"Who are you!"

One of the Sand Ninjas said.

At this time, it was time for Nawaki to appear. Before entering the territory of the Wind Country, these people had already clarified each other's identities.

They were all children who lost their parents in the River Country and were left alone. In order to survive in the difficult world, they became sworn brothers and supported each other to live their lives.

And Nawaki, the oldest, naturally became the elder brother of everyone.

In fact, the identity of orphans is quite suitable for the four of them.

First of all, among the four, Shinichi Hyuga and Nawaki did have their parents die early, and Inuzuka Mukuro and Aburame Tomohiro were slightly better, but they were also from single-parent families.

Therefore, they were accustomed to such an orphan identity, and would not reveal any flaws and be detected as abnormal.

Secondly, only the identity of orphans like them who were helpless could reasonably explain that at their age of about ten years old, because no one took care of them, in order to survive.

They could only risk their lives to come to the Wind Country to sell water to make a living.

Finally, due to the influence of various problems in the current era, many people have become orphans, and this identity may resonate with more people.

Of course, it is unknown whether the last point is still useful now.

After all, what they are facing now is the Sand Ninja. You must know that the ninja education in each village is different.

But they are basically inseparable from the fact that ninjas need to give up most of their emotions and become people who endure humiliation.

So, now it depends on whether the four Sand Ninjas they met will sympathize with them for the orphan’s identity and thus not be so strict in checking their identities.

At this moment, Nawaki slowly stood up, patted the dust off his butt, then turned around, looked at the four Sand Ninjas expressionlessly and asked


The four Sand Ninjas became more alert. They closely watched every move of Nawase, as if they would immediately take action to deal with him if they found any abnormality.

However, Nawase, who had been expressionless, suddenly seemed to recognize the identities of these people, and a happy smile appeared on his face. He continued

"Oh, you are the ninjas from the Hidden Sand Village! I didn't expect to see you here. Do you want to buy some fruit?"

After saying that, Nawase took off his cloak quickly, put down the backpack on his back, put it on the ground and opened it.

The four Hidden Sand Village ninjas, who were originally stunned by Nawase's words, came to their senses when they saw Nawase taking off his cloak and thought he was going to take out some weapons or hidden weapons.

They planned to rush up and quickly get rid of Nawase, and then get rid of the other three people, but when they saw all kinds of fruits revealed in Nawase's open backpack, they were stunned again. The four Hidden Sand Village ninjas looked at each other for a few times, and their eyes met as if they were saying...

"Are they really here to sell fruit?"

Rope Tree noticed their relaxed expressions and heaved a sigh of relief. If the four Sand Ninjas had rushed up to attack, they would have no choice but to resist.

In this case, in order not to reveal their identities, this caravan must be eliminated, otherwise the mission would fail.

However, eliminating the four Sand Ninjas on the escort mission would also attract the attention of the Sand Ninja Village because they had not returned to the village for too long. At that time, they would definitely send ninjas out to look for them.

Then their mission would be almost a failure.

As for killing them all, there happened to be four of them on his side. They could put on their Sand Ninja clothes and use the transformation technique to become their appearance. Wouldn't it be better to collect intelligence by entering the Sand Village?

But they didn't plan to enter the Sand Village. The first reason was that they were afraid that they would be discovered soon because they were not the ones entering the Sand Village in person.

The second reason was that they were afraid of the perception ninjas in the Sand Village, because their chakra amounts were completely different and they would also be discovered quickly.

You know, the Third Kazekage, who was known as the strongest Kazekage, was still in the Sand Village, so they naturally couldn't take the risk.

Even if they collected important intelligence, what was the use if they couldn't get out.

So the best thing was to hide near the Sand Village and use the Byakugan and Whispering Bugs to see what was going on in the Sand Village.

Rope Tree enthusiastically picked up an apple and handed it to one of the Sand Village ninjas.

""Try it, it's sweet!"

The Sand Ninja took it and showed a hesitant expression. Seeing this, Rope Tree knew that the other party was afraid that it might be poisonous, so he planned to take it back and take a bite to prove it.

Seeing that Rope Tree was going to take it back, the Sand Ninja couldn't resist the desire for such a rare fruit in his heart. He took a bite and found that it was indeed very sweet and juicy.

The other three Sand Ninjas licked their cracked lips when they saw their companions eating so happily.

Rope Tree was also very generous and gave each of them an apple. The three Sand Ninjas also quickly ate the apples.

Seeing that there was no danger, the boss of the caravan got off the carriage and came over. After understanding the situation, he also asked everyone in the caravan to come over and rest.

Not long after, several people started chatting. The boss of the caravan learned that Hinata Shinichi and others were also from the Kingdom of Rivers, and he also spoke

"What a coincidence! I am also from the Kingdom of Rivers, but you look only about ten years old, right? How come you are selling fruit in the Kingdom of Winds at this age?"

"Alas, there is no other way, uncle. Our parents died early and no one takes care of us. We can only support each other and live together. Recently, we heard that the Wind Country is going to war with other countries.

We brothers also want to come to the Wind Country to sell fruits to make money. We just do it. We have no choice but to do this to survive."Shengshu described their previous life as miserable as possible, and even exaggeratedly said that they had no ability at the beginning, and could only fight wild dogs for food when they were hungry, so they also tamed a dog to accompany them.

It was simply tearful to see and sad to hear.

""Alas, poor kid."

The people in the caravan showed sympathy when they saw such a young child coming to the Wind Country to do business in order to survive.

Even if they didn't have a road map, they could easily get lost in the desert, not to mention the uncertainties such as sandstorms.

The four Sand Ninjas had a slight liking for Rope Tree because he treated them to apples for free.

In addition, their ages were not much different from those of Hinata Shinichi and others. The oldest was only sixteen years old, and the youngest was only eleven years old like Hinata Shinichi, so they also empathized with him.

The youngest Sand Ninja was still a girl, so she was a little emotional in her heart. She was about to say a few words of comfort.

But she noticed a pair of eyes staring at her and looked over.

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