Shinichi Hyuga also knew that although Senju Tobirama hated the Uchiha clan, it was also caused by the previous war between the two clans.

When he was the second generation Hokage, his policy towards the Uchiha clan was still quite good, and he also handed over the Konoha Police Force, an important law enforcement department, to the Uchiha clan for management.

The Konoha Police Force is mainly responsible for maintaining the law and order of the village, which also expresses Senju Tobirama's trust in the Uchiha clan.

At the same time, he can also observe the every move of the Uchiha clan. Senju Tobirama's research on the Uchiha clan is very in-depth, so he knows the Uchiha clan very well, and the possibility of them losing control is too great.

The love of the Uchiha clan is stronger than anyone else, because the emotional stimulation of understanding love and then losing love, the power gained will make the Uchiha clan's character become distorted and extreme.

Every Uchiha who opens the Mangekyo only believes in his own judgment. For example, Uchiha Madara saw the record on the ancestral stone tablet and felt that the infinite moon reading could achieve true peace.

Uchiha Obito was unwilling to believe that the girl he loved died because he witnessed her death. After learning about Uchiha Madara's Infinite Tsukuyomi plan, he also felt that this was the perfect world.

So everything in reality is not important. Anyway, they will meet again in the world of Infinite Tsukuyomi in the end. After traveling in the ninja world as Uchiha Madara, he is more convinced that Infinite Tsukuyomi is the most ideal world.

Uchiha Shisui and Uchiha Itachi are also very paranoid about protecting the peace of the village. They both want to start with the Uchiha clan instead of the village leaders.

Of course, they also know that the Uchiha clan cannot defeat the entire village.

But Uchiha Shisui can obviously use Kotoamatsukami to change Sarutobi Hiruzen's view of the Uchiha clan, but he still took the initiative to explain to the village leaders and said that he could use Kotoamatsukami against the clan leader Uchiha Fugaku.

Uchiha Itachi also exterminated the Uchiha clan for the peace of the village.

These cases can all show that the people of the Uchiha clan cannot be judged by normal people's thinking. The changes in temperament before and after opening their eyes are too different.

So it is understandable that Senju Tobirama said that the Uchiha clan was a clan cursed by evil.

In Hyuga Shinichi's own opinion, the Uchiha clan was born with mental illness, but as long as they were guided a little, they could be stabilized.

Therefore, Senju Tobirama let the Uchiha clan manage the police force, bound them to the law enforcement department, to integrate and guide the Uchiha clan.

It is easy to offend and hate the Uchiha clan as law enforcers.

That is also the problem of the third generation Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen and Shimura Danzo.

There is nothing wrong with law enforcers doing things according to the law, but the two of them added suppression and provocation to Senju Tobirama's policy on the Uchiha clan.

Therefore, the villagers of Konoha did not have a good evaluation of the Uchiha clan.

Senju Tobirama targeted more the uncertainties brought about by the Uchiha opening the Sharingan, while the two of them understood that the Uchiha clan should be directly killed.

The Uchiha clan, which existed in the ninja world for thousands of years, was wiped out by Sarutobi Hiruzen, who did not have the political skills of Senju Tobirama, and the instigation of Shimura Danzo. I don't know how to evaluate it.

Of course, the instability of the Uchiha clan will be feared and guarded against by those in power no matter which country or ninja village it is in.

Only Senju Tobirama, who knows the Uchiha clan best, will issue corresponding policies for the Uchiha clan, hoping that they will integrate with the village.

Now that Uchiha Fugaku will apologize to him, Hinata Shinichi feels that the current Uchiha Fugaku already has the idea of letting the Uchiha clan and the village live in peace.

"It's okay. I know the character of the Uchiha clan. I don't think it's okay to be a little arrogant, as long as the heart is not bad."

When Uchiha Fugaku heard what Hinata Shinichi said, his unhappy expression changed, as if he was very surprised by what Hinata Shinichi said, but he quickly recovered and said

"Thank you for your understanding."

Uchiha Fugaku returned to the Uchiha clan after he finished speaking, because at this time the village leaders and the carriages loaded with supplies arrived at the gate.

After all the ninjas on the list arrived, Sarutobi Hiruzen did not say anything more, and everyone set out for the Rain Country under the command of Yuhi Shinku.

The Eyes, Nose and Ears combination set out first as the reconnaissance team to investigate the route.

Rope Tree, who was assigned to the same team as the Eyes, Nose and Ears combination, naturally went with them.

The Hidden Rain Village in the Rain Country

"Report to Lord Hanzo, new intelligence has come from the Fire Country. Konoha Village has once again sent a group of ninjas to our Rain Country, and they are bringing a large amount of supplies. Is there anything we need to do?"

"Really? Konoha has sent out a new batch of ninjas, probably to be used in the war with Sand Village. Well, there are also a large number of supplies... Let the logistics troops get ready. It seems that Konoha will also take the initiative to attack us."

"Yes! Master Hanzo!"The

Sand Village in the Land of Rain also received similar information.

"Sister, Konoha has sent another group of ninjas and a lot of supplies."

"Tsk, are we going to start a war of attrition?"

"Should we also request another batch of supplies from Lord Kazekage and the daimyos?"

"I will write a letter to request it myself. As long as those daimyos are not stupid and can see the situation clearly, they will definitely agree."

"Alas, we in the Sand Village are already short of supplies, and we are not fighting on our home soil. This war will probably consume all of our supplies."

"Brother, please send someone to notify the commander at the border station to prepare for a battle with Konoha. Our group of Sand Village still has to fight against the Rain Village, so we probably don't have much time to command them."

The new batch of Konoha ninjas had an unusually smooth journey. They arrived at the border of the Land of Fire at three o'clock in the morning of the next day. When they crossed the border of the Land of Fire and were about to reach the border of the Land of Rain, the team stopped.

This was not a temporary decision, but a location that had been chosen at the previous meeting.

This location is also close to the border of the Land of Rivers, so there is a plain all around. Even if the enemy suddenly launches an attack or sneak attack, it will be quickly discovered by the Konoha ninjas on duty.

The Konoha ninjas took action and began to build camps on the spot.

The tent as the command center was naturally the first to be built.

The lights in the tent were bright, reflecting several busy figures.

Obviously, it was the commander Yuhi Shinku who held an emergency meeting with people in other positions. Hinata Shinichi did not know the content of the emergency meeting, and he did not care much, because he was busy building their tents with several people.

After a whole day of running around and having to pay attention to the situation on the road, they were already exhausted.

The three experienced eyes, noses, and ears were fine, but Nawaki was already exhausted.

So now they just want to set up the tent as soon as possible, then have a full meal, and then have a good rest.

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