The slender figure and the gentle tone all showed the grace of the man who suddenly appeared.

However, this kind of temperament is very convincing for humans, but at this time it is a beast that rushes over quickly, no, not even a beast, maybe it is just that the beast instinct is left. No creatures are anything but a guy. "Roar!"

As Seleuc’s imperial tool, Xiaobi is also a biological imperial tool. He will only obey his master’s orders throughout his life. Even if there is a sea of ​​swords and flames in front of him, he will not hesitate to turn back, not to mention that the guy who suddenly appeared in front of him at this time is just It's just a human being.


Opening its big mouth of blood, the sharp fangs shone with cold light, and decisively tore at the spoiler, apparently trying to tear this guy out...

It would be fine if the guy blocking the road at this time was an ordinary person, there would never be a second possibility other than death, even if the opponent was a master of level 6 strength, it would definitely not be able to resist its violent power.

But at this time, this spoiler is not as weak as it seems on the surface. Instead, he is a super strong with amazing energy hidden in his body, not to mention that he is a "Beastmaster with One Hundred Arms" who has already turned his Kei into a frenzied state. , Even ten opponents won’t blink...

"Okay, little guy, you can be quiet for a while, I'm not malicious!"

This is the second sentence said by the man who appeared suddenly, as if he was talking to himself, but at this time, Xiaobi, who had become frenzied, suddenly felt that he couldn't move even after he swooped over. , Even the roar can't come out... Such an enemy has never appeared in its memory, even in that era when it was just made a thousand years ago, it had never heard of such a strong existence.

Seeing that the biological Emperor had been under his control, the man turned around and began to look at Hill who had been shot and fell to the ground.

"Asshole! You, who are you? Are you also a member of NightRaid? You evil fellow, justice won't let you go!"

Originally, after being shot in Hill, Seleu felt more happy, not to mention how happy she was. In her heart, she was finally avenging the captain who was kind to her, and she finally lived up to the captain's expectations...

However, just as she was about to succeed, that handsome and noble-looking man suddenly had a spoiler, and even if Xiaobi, who had become frenzied, was controlled by the other party, what she was worried about now was not. Her safety and life are at stake, but what she is worried about is that she can't kill the NightRaid members to achieve the justice in her heart and is angry...

"Huh... Finally... Hill, Hill, are you okay, this, this gentleman, since you saved us, can you please, can you please..."

Also because of the injury, Main fell to the ground in despair. Hillin rescued himself from being shot, and then he was about to be eaten by that nasty creature-type imperial tool, this man he didn’t even know. It suddenly appeared, and at the same time he was unexpectedly relieved.

However, it didn't take long for Ma Yin to just relax, and was knocked to the bottom by the next angry voice.

When Seleuc was questioning, and Main also asked for his own request and hoped that the other party would help him, a voice full of anger came.(Read more @

"Bold! You, a little garrison guy, dare to question His Royal Highness's actions!"

Immediately after the voice came, he saw a young man's figure appearing next to the man's voice again, and the figure that appeared afterwards surprised Main and Hill who had not yet passed out of a coma.

Isn't this man one of the guys that he and others fought with the former companion of Akita? And listen to this man's tone, isn't it?

Thinking of this, Main and Hill looked at the man who had saved Hill before, showing an incredible color.

"Who are you? If you are not from NightRaid, then please don't prevent me from killing these two evil men, I..."


"You, are you the regent?"

It was also quite unexpected that Seleu was suddenly yelled at by Naha Xiu. If the other party was talking like this, then the other party was probably not what he thought, but if not, why would the other party save the other party? And looking at the appearance of these two people, it is obvious that they are not ordinary people.

But before Seleuc finished speaking, he was suddenly shocked by Main's question.

What did she hear, that Night Raid woman actually seemed to know the identity of the other party, and said that the other party is the royal regent in the legend of the empire. How could this be possible, how could the regent come to this place at this point in time? ...

"Oh? Little girl, you know me? Then it's easier to handle. Actually, I'm very curious about your NightRaid. I want to invite you to my place for a cup of tea. Let's have a good chat, how about?"

Although Yuzan knew that it was because of Nahasiu's appearance and his respect for him that he made the other person guess his identity, he still asked pretendingly in surprise, apparently acknowledging his identity.

"How is this possible! What are you kidding me, what else is there to say between our NightRaid and your empire, and, since you have revealed your identity, then if you are acquainted, let us go quickly, otherwise... …"



"At war!"

"Quickly, call for more reinforcements, and be sure not to let the culprits run away!"

However, Ma Yin's threatening words have not yet been finished, and suddenly there is a sound of anxious Cu footsteps, and many people wearing guard armor are faintly visible in the distance. They are obviously coming here from Seleuc. The whistle was noticed by the guards.

"Om... Om... Om..."

"X... the cut..."

But before the rest of the guards just felt the periphery, before they surrounded the Main regiment, Hill, who had fallen to the ground, didn’t know where the strength came from and lifted the imperial equipment in his hand. Two breaks xi proud hun".

The dazzling light suddenly illuminated this street, but it also made everyone present except Yuzan and Nahasiu into a state of short-term blindness...


"Hurry up and run away now, Main!"


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