After entering the Kingdom of Rivers, the four people and the dog were always very cautious, trying to stay away from places where people appeared and not to come into contact with people.

Finally, they successfully arrived at the border between the Kingdom of Rivers and the Kingdom of Winds.

Then they changed their attire, and each of them put on a sandy yellow cloak to cover their bodies, so that they would not be so easily noticed in the Kingdom of Winds where yellow sand was everywhere.

Because the Byakugan was too prominent, Shinichi Hyuga deliberately wrapped his eyes with a bandage and let down his long hair that was originally tied up. With his left hand holding the ninja dog Kurotan and his right hand tightly grasping a wooden stick, at first glance, he looked like a blind man.

As for the other three people, each of them carried a backpack filled with various heat-resistant fruits.

You know, fruits are a very scarce resource in the Kingdom of Winds, and they all rely on imports from other countries.

Therefore, the identities disguised by Shinichi Hyuga and the other four were fruit sellers from the Kingdom of Rivers to the Kingdom of Winds, and it seemed that there was nothing wrong with it.

If you ask why you choose to come to the Kingdom of Winds at such a sensitive time...���Selling fruits in the Kingdom of Wind?

In fact, these people looked more like people who came to sell fruits for profit after hearing that the Kingdom of Wind had launched a war.

After all, fruit can also be regarded as an important material.

This was the news that the whispering bug released by Aburame Tomohiro heard when they were in the Kingdom of River.

So, they disguised themselves and embarked on the journey to the Kingdom of Wind.

However, not long after Hyuga Shinichi and others entered the territory of the Kingdom of Wind, the war between Konoha and Sand Village had already started.

This fierce battle took place between the border between the Kingdom of Rain and the Kingdom of River. Unlike the Kingdom of Rain, which was rainy all year round, it did not rain continuously here. It also made the venue environment not so bad, and there were fewer uncertainties. So the ninjas on both sides began to fight.

But Hyuga Shinichi and others knew nothing about these things.

At this moment, they were walking in the endless desert. Wherever they looked, it was all golden, and they could not see the end at all.

The scorching sun hung high above their heads, baking the earth mercilessly.

It is summer now, and the water bag that Nawaki carried on his waist has long been empty. The water formed by the water-attribute chakra is still chakra in essence, and can only be used to quench thirst, which is completely useless.

In desperation, he could only take out an apple from his backpack and chew it slowly in small bites.

The others were not much better. The ninja dog Kurotan stuck out his long tongue and kept it hanging at his mouth.

Hinata Shinichi, who had long hair and a cloak hood, even had steam coming out of his head.

Although he tried to use the wind-attribute chakra to blow out a cool breeze to cool down, the airflow would soon be affected by the high temperature around and turned into a heat wave, which made Hinata Shinichi feel even more hot and unbearable.

"Why is it so hot in the Kingdom of Wind?

This is not the first time that Rope Tree has complained like this. The other people were silent, obviously they were also very hot. Talking less can reduce the feeling of heat a little. Although

Hinata Shinichi covered his eyes with a bandage, his Byakugan was always open.

Nowadays, Hinata Shinichi would not feel too much pressure even if he opened his Byakugan all day long, as it was as natural as breathing.

However, this is only because he did not use the two abilities of the Byakugan, the Insight Eye and the Perspective Eye. If he wanted to use these abilities continuously, he would probably not be able to open his Byakugan for a long time so easily.

Now Hinata Shinichi has only used the Byakugan's Telescopic Eye ability, and occasionally uses the Perspective Eye to check the surrounding situation.

Suddenly, Hinata Shinichi's Byakugan saw a caravan appearing in the distance ahead, slowly heading towards them.

Clearly They could see the scale of this caravan, which was beyond the reach of just a few of them.

With further observation, Hyuga Shinichi used the ability of his Byakugan to see through the carriage and saw that it was empty, with only some supplies needed for the caravan's return journey and a large amount of money.

There was no doubt that this caravan had completed a transaction in the Wind Country and was on its way back.

But Hyuga Shinichi saw something else, and signaled the three to slow down and stay alert.

This was because he also saw that this caravan was escorted by four Sand Ninjas, and judging from the amount of chakra, their strength was at least above the Chunin level.

Hyuga Shinichi didn't want to cause unnecessary trouble, so he decided to let a few of them rest at a nearby huge rock, and continue on their way after the caravan had passed.

So, the four of them and the dog came to the bottom of the rock wall, in the shadow of the rock wall. Take a short rest in the shadow.

However, fate always seems to be full of drama, and this caravan actually approached this huge rock.

The reason is simple, this happens to be an ideal resting place marked on the map.

It was too late for Hyuga Shinichi and others to change their position at this time, because Rope Tree and others had seen this caravan.

If they leave from the rock wall at this time, the caravan will also be able to see a few people in the endless desert, so they can only continue to pretend to rest here.

This caravan soon arrived near the huge rock and saw a few people in the shadow of the rock. It’s just that the formation of Hyuga Shinichi and others made the coachman on the carriage in front of the caravan dare not move forward. After signaling the camel in his car to stop, he also waved to signal the team behind to stop.

At this time, Rope Tree was Sitting on the ground in front of the others, with his back to the direction the caravan was coming from, he seemed to be oblivious to what was happening behind him.

When the caravan slowly approached, Nawaki turned his head slowly and stared at everything in front of him expressionlessly.

Inuzuka Mukuro squatted on the right side of Hyuga Shinichi. Due to the unique appearance of the Inuzuka clan, his face looked a little fierce.

The ninja dog Kurotan lay between Inuzuka Mukuro and Hyuga Shinichi, and his eyes were also on the groom at the front of the caravan.

Aburame Tomohiro stood on the left side of Hyuga Shinichi with his arms folded across his chest, his back against the rock wall, and the black goggles he wore reflected a faint light under the sunlight. Hyuga

Shinichi sat quietly on the stone between the three people, leaning on the stick with both hands, his chin resting on the back of his hands, and his long hair covering his face, so that the groom could not see his expression clearly.

Because the cloaks obscured the figures of the four people, and the posture of several people who looked like all villains, the groom couldn't help but feel a little scared, thinking that he had encountered robbers.

The four Sunagakure ninjas who were guarding the caravan also came to the front of the caravan to check what was going on. They also quickly noticed Hinata Shinichi and his companions, and immediately took out their kunai and became alert.

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