Outside the Imperial City, NightRaid headquarters, in Ma'in's room.

At this time, Ma Yin was lying on her bed with sweating profusely, and in her room, everyone, including Najiexitan, gathered together.

"It's been three days, why hasn't Maine woken up yet? What is going on, and Hill has no news at all!"

Tazmi's complexion was very anxious.

Although Ma Yin is usually very poisonous and always ridiculed herself, Tazmi knew that her nature was like this after staying in NightRaid for a long time, and it was not a catharsis of the other side's emotions between her comrades...

Three days ago, everyone did not expect that a very easy task would evolve into such a situation. Three days ago, Ma Yin returned to the headquarters with a slight tremor and fainted just before arriving at the headquarters. Everyone was a little surprised.

And Hill was gone, which immediately shocked the people of NightRaid, and at the same time sent Lubbock who hadn't violently gone out to inquire about the news, but found nothing.

Not only did the revolutionary army lurking in the imperial capital not get any abnormalities, even the security forces did the same.

As for Ma’in’s coma, he learned that the other party had suffered serious injuries before after being examined by a doctor dispatched by the revolutionary army, but this was not the most important thing. The most important thing was Ma’in. She was mentally stimulated, and the combination of various factors made her unconscious.

"No, no, no! Hill, no! Hill!!!"

Suddenly, Maine who was lying quietly on the bed suddenly yelled, which immediately attracted everyone's attention.

Although Main was still in a coma, she suddenly grabbed her hands and yelled at the void.


Three days ago, the garrison headquarters was in the inner city of the imperial capital.

"His Royal Highness, Seleuc is really rude. Fortunately, he didn't hurt His Highness. Otherwise, your subordinates can just..."

A fat-eared guy is constantly apologizing to Yuzan in the office. It looks like a dead father.

In fact, this guy is not to blame, this guy is the highest officer Viscount Locke of the imperial capital garrison.

He also felt that he was very innocent. It was so annoyed that he was awakened from the warm bed by his housekeeper in the middle of the night, but he didn't want to get a news that almost scared him to death.(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

On the way back from the outer city to the imperial city, His Royal Highness encountered a battle with Night Raid in their guard troops, and also affected His Royal Highness. What annoyed him most was that some of the guard troops even said that His Royal Highness and Night Raid colluded with Night Raid. , And detained the other party, how could this not annoy him, how could it not make him frightened.

That is the regent, the most noble and powerful regent in the entire empire, and the opponent is still a murderous guy. At the beginning, he killed his confidant Ombudsman in the presence of Lord Ornest, the Minister of State. Zibul, Lord Ornest didn't even say a word, from here you can know the difference between the Regent and others.

But now, he was actually involved in such a thing, and he rushed to the headquarters of the police force as quickly as possible, and then the scene just happened.

"Okay, Viscount Locke, Gu knows that you don't know about this, and the little girl named Seleu is actually not wrong. Gu didn't know that she was fighting with the villains in NightRaid. , And indeed saved a NightRaid villain!"

Looking at the other person's horrified appearance, Yuzan looked very plain, but deliberately said a news that Lord Locke almost didn't fall to the ground.

"Uh, this, this... Your Highness, how can you save the wicked? You don't know it, it can only be regarded as a mistake, you see..."

I scolded in my heart, you uncle could not help but trouble me, but he was still very righteous and awe-inspiring to help Yuzan ‘excuss’.

"Okay, since you understand, it’s okay for the loneliness. Well, in this way, I will also take away the woman from Night Raid, but I don’t want a second person to know about this. If not, you should Know the consequences!"

After saying this, Yuzan walked out of the office directly regardless of the other party's reaction, leaving Viscount Locke with a miserable look.


NightRaid headquarters.

"That said, Hill's life or death is uncertain now?"

Ma Yin had already woke up, lying on the sick bed, after appealing and talking about the original things, Na Jie Xitan asked softly again.

"Well, it was because the guards from the brigade came, and I was seriously injured at the time. Hill was shot and fell to the ground. It was her last strength that bought me time to escape... But although Hill She was shot, but I always feel like she's not dead..."

Nodded, Ma Yin's expression still looked a little low.

"Great, as long as we know that Hill is not dead, let's go..."

"Tazmi, where do you want to go!"

After learning that Hill may not have died, everyone's complexion improved slightly, and Tazmi couldn't help but walked out but was stopped by Brand.

"Does that still need to be asked? Since Hill is probably not dead, of course I am going to save him!"

Tazmi replied without even thinking about it, but after he finished answering, he looked at everyone in a daze.

Because he found that after he said these words, the faces of everyone seemed a little unnatural.

"You, what's the matter with you, don't you want to..."

"Enough, Tazmi, it's not that we don't want to, but it's not working right now! Not to mention that we are all just showing up... and even if we go, will we be able to save Hill? Now? Regardless of what Hill's situation is, even if Hill is really not dead, do you know where she is? So we must have a detailed plan!"


Three days later, on a hill outside the imperial capital city.

A huge dangerous species squatted on the ground. A woman with a smile on her mouth looked at the sunrise in the distance and said to herself faintly:

"It's been a long time, the imperial capital!"


Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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