“Super aggravated Iwano Technique hurts the waist and kidneys, and if I use Onoki’s earth ninjutsu in front of everyone, I can’t explain it even if I am a genius, so let’s sell it.”

Ye Xuan decisively sold the Super Heavy Rock Technique and obtained 200 yuan treasure, and subsequently, he thought about it for a long time, and finally decided to combine [Wind Escape Mode] and [Wind Escape. Spiral spike] rises to purple.

Two purples, use up 160 yuan at once, anyway, squander, don’t use up the money, how to call squandering? Ye Xuan waved his big hand, used the last 40 yuanbao, and upgraded the [Thunder Escape Mode] to blue.

“The ninjutsu level is increased, the effect should be better and better, strengthening the thunder mode can allow me to have a stronger burst at critical moments, and the wind escape mode…”

Ye Xuan’s consciousness withdrew, Chakra ran, and the wind armor bloomed instantly.

He found that after upgrading to the purple grade, the wind armor ran faster, that is, the spread rate of damage would become faster and faster, perhaps reaching gold, as long as Chakra was enough, even if it withstood thousands of ninjutsu in a second, it could all be canceled.

“The spiral spike is also good, the stability is higher, the rotation speed is faster, as long as I upgrade to gold, I even dare to wear the earth!”

Oh no, it’s a puncture!

Ye Xuan, who was caught in a fantasy, wiped his saliva with a smirk, only to find that at some point, hundreds of ninjas outside the city were all looking at him, and that strange gaze instantly made Ye Xuan explode!

“Look what look! Haven’t you seen anyone giggle and drool? You! It’s you! Also look! and dig traps! ”

Ye Xuan jumped his foot and pointed at a middle ninja and cursed, frightening this poor middle ninja and immediately buried his head, and then, Ye Xuan raised his eyebrows, and was about to scold everyone, the ninjas lowered their heads at the same time and did things, as if nothing had happened just now.


Ye Xuan snorted unpleasantly and turned to leave the city tower, but he didn’t know that when he left, the ninjas outside the city suddenly exchanged their heads.

“Seriously, I really haven’t seen someone giggling and drooling.”

“I haven’t seen it either…”

“I’ve seen that when I went out on a mission before, I met a child in a remote town, dirty, giggling, with snot and saliva, a bit like Lord Xuan…”

“Hey! You’re looking for death! Dare to say that Lord Xuan! Don’t say anything, if you are heard by Tuanzo-sama, he can destroy you in 7 minutes! ”

“7 minutes… In other words, how did Lord Tuanzang kill the second generation of Tokage? ”

“I don’t know, maybe some forbidden technique was used.”

“You said… Will Danzo-sama want to unify the ninja world? ”

“If only the ninja world really unified, in the future, there would be no need to fight…”


Ninja World War, every battlefield is watched by the entire Ninja World, victory and defeat, good or bad, all pull everyone’s emotions.

A few days later, the news of the death of the second-generation Tokage finally spread throughout the ninja world, and the most important thing is that the second-generation Tokage, in just 7 minutes, was killed by Konoha’s Shimura Danzo!

The entire ninja world exploded, and everyone was talking about it, and even more, he compared Danzo to the new Senju Pillar, saying that Danzo was preparing to unify the Ninja Realm.

Of course, what kind of strength is Tuanzang, the shadows of each village know, because of this, they feel strange, what means did Tuanzang use, what conspiracy and trickery was used to kill the second generation of Tuying?

Nobody knows!

Including Sarutobi doesn’t know!

He sent someone to the front line to ask Tuanzang, but got a reply from the word ‘secret’.

Danzo, who believes in mysticism, is becoming more and more mysterious, and his reputation in Konoha and even the entire ninja world has been raised to the extreme at this moment!

“Remember, even if you provoke Naruto-sama, you can’t provoke Shimura Gen, if you provoke Shimura Gen, Danzo-sama can destroy you in 7 minutes!”

This sentence has spread in the mouths of various ninjas in Konoha, perhaps a bit of a joke, but the strength and influence of Danzo have indeed penetrated into the hearts of the people.

For these spread by the ninja world, Ye Xuan just pouted disdainfully, the ghoul seal was brought back by him from the country of vortex, and the method to deal with the second generation of earth shadows was also something he came up with.

Only Ye Xuan, Tuan Zang and Vortex Liu Shan in the world know that the ghouls are sealed, this kind of thing is very mysterious and terrifying if you don’t say it, say it, it’s just like that, after all, it’s just a forbidden technique.

At this moment, in Kirito City, Danzo, Ye Xuan, Inuga Butterfly, and Patriarch Inuzuka were sitting in a room, although the second generation of Tokage was destroyed, but the crisis was not resolved.

“Yesterday I received the news that Onoki directly succeeded the third generation of Tokage on the battlefield, he used the death of the second generation of Tokage to give a speech, the ninjas of Iwain Village turned their sorrow and anger into strength, and their morale not only did not fall, but became stronger and stronger, and the mourning soldiers will win!”

Masao Nara sighed, everyone did not expect Onoki to have such courage, as for his injury, it may be extremely terrifying in the eyes of ordinary people, but with medical ninjas, this injury can get better in a few days.

“The number of people in Yanyin Village is twice as large as ours, and there is a mood of mourning that the soldiers will win, the first wave of attacks is absolutely crazy and fearless to death, and although the combat effectiveness has been raised to a level, it is not as invulnerable as before!”

“Oh? Not as invulnerable as before? Xiaoxuan, do you mean weakness? What weaknesses? ”

For Ye Xuan’s analysis, everyone was extremely surprised, they only felt that the other party was stronger, where could they see the weakness.

“Anger will affect judgment, they may not be afraid of death, but they may be negligent, I think, with those traps buried outside the city, they can’t stop their attack at all, instead of doing this useless trap, it is better to remove the trap and play a big one at once!” Failure, big deal to lose Kikyo City, but in case of success…”

“What if it succeeds? What happens if it succeeds? ”

Ye Xuan’s sale of Guanzi caused a serious curiosity in everyone’s hearts, and they wanted to know what method Ye Xuan had come up with to stop the victorious Iwain ninja.

Everyone waited for Ye Xuan to answer with their eyes open, but Ye Xuan just smiled, got up and left the room.

“I’m sleepy, go to sleep first, and tell you when I wake up~”_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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