki’s pupils shrank, decisively abandoned Ye Xuan, and quickly dodged to the side.

“Hide? Can it be hidden? ”

Tuan Zang’s head was tilted, and the silky wind swept across the air, continuing to chase towards Da Ye Mu, but Da Ye Mu was not stupid, seeing that Ye Xuan was not far away, he rushed directly, not caring about Tuan Zang at all, and directly fought with Ye Xuan.

“So smart!”

Feng Dun was about to sweep the two, Tuan Zang immediately stopped casting, he couldn’t kill Ye Xuan together in order to kill Onoki and Ye Xuan, so he had to look for an opportunity again, and keep his hands sealed at all times.

Danzo is a pure ninjutsu master, it is impossible to fight with Onoki closely, if there is no Ye Xuan, he will constantly open the distance, which is also the fighting style of ninjutsu-type ninjas.

However, with Ye Xuan here, things are not so complicated, Ye Xuan fought closely, the regiment attacked from afar, and the two cooperated, extremely tacit understanding.


The fierce wind rolled up the blade of the knife, and Onoki turned his head sideways, and his sideburns were broken and flying.

Ye Xuan was full of cyan whirlwinds, and every attack he made had a terrifying spiral and cutting effect, which was the attack special effect of the wind escape mode!

“Tu Duan. The Art of Rock Fist! ”


With a muffled sound, Onoki’s fist hit Ye Xuan’s abdomen fiercely, and the moment his fist touched the Wind Dun armor, the entire Wind Dun armor rotated wildly, obviously the force that hit the abdomen, but it spiraled in all directions.

Onoki was shocked to find that with one punch of his own, he couldn’t even dent the opponent’s shield!

Although this is just a very ordinary rock fist technique, he is a shadow-level powerhouse, and he actually perfectly neutralizes his attack???

This is the defensive power of the wind escape mode, which is different from the hard resistance attack of the thunder mode, the wind escape mode can rotate and spread the attack, dispersing the opponent’s attack effect, and the power is naturally reduced a lot.

The effects of Wind Escape Mode and Thunder Mode seem to be very similar, but they are actually very different.

When Ye Xuan escapes or attacks, the speed increased by the wind escape mode is to reduce air resistance and gravity with the help of the power of the wind, and the thunder is to stimulate cell activity and strengthen the strength of the body.

The outbreak of the Thunder Escape Mode is extremely high, and the Wind Escape lasts for a long time, each with its own advantages, at least at this moment, the Wind Escape Mode can be used as a unique move for Ye Xuan to continue fighting.

“And Lao Tzu doesn’t need a short burst of high bursts! As long as the mental power stays, Lao Tzu can fight infinitely! ”

Ye Xuan’s fierce punch, the cutting whirlwind instantly hit Onoki’s shoulder, but Onoki only ‘pedaled’ a few steps back, without any damage

“Huh…? Sclerotherapy? ”

“Hmph! Count you a little knowledgeable! ”

Onoki snorted coldly, his face turned sharp, Chakra suddenly erupted, and his body disappeared with a ‘whoosh’!

Well? What about people? Where is it?

Ye Xuan was slightly flustered, and in the next second, Tuan Zang’s loud roar came into his ears.

“Son beware! He is in heaven! ”

The terrifying Chakra landed from the sky, and the crisis of death instantly flooded into his mind, Ye Xuan trembled, and he didn’t want to think about it, Chakra quickly transformed!

“Thunder mode, on!”

“Tu Duan. Super Weighted Rock Art! ”


The earth with a radius of 50 meters was directly overturned, and a huge earthquake like a natural disaster forced Tuanzang to retreat hundreds of meters backward again.

“Whew… Fortunately, the thunder burst is high, otherwise it really can’t escape! ”

Beside Tuan Zang, Ye Xuan quickly dissipated the thunder, his muscles were tingling, fortunately, there was not much time to use, and the cells were not harmed.

“Forget it, Xiaoxuan, don’t go for a while, the gap between you and the shadow-level masters is too big, even with these S-level ninjutsu, it is easy to have accidents, I’ll come!”

Tuan Zang condensed, afraid that Ye Xuan was slaughtered by Onoki with an oversight, and after seeing Onoki’s strength, Ye Xuan also nodded solemnly, he knew that the strength of the above patience and Onoki for so long was already a very rare thing.

Just as Ye Xuan and Tuan Zang were talking, the flying land gradually subsided, Da Yemu clenched his fists and slowly walked out of the smoke, his face was very calm, but his eyes were staring at Ye Xuan, and even directly ignored Tuan Zang.

“Lei Dun Chakra mode, I really didn’t expect that I, Onoki, can still meet a genius like you in this life, not only created the Wind Escape Mode, but also learned the Thunder Escape Mode of three generations of Thunder Shadow, I should say… Is it my luck, or is it your misfortune? ”

“My misfortune? Oh, little man, why do you think it’s my misfortune? ”

Ye Xuan laughed, but Da Yemu was not the slightest bit angry, he stared at Ye Xuan seriously, and after a long time, he said word by word: “You are unfortunate, because a genius like you will fall on this land in a while!” ”

“Arrogant! Psychic… Dream Tapir! ”


With a loud bang, a large amount of white mist filled the sky, and then, an extremely huge monster that looked like an ox appeared in Ye Xuan’s eyes.

“I lean, is this the dream eater dream tapir? Feel…… It’s bigger than Toad Wentai! ”

Ye Xuan raised his head, but he couldn’t even see the head of the giant beast, just the front hooves, it made him feel too big.


The dream tapir roared, then opened its big mouth, inhaled sharply, and an extremely terrifying wind howled sounded, and everything within a thousand meters in front of the dream tapir was quickly sucked into its mouth by it!

The psychic beast that can be regarded as a combat partner by Tuan Zang naturally has its strength, Mengtapir’s weakness is very serious, very afraid of fire, but if you don’t know this weakness, Mengtapir’s toughness even exceeds Ye Xuan’s expectations!

With a fierce inhalation, even the shadow-level powerhouse Onoki could not stand, and his body was sucked by the dream tapir along with everything around him.

Onoki was not afraid, he clenched his fist tightly, and the ‘Super Gravity Rock Technique’ was blessed to his fist again, ready to burst the dream tapir with one punch the moment he touched it!

However, at this moment, Tuan Zang sneered, and his hands quickly produced a large number of prints.

“Wind escape. Tornado! “_

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