Naruto Hogyoku System

Chapter 104 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

‘You are. Kakashi opened his scarlet Sharingan, staring at the figure gradually coming out of the mist.

Coming early is not as good as a coincidence, but the child just now seems to have the ability to perceive danger_._" With the erratic voice, the figure in the mist gets closer and the outline becomes clearer.

Slender figure, long silver hair, perfect face, two eyes.

Kakashi, who was staring at the incoming people, stunned Sharingan incredibly, and felt the pressure from Setsuna's Tenseigan. They were definitely not ordinary eyes.

‘It’s been a long time. II_. Kakashi. "Finally, Setsuna walked out of the fog, came to everyone, and looked around slightly.

‘Kakashi suddenly felt that the person in front of him was a little familiar, but suddenly he couldn’t remember it at all.

‘Have you forgotten after seeing it for so long? Speaking of which we have stayed in Anbu together before, and went to the battlefield together~_.’’ It seemed to remind Kakashi to be normal, Setsuna whispered in detail.

Chapter 123 The Power of Setsuna

"Anbu... the battlefield..."

After pondering these words carefully, Kakashi seemed to suddenly remember something, and suddenly a name was crossed in his memory, a name that is now taboo in Konoha.

"Hyuga... Setsuna...?!" Kakashi slowly spit out the name, as if he had a poison in his mouth, and summoned the person in front of him, with shock, complexity, and even fear in his tone.

‘It’s come you appear here...and what you look like?" Kakashi was surprised and surprised by the dramatic change of Setsuna before him.

"Hyuga Setsuna?! Are you Hyuga Setsuna?!" Hearing Kakashi's name, I will not cut the same young man I met in Water Country a few years ago with the person in front of me.

Almost subconsciously, both No. No. and Kakashi thought of the rumors of the Kasumi Ninja four years ago, and for a while, both of them swallowed with difficulty at the same time.

"Don't be so surprised. The person who should be surprised is me. I didn't expect that Mist Shinobi's Tao Di and Black Hoe Lei Fang would come together to give birth to Setsuna's face with a light smile, no After thinking that Bai was taken away by himself, Don’t Cut it and go to the Black Hoe Thunderya again.

‘It’s rumored that you have left Konoha and are no longer Konoha’s ninja. Wouldn’t you suddenly come here to help them?” No longer cut his dignified gaze, and asked with a hint of uncertainty.

"I'm not here to help them, but you almost messed up my script...," said whisperingly, Setsuna glanced at Naruto and the three brats who were all hurt. So today you will die. Here. It's that simple. "

Setsuna's tone was downplayed, easily determining the life and death of a person, as if the person in front of him was just a building ant, not the fearsome ‘Ghost Peach Land No More Cut.

‘Mist Shinobi Technique!

Hearing Setsuna said that he would die here today, and immediately put his hands together if he didn't cut it, suddenly a fog appeared on the bridge, making it difficult to distinguish between east and west.

"Come on, for the sake of one of us....Use all the ninjutsu you can use..." Faced with the misty fog, Setsuna still said lightly, "And, you are sure not Are you planning to escape?"

"The throat, the heart, the lungs, the neck... Do you want me to start with Nari first?" There was a voice in the mist that I would not cut all around.(Read more @

"Oh...," Setsuna really doesn't know what to say. Perhaps the years of murder has turned Reunion into a numb machine, "Also, let you finish this most arrogant line... and then die. Right!"

After speaking, Setsuna gently stretched out his right hand. Under Tenseigan's vision, nothing in the mist could hide.

Hidden in the mist waiting for an opportunity to attack or flee, he didn’t cut it. Suddenly, he felt his body stagnated, and an irresistible suction hit him. He pulled himself forward, and in an instant, his body flew involuntarily in front of Setsuna. .

This is Tenseigan's use of gravity, similar to Rinnegan's Universal Pull. Setsuna grabbed the neck of no longer cut, and even lifted the tall ninja with one hand.

Feeling the huge force passing from Setsuna's hand, I feel like my neck is about to be chopped if I don't cut it. I was about to fight desperately and kick out a kick. At this moment, the strength of my hand suddenly changed, and I immediately controlled my whole person. Can't help being thrown into the air.

‘Goodbye, ghost...,’.

Water Style·Water Dragon Bite!!"

I barely saw the Setsuna seal, and suddenly there was a pool of water close to 20 meters Uzumaki on the ground of the bridge. It was continuously jetting upwards. There was a rapid stream of water that bombarded the air without cutting it.

As soon as I stopped being cut in the air by high-speed water jets. When countless wounds were exposed, all the water currents in the air suddenly gathered again and turned into a huge water dragon. One bite swallowed him down.

The huge water dragon slammed on the ground with the corpse that was never cut again, and everything finally turned into calm drunkenness.

At this time, only on the bridge, the shocked eyes of Kakashi, Naruto Sasuke and Little Sakura, and some rapid breathing, declared that all this is not peaceful.

There is ample water environment everywhere around here. With Setsuna’s current strength, coupled with Tenseigan’s lock, the S-level Water Style that was displayed casually, has caused such a powerful force, it will kill the elite Jōnin in an instant. .

This is the suppression of levels, like a shadow-level powerhouse, even if he uses ordinary kunai, he can torture a Chūnin every minute.

‘’It’s over...” As if whispering farewell to a friend, he just killed him and didn’t cut it again. At this time, under the continuous spray of water everywhere, Setsuna looked like a fallen angel, evil, powerful, but gorgeous.

"Does the Water Style that you use casually have such a powerful power...what exactly are you now...," Setsuna easily wiped out an elite Jōnin, Kakashi's expression was extremely dignified, and what he said Said,'The script, what kind of exhaustion is it... Is there any plan he is doing...,'

"'s so easy...," Naruto's eyes widened in astonishment as he saved the moment in front of him (Noma's). He clearly looked even better than Mrs. Kakashi. It’s a small one... he killed an enemy that even Mr. Kakashi couldn’t defeat...,’.

Damn... the enemy we faced so hard was unexpectedly he... Sasuke on the side of the corpse also clenched his hand tightly, and hated himself at the same time. How can I kill the man if this goes on, "We just Fight so desperately. What the hell is it!!"

And the little Sakura on one side, at this time, straightened his eyes like a nympho, ‘there are actually boys more handsome than Sasuke in the world...and a must have never thought of it...,’

Ignoring the expressions of the three little ghosts, Setsuna realized that Naruto suddenly ran all the way in front of him at this moment, saving himself viciously...

Chapter 124


Seeing Naruto's abrupt behavior, Kakashi became a little flustered. No one could know the purpose of Setsuna's sudden appearance. He treated himself and others.

No one can guarantee what kind of attitude he is in. Maybe the next second he will suddenly kill everyone in his party.

After all, judging from the many things that happened to him and the many incidents he created with one hand, for the time being, no one is more dangerous than him in this world.


‘Who the hell are you guys!? Actually ran over and killed all the opponents we were going to fight! What are you... Corpse

Seeing that Naruto, a very nervous boy ran in front of him, he started yelling, Setsuna was a bit funny, after all, loud voice and rough nerves are

What are the common points of all the hot-blooded anime protagonists.......

Naruto. Don't you remember me?’. Saved the kid in front of him, Setsuna's eyes were a little erratic, and his thoughts seemed to fly back a few years ago.

‘ are...,’ Hearing Setsuna suddenly calling out his name like this, Naruto was taken aback, it seemed to arouse the long time he was a child

Memory, ‘are you the big brother at that time?!".

Naruto, do you know him?" At this time, Sakura was puzzled and saved Naruto. I never thought that Naruto, an idiot, would even know such a handsome guy.


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