Finally, in order to sell all the remaining fruits, the four people and the dog decided to get up and leave.

Hinata Shinichi leaned on the stick in his right hand and held the charcoal in his left hand, and assumed the posture of a blind man again.

Whether it was due to negligence or intentional, Hinata Shinichi suddenly tripped over a rock and leaned forward involuntarily. Just as he was about to fall, a hand held him tightly.

"Be careful!"

Hinata Shinichi heard this voice and realized that it was Ye Cang who pulled him, and said in a sincere tone

"Thank you, you are such a good person."

However, Ye Cang did not respond to his words of thanks, but just silently helped him stand up, and then murmured to himself

"Am I a good person? Soon, I will go to the battlefield to kill the enemy......."

There was a hint of contradiction and confusion in her tone.

Hinata Shinichi fell silent.

He didn't know how to answer for a moment, because he knew that the two sides were in hostile camps and would inevitably clash on the battlefield in the future.

The reason for this situation is that the economic development of various countries is unbalanced, and the leaders of various countries are dissatisfied with the status quo, which leads to war.

This time, the war is only a war between two big countries and a small country. After the war, there will be a few years of peace before the Third Ninja World War breaks out.

The Third War can only be called a meat grinder battle. The five major countries participated in this war, not to mention the Fire Country besieged by the other four major countries.

Konoha Village had to send ninjas who had just graduated to participate in the war.

Under such a big situation, a person's voice will become insignificant, and the war will not stop because he says he won't fight.

Unless you have the strength of Hashirama Senju to suppress other countries.

And Hinata Shinichi knows Ye Cang's will. In the memories of her apprentice Juan, Ye Cang once said to Juan

"Caring about family, village and fellow villagers, and having a firm will to protect the village, such a will can make ninjas stronger day by day."

It is normal for Ye Cang to be confused at this age. After all, he is only in his teens, and he is not like an adult soul.

At first, he felt guilty when he killed someone for the first time, but he finally figured it out.

In this cruel world, only in this way can you survive and protect everything you cherish.

Ye Cang will probably no longer be confused because of something and become a supporter of the village.

Maybe it's the war.

It's a pity that although Ye Cang is called the hero of Sand Village, she was sold to Kirigakure by the village leaders in order to stop the war with Kirigakure.

The cause of death was also concealed by the village leaders, which became the motivation for Sand Village to fight against Iwagakure.

Aburame Tomohiro stepped forward to support Hinata Shinichi. The four of them and the dog said goodbye to the caravan and the Sand Village ninjas and left the huge rock.

After getting away from the huge rock, Aburame Tomohiro also asked about Hinata Shinichi.

"Shinichi, what did you do just now?"

Sheng Shu and Inuzuka Mukuro turned around and looked at Hinata Shinichi, also wanting to know what happened to Hinata Shinichi just now.

Hinata Shinichi sighed and said

"It's okay, I just thought too much and didn't pay much attention, so I tripped over a rock."

The three didn't say much. If Hinata Shinichi, who usually behaves very calm, could think so much, it must be something related to the war.

Through the conversation between the Sand Village ninjas just now, they also knew that the Sand Village would continue to send more ninjas. All they can do now is to collect more useful information.

Several people continued to move towards the direction of the Sand Village according to the map prepared in advance.

By the evening, they had not arrived at the Sand Village, and they didn't know if they were lost or what, so they found a rock to rest for a while.

They planned to continue the action at night. Although the desert would be very cold at night, it would at least be cooler than during the day, which was more suitable for them to move quickly. Move.

Hinata Shinichi took out a bundle of scrolls and opened them, revealing the sealing ritual inside the scrolls.

When the seal on the scrolls was unlocked, white smoke came out with a bang, and when the white smoke dispersed, the dry food and drinking water inside were revealed.

After the few people had eaten and drunk enough to replenish their physical strength, they planned to take a nap. After all, no one would suddenly appear in this vast desert, and they would not sleep too deeply. They would wake up at the slightest movement.

Hinata Shinichi used the Byakugan as usual to patrol the surrounding situation. Nothing happened in other directions, but when he looked in the direction of the Sand Village, he saw something.

After a closer look, he found that it was a group of Sand Village ninjas.

"There is a group of Sand Village ninjas passing nearby, stay hidden!"

The four people and the dog lay on the ground, using sand-yellow cloaks to cover their bodies. Aburame Tomohiro also released the whispering bugs to hide in the sand along the route of the Sand Village ninjas.

Not long after, this group of Sand Village ninjas appeared in their sight. There were many of them carrying a lot of supplies, and at the end, there were a few people pulling a truck behind them. After waiting for a long time, this group of Sand Village ninjas disappeared at the end of the sight of the three people and the dog, but Hinata Shinichi could still see this group of Sand Village ninjas clearly with his Byakugan.

"The whisperer heard them say that they had to speed up their journey because the front line was still waiting for their supplies, and there were several groups of Sand Ninjas behind them delivering supplies."

Aburame Tomohiro told the whisperer what he heard. It seemed that these Sand Ninjas also chose to act at night like them.

"It seems we can't rest now. We have to speed up our actions. Otherwise, we will run into the next few batches of Sand Village ninjas who are delivering supplies. We have to continue hiding, and we don't know if we can reach the Sand Village tonight."

"Let's go, we've had enough rest now anyway."

The four people and the dog quickly moved towards the Sand Village. On the way, Hinata Shinichi saw several groups of Sand Village ninjas delivering supplies with his Byakugan.

The four people who were hiding were filled with anxiety.���They were shocked that the Sand Village could actually provide such a huge amount of supplies. This was obviously supported by the Daimyo of the Wind Country.

Along the way, they met several groups of Sand Village ninjas who were delivering supplies, and finally arrived near the Sand Village before dawn.

They decided to climb a high slope to better observe the situation inside the Sand Village.

Hyuga Shinichi used his Byakugan to penetrate obstacles and carefully observe every move in the Sand Village.

Once he found any valuable information, he would instruct Aburame Tomohiro to release the whispering bugs and let them sneak into the village to eavesdrop.

After all these years of cultivation and research by the Aburame clan using the family secret technique, the whispering bugs have undergone considerable changes.

Today, the whispering bugs have not only greatly improved the survival rate of the cultivated ones, but also improved a lot.

For example, the larvae of the whispering bug have been improved to be able to drill into the ground and fly quickly, and the effective distance for the larvae to transmit sound to the mother larvae has also been increased to 500 meters.

It's just that the number of larvae has become two, but it's just right. The mother worm lives in the body of the Aburame clan. As long as she releases two daughter worms and uses chakra to drive the mother worm, she can make the two ears hear different sounds from the two daughter worms.


…… ps: Please generate electricity with love for free, and please leave more comments, thank you.

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