"Why are you looking at me?"

The Sand Ninja said to the owner of the gaze.

The owner of the gaze was Shinichi Hyuga. He knew that he was being noticed, but he was pretending to be blind, so he pretended to be unaware that she was asking him.

At this time, Inuzuka Mukuro, who was closest to Shinichi Hyuga, spoke in tacit understanding.

"Are you talking about me? I didn't look at you."

"Not you, I mean the guy next to you holding the stick."

Inuzuka Mukuro immediately pretended to be enlightened, then responded with a puzzled expression.

"Are you mistaken? My brother is blind, how could he stare at you?"

Inuzuka Mukuro said as he lifted the hood on Hinata Shinichi's head and brushed aside his messy long hair, exposing the bandages wrapped around his eyes directly to the Sand Village female ninja.

In this way, everyone around could clearly see Hinata Shinichi's eyes covered with bandages. Hinata Shinichi was wrapped very tightly, even the Yin seal on his forehead was wrapped with bandages.

Rope Tree, who was chatting with someone not far away, of course noticed the movement here, so he deliberately raised his voice so that everyone present could hear him.

"Alas, my brother is the youngest among us. When he was a child, there was a fire in our house. His parents died without being able to escape the fire. Although he survived, his eyes were blinded by the smoke.

So we have to take him with us everywhere, just in case he can't see and his life is inconvenient."

Just as Nawaki was explaining to everyone, Inuzuka Mukuro whispered in his ear while helping Hinata Shinichi to tidy up his clothes.

"Shinichi, what's wrong with you? Why are you staring at others?"

"It's okay, I just thought it looked familiar, so I looked at it a few more times.

Inuzuka Mukuro showed a disdainful expression and continued in a low voice

"I think you're attracted to the other person, and you looked at him a few more times. I noticed that you were always looking at someone else, but I just didn't have the chance to remind you."


"Forget it, I won't joke with you anymore."

Because Sheng Shu was almost done talking, the two of them ended the conversation.

Sheng Shu also continued

"So, you said my brother was always looking at you, it might be your illusion, if it makes you feel uncomfortable, I will let my brother apologize to you, A Zhen! Apologize to her quickly!"

Not only did the few people disguise their identities, they also thought of names. Because they were all civilian orphans, they had no surnames. Hinata Shinichi was called A Zhen, Nawaki was A Shu, Inuzuka Muro and Aburame Tomohiro were A Muro and A Hiro.

Hinata Shinichi pretended to hear the direction of Nawaki's voice, waved in the direction of Nawaki, and nodded to express his apology.

But Inuzuka Muro grabbed Hinata Shinichi's head with both hands, turned it to the Sand Village female ninja and said

"Idiot, the person you want to apologize to is here."

Hinata Shinichi still said cooperatively

""I'm sorry for causing you trouble. I'm really sorry." Hinata Shinichi acted like a real blind person.

The Sand Hidden Ninja knew that she had misunderstood the other party and said

"It's okay, maybe I was wrong."

The largest male ninja from Sand Village said with a smile.

"Ye Cang, you are too sensitive. But it is not a bad thing. We are going to the battlefield soon. We must stay vigilant to survive. Do you understand?"

""Yes! Captain!"

The caravan and Hyuga Shinichi and the others were all silent. No one dared to continue the words of the Sand Ninja.

After all, they were only here to sell supplies. If they talked too much about the war, even if they had no problems, they would probably be arrested and tortured as spies collecting intelligence.

And Hyuga Shinichi learned a piece of information from their conversation. The Sand Ninja was actually Ye Cang!

In fact, as early as when he first saw her, Hyuga Shinichi felt that her appearance was somewhat familiar.

Especially the dark green hair that was tied into a bun, and the two sides of the forehead hanging down. The ends of his hair were brown, and these features made him observe him a few more times.

Hinata Shinichi now thought that it might be because Ye Cang was still young and had not grown into the appearance in the original book.

Of course, Ye Cang's current breasts were not as plump as in the original book, but were still flat.

What on earth did he eat to develop so well later?

Ahem! He was just curious about things and was exploring them, and he did not imagine any scenes that could not be broadcasted.

Hinata Shinichi hurriedly interrupted his thoughts, fearing that the thoughts in his mind would deviate more and more from the right track.

However, what he did not expect was that Of course, I will meet Ye Cang here. You know, in the original work, she is the only one who possesses the bloodline limit of Scorch Release.

The power of Scorch Release is well known to everyone who has seen it, but Ye Cang died too early and did not develop any moves.

Thinking back to the time when I was going to assist Minato in trying to fuse the bloodline limit, I learned that Minato possessed the three chakra attributes of wind, fire, and lightning. The first thing that came to my mind was the bloodline limit formed by the fusion of the two attribute chakras of wind and fire - Scorch Release.

Ye Cang, who possesses Scorch Release, was actually sent out to perform a guard mission. The training of talents in Sunagakure is somewhat poor. That's too much of an underestimation!

Could it be that Ye Cang has not yet awakened Scorch Release?

Yes, this possibility does exist.

In addition, is Ye Cang going to the battlefield as well?

Perhaps it was during the war that she successfully integrated Scorch Release.

Well, this can be regarded as a piece of information to be confirmed.

If we can know in advance that one of the opponent's bloodline limit ninjas will participate in the war, then many casualties can be effectively reduced at that time.

After Nawaki finished talking about Hinata Shinichi with others, people's attention was focused on Aburame Tomohiro, who had not spoken from beginning to end.

Facing everyone's puzzled eyes, Nawaki sighed and explained

"My younger brother is born dumb, so he can't speak."

In fact, this identity is very consistent with Aburame Tomohiro himself.

Like most members of the Aburame family, Aburame Tomohiro is also taciturn, and only speaks a little more when he is with a few of their companions.

Seeing these people showing sympathy again, Nawaki took the opportunity to promote his own fruits.

After all, they came to the Wind Country to sell fruits to make money in order to survive.

Although the price is a bit expensive, the caravan and the Sand Ninjas still bought two backpacks of fruits together. Nawaki also gave them a discount when he saw this, which made their sympathy reach its peak. The caravan boss gave them some necessary supplies in the desert.

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