Naruto Hogyoku System

Chapter 105 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

Hmm...I saw him when I was four years old, and he even invited me to eat ramen!" Naruto also seemed to think about it completely, and followed him.

Little Sakura at the edge explained.

‘You. You are that person at that time! You are that man’s friend!".

Go to hell!!" At this moment, Sasuke on the other side was extremely excited, and rushed directly towards Setsuna with a handful of kunai in his hand.

It's that Sasuke rushed towards him with kunai, Setsuna's mouth raised a playful smile.

Not at all exhausted, Sasuke was easily grasped by Setsuna with the hand of Kunai, and he was lightly kicked by Setsuna.

Kicked away lightly.

‘You are too weak...,’ Setsuna said lightly, but slammed into Sasuke’s fragile heart, even let me kill

You have no interest... less

‘I’m too weak...,’ Sasuke fell on the ground, his eyes were hollow, and he remembered in confusion that the man seemed to say the same to him.


Yeah. I'm too that man is not even interested in killing me... The corpse growls almost hysterically, Sasuke is jet black.

The eyes gradually turned into a scarlet color, and a gouyu was swirling in it impressively.


Setsuna raised her eyebrows a little out of wisdom, but she didn't expect to be stimulated by his own words. He didn't fight against Shir like in the original book.

Suke unexpectedly awakened Sharingan, should it be said that this is the arrangement of fate?

‘Why... why are you so strong... didn’t kill that man in the first place!?"

‘In that case, nothing will happen.,’

Sitting depressed on the ground, Sasuke couldn't help but shed tears in Sharingan, who had just awakened. He had never seen Naruto and Sakura like him.

, On one side was also stunned, only a hint of understanding and understanding flashed in the eyes of Setsuna and Kakashi.

"Master Setsuna!"

"Master Setsuna!"(Read more @

At this moment, the two voices suddenly broke the situation, and I saw Setsuna next to him. I don't know when there were already two more teenagers.

This speed... Kakashi widened his Sharingan in horror. When he approached it, he didn't even notice it. This kind of strength is so amazing.

Less is already the level of the elite Jōnin...

And the age of these two boys... What shocked Kakashi was that the age of these two boys suddenly appeared in front of him.

They also don't ((acda) how much.

‘Well. You guys came here so early...,’

Ignoring the surprised gaze of others, Setsuna nodded flatly when Shiro and Junmaro arrived.

"The two of them are my subordinates. Shiro, and Junmaro...," Setsuna seemed to be in a good mood. He even introduced Kakashi to them.

Under the names of the two teenagers.

Just when Kakashi and the others wanted to say something in surprise, an untimely voice interrupted him.

It turns out that the old man Dazna is here...,’

At this time, a middle-aged man in black and more than a hundred people surrounded the entire bridge surface. It looked like some

Samurai and Ronin.

‘Don’t cut this waste anymore...Sure enough, I said that ninjas are unreliable... The corpse saw this middle-aged man wearing sunglasses smoking a cigar arrogantly.

Looking at the body that will not be cut, he said.


Really boring one

‘Kimmaro, go and solve them! Don’t keep any of them!” Facing the dark forces in the world of ordinary people, Setsuna even raised his eyelids with interest.


"Yes! Lord Setsuna!"

Hearing Setsuna's order, Junmaro immediately disappeared in place.


I only saw blood spray everywhere, and the sound of the samurai ronin’s repairing screams became one piece. Junmaro seemed like a demon, without a trace of emotion.

The bone knives in slayed wildly among the crowd.

In about a few minutes, the screams gradually subsided, and there were stumps and arms everywhere, but Junmaro's clothes were not stained with a drop.

The blood still returned to Setsuna with a grim expression.

It's all resolved, Master Setsuna. "

‘Hmm._. Well done. "As soon as he saw that Junmaro had solved all the dragon sets with no effort, Setsuna nodded exhaustedly.

It’s especially good to have a younger brother, you don’t have to do everything yourself.


Seeing Setsuna’s subordinates, the cold boy who looked almost the same age as him, killed so many people with one shot, little Sakura desperately

She covered her mouth and didn't scream in surprise.

‘This kind of strength _._” Ishi’s ability to shoot for Junmaro, Sasuke and Naruto, the two little ghosts, opened their eyes incredibly, ‘clearly

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