After the four people and the dog had eaten and drunk their fill, they prepared to go into the tent and have a good sleep.

However, at this moment, a ninja found them. To be more precise, he came to find Hinata Shinichi.

"Hinata Shinichi, Lady Yuhi Shinku and the others are looking for you, please come with me"

"Oh? Okay, you guys take a rest first, I'll go see what's going on."

Hinata Shinichi asked the other three to rest first, and he followed the ninja to the tent of Yuhi Shinku. Soon they arrived in front of the tent.

At this moment, the sun had not risen yet, and the tent was still brightly lit.

"Come in, the adults are waiting for you inside"

"Thank you for your help."

Hinata Shinichi said as he opened the tent curtain and walked in. The four people in the room looked at Hinata Shinichi who came in. Hinata

Shinichi knew three of them, namely Yuhi Shinku, Hatake Sakumo and Kato Dan.

There was another one he didn't know, he only knew that he was from the Sarutobi clan, responsible for receiving intelligence, sorting out their information on the front line, and then sending people back to the village.

Seeing Hinata Shinichi come in, Kato Dan, who was most familiar with him, took the initiative to smile and said

"Sorry, Shinichi, you guys should be resting by now, right?"

"It's okay, brother-in-law, we just had enough to eat and drink and are ready to rest."

Over the years, Hinata Shinichi has always called Kato Dan brother-in-law, and it has become a habit over time.

Even if there are other people present now, he did not react and just habitually called him this name.

Kato Dan was a little shy when being called this in front of so many people.

At this time, Hatake Sakumo also joined in the fun and said in a teasing tone

""Duan, I remember that you were on a mission and didn't come to my wedding. Let me tell you, Tsunade was so happy when she received the bouquet thrown by Yin that day. When are you two going to get married?"

In fact, it was no longer a secret among the jonin that Kato Dan and Tsunade were in love.

They did not hide this relationship, but got along with each other openly and frankly, and they are still very close to each other.

"This... depends on Tsunade.……"

Kato Dan was embarrassed and began to stutter when he spoke. This scene caused everyone in the tent to laugh.

However, only Hinata Shinichi did not laugh, because at this moment, he was thinking to himself,"Brother-in-law, you are just setting a flag! This is absolutely not okay!"

Although it is not yet the time point of Kato Dan's death in the original book, it actually makes no difference to set a flag at this moment.

Therefore, Hinata Shinichi quickly interrupted Kato Dan's words and said

""Okay, brother-in-law, let's get down to business. I'm sure you guys asked me to come here because there must be something you need me to do."

Kato Dan also came back to his senses after hearing this and responded.

"Yes, I called Shinichi here to discuss something, why did you end up talking about me and Tsunade?"

Kato Dan tried to change the subject out of shyness, which made everyone laugh again.

Finally, Yuhi Shinku, who was sitting in the main seat, spoke up.

"Okay, let's stop here and talk about business first. If we finish the arrangements early, we can also rest early."

At this time, Hinata Shinichi couldn't help but secretly speculate, is there any task assigned to him?

Soon, Yuhi Shinku personally answered Hinata Shinichi's doubts.

"Before the meeting started, Riman introduced you to me, so we know each other now. Is it okay for me to call you Shinichi?"

"No problem, the head of the family also told me to call you Uncle Zhenhong before."

At this time, Yuhi Zhenhong was about 30 years old, and it was not considered too much for Hinata Shinichi, who was almost 11 years old, to call him uncle.

"Well, Shinichi, we called you here because we want to arrange a mission for you, the Eyes, Nose, and Ears team. The mission is to sneak into the River Country and enter the Wind Country from the River Country to collect information about the Sand Village."

Yuhi Shinku paused for a moment and then added

"This mission is very dangerous, it is equivalent to entering the heart of the Sand Village. You, the Eyes, Nose, and Ears team, have rich experience in collecting intelligence, so……"

"I accept this mission on behalf of the Eyes, Nose and Ears team. As long as the information we bring back can help Konoha to reduce casualties, it won't be considered dangerous."

"Well said! But Shinichi, you are still young, and Konoha is not at the stage where you young people need to sacrifice your lives. This mission should prioritize your own safety. It doesn't matter if you don't collect any important information. Do you understand?

We sent you, the Eyes, Nose, and Ears, out to collect information just to see what Sand Village has prepared."

Seeing that Hinata Shin nodded to show that he understood, Yuhi Shinku continued

"Okay, go back and notify the others to get ready, then you can rest directly and set off again at six in the afternoon."

Hinata Shinichi left the tent, thinking silently about the mission.

Not long after, Hinata Shinichi returned to the tent he and his companions had built.

Standing beside the tent, Hinata Shinichi did not see the three of them and the dog.

He thought, maybe they have already gone into the tent to rest.

So, he gently lifted the curtain of the tent and stepped in.

However, the moment he stepped into the tent, three faces suddenly appeared in front of him. The close distance scared Hinata Shinichi!

When he reacted, he found that it was the three of Naoki and the others, and he couldn't help feeling speechless.

"What are you doing? You don't even take a break when you can."

Inuzuka Mukuro said

"We are waiting for you to come back. Is there anything you want us to do?"

Hinata Shinichi did not hide anything and directly told them the task assigned by Yuhi Shinku in detail. Finally, he said

"Okay, now you know the specific content of the mission. You can prepare the necessary items first, and then go to rest. We will set off at 6 o'clock this afternoon. It is now more than five in the morning.

We still have more than twelve hours to rest in peace. Once we enter the Kingdom of Wind, I am afraid it will be difficult for us to have a good sleep, so let's adjust our state now."

Hinata Shinichi didn't need to prepare anything. He climbed onto his bed without taking off his clothes and lay down. Listening to the sound of the three people and the dog sorting out their things, he fell asleep soon.

Maybe because he was too tired, Hinata Shinichi snored. After hearing it, the three people smiled at each other, and also took the time to pack up and rest.

Time passed quickly, and it was more than five o'clock in the afternoon in a blink of an eye.

The four people and the dog had already woken up, washed up, and filled their stomachs. After checking that there was nothing forgotten, the four people and the dog headed towards the direction of the Kingdom of Rivers.

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