Although the Land of Fire is the country with the best land resources in the entire Ninja Realm, it does not mean that all the territory is flat.

There is a tall mountain range that stretches for hundreds of miles across the territory of the Land of Fire to the northeast and southwest, and if you want to pass directly around the mountain range, the only entrance and exit is Kikyo Castle.

More seriously, Kikyo City is a natural barrier between the Land of Earth and the Land of Fire, and whichever country occupies it will gain absolute advantage.

Kikyo Castle is located on a mountain range, but this place is several times shorter than other places, and the terrain is not so rugged, and in order to facilitate transportation, this city was established hundreds of years ago in the samurai era.

But today, Kikyojo City is different.

Countless civilians were driven away, and those who did not want to leave were knocked unconscious and dragged away by the ninjas.

The Konoha ninjas’ consistent peaceful and humble character was completely overthrown here, and a large number of civilians shouted and cursed, but the Konoha ninjas carried out the task with a cold face and mercilessly, driving away, dragging away, and even using iron rods to drive away.

Is this still a Konoha ninja?

Everyone did not believe it, even they themselves could not believe that they had done something to drive away civilians, but … Master Tuanzo’s order, who dares not to carry it out?

After slaughtering the second generation of Tokage, Danzo is the most popular shadow-level powerhouse in the ninja world, and the increasingly strong gaze also makes all ninjas feel pressure.

Danzo’s side couldn’t get through, but the Konoha ninjas couldn’t bear to drive away the civilians, and they found the patriarch of the three families of Inuga Butterfly, hoping to persuade Danzo not to do such a cruel thing.

However, Inuga Butterfly and the four family patriarchs of Inuzuka also gave orders to the ninjas of their own clans to fully obey the instructions of Danzo-sama!

Everyone thought that the patriarchs of Inolu Butterfly were afraid of the strength of Tuanzo, and the civilian ninjas with the character of individual Virgins turned against each other.

“Lao Tzu is not doing it! Although I am a ninja, my family is also a commoner, and my parents are both civilians! If it was my parents who expelled them, did I do it? Can I do it? ”

He desperately persuaded the ninjas, perhaps some ninjas began to move and wanted to resist Danzo’s decision, but when Danzo walked out with a calm face, everyone’s faces changed greatly, lowered their heads, and quickly drove away the civilians.

“Konoha doesn’t need ninjas who disobey orders, and next time, be treated as a rebel!”

The cold gaze, the shadow-level momentum, and the mere words of Tuan Zang frightened everyone’s hearts, and the idea that they absolutely could not disobey the order arose.

Even the most defiant civilian ninja lowered their heads in fear, they knew that Tuanzo and Ape Fei were different, Tuanzo was ruthless, saying one is one, saying that when the rebellion is dealt with, kill you!

With the joint efforts of more than 700 ninjas, Kikyo was dispersed in just half a day, and then more than 100 ninjas who were good at earth dun were divided into a group of secret missions, more than 100 ninjas who were good at water escape were divided into a group, and more than 100 people who were good at water escape were also divided together.

“All the temporary new legions of Tsuchi Ninjas, led by Takuma Akimichi and Yamanaka Teichi, perform top-secret missions! All Fire Ninja are secretly tasked by Masao Nara and Inuzuka! All Mizudun Ninja are led by Shimura Genshi on top-secret missions! ”

“Master Tuanzo, what about us?”

It was a ninja who was good at thunder, wind and physical skills, and Tuan Zang turned his head to look at Ye Xuan, and then said in a deep voice: “You guys are mixed into a small legion, and I personally lead the team to carry out top-secret missions!” ”

More than 700 ninjas are divided into four small legions, and all of them are top-secret missions!

All the ninjas were shocked in their hearts, knowing that Danzo-sama was ready to come for real!

What is the top-secret mission, that is the highest specification type of mission in Konoha!

This kind of task, which only the person in charge knows, not even the members are allowed to know, is the type set up for fear of revealing a trace of information, and only at the last moment, the members of the team know what the task is.

Of the more than 700 ninjas present, less than one-tenth had ever performed such a mission.

They understand better that once the mission is set to top secret, it means that the importance of this mission has risen to the level of national security, and in the current confrontation with the country of earth, this top-secret mission represents a great possibility to change the outcome of the entire battlefield!!!

Top Secret Mission! The division of legions, ninjas of the same attribute together, everything represents something unusual.

In this inexplicable situation, an emotion arose in everyone’s hearts, it was a slowly improving morale, and it was a very strong excitement!

“It’s worthy of Xiaoxuan, deliberately designed to be the mysticism unique to Danzo-sama, and instantly boost morale…” Nara Masao was a little ashamed, he didn’t expect that as the patriarch of the Konoha wisdom clan, he was suppressed by a child in his advice.

However, whatever one may say, as long as this war can be won …

Thinking of this, Nara Masashi suddenly rose a sense of pride in his heart, he waved his big hand, raised his head and shouted: “Fire Legion, follow me!” ”

With an order, more than 100 fire ninjas quickly left Kikyo Castle following the footsteps of Masao Nara and Inuzuka Que.

“Tudun Legion, follow me!” With another order, Akimichi Takema and Yamanaka Tenoichi entered Kikyoto Castle with the Tsuchi ninja.

Then, Ye Xuan nodded towards Tuan Zang, waved his small hand, and his body bloomed with brilliant blue light.

“Shuidun Legion, follow me!”

A gust of wind swept through, and Ye Xuan flew directly into the sky, like a shooting star, and left Kirito City with a ‘whoosh’.

“Wow, Lord Xuan can actually fly!”

“It is worthy of being the son of Lord Tuanzo…”

“Everyone, hurry up and follow Lord Xuan!”

A water ninja shouted, taking the lead in chasing towards the cyan light group, and the more than 100 water ninjas who were still standing in place were slightly stunned, and then, everyone broke out Chakra and followed Ye Xuan’s footsteps.

The three small legions left, leaving the wind, thunder and physical ninja in place, Tuanzo silently looked at the scattered earth ninja in Kirito City, waved his hand, and led everyone up to the city wall.

“Four hundred of us, defend the city!” _

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