The dance was halfway through.

Luo Ming felt a little tired, so he took his hand off the soft flesh on the white waist of the Black Swan, looked at the beautiful eyes so close and said,"Is your room far from here? Let's go and have a rest together?" His eyes couldn't help but get hot as he spoke.

He had almost absorbed all the Nine-Colored Memory Crystals, so he should be able to discuss the cooperative relationship in depth with the Black Swan!

The Black Swan could naturally see through the unhealthy images in his mind.

The pretty face couldn't help but blush, but she still shook her head, put her rosy lips close to Luo Ming's ear, and whispered shyly,"When we leave Pinocchio, sister.........Give you again"

"As expected, my sister also saw the complexity of the situation at Pinoconi."

Luo Ming felt a little regretful.

Ever since he spent a night with Jing Liu before leaving the Immortal Boat, he had become addicted to it. Now that the plump and attractive Black Swan was in front of him, it was hard not to want to eat her up.

The Black Swan nodded gently.

"Pinocchio itself is the most famous holiday resort in the world. Coupled with the upcoming Harmony Festival and the legendary watchmaker's legacy, many forces and countless eyes have gathered in Pinocchio."

"For example, in Liuguang Yiting, besides me, there are powerful rememberers hiding in the dark, so we can't take it lightly."

Black Swan's tone was a little more serious:"The Starry Sky Train you are in is the only faction that is exposed, which will cause a lot of trouble, such as the company envoy I met when checking in before."

Luo Ming was a little surprised:"You even know this? You haven't been paying attention to me since the train arrived at the station, have you?"

Black Swan narrowed his eyes, pursed his lips and smiled gently,"Isn't it possible? You are my only 'brother', of course I have to keep a close eye on you to prevent you from doing anything bad."

"With you here, what bad things can I do?"

Luo Ming tried to fool around with this matter.

His body was pressed against the sexy and hot body of Black Swan, and he made small movements unscrupulously.

Anyway, this is a dimly lit dance floor, and generally no one will pay attention to what others are doing, and they are all busy with their own things.

In this process,

Luo Ming used the unique means among the rememberers to simply tell Black Swan some things about Pinocchio.


Luo Ming paused and remembered that the purple figure before was not Black Swan, so it might be someone else.

Huang Quan!

She was also in Pinocchio, and because she was lost, she broke into Xing's room and drove out the aggressive Sha Jin.

If it was Huang Quan who was seen just now, where is she now? Isn't she lost again?

Luo Ming is really unsure about Huang Quan's attitude towards him.

The main reason is that Huang Quan's self-destructor state is too special, and there is almost no emotional fluctuation. Only when she draws the sword, the past memories will flow out. But she can't draw the sword frequently. Every time she draws it, it means that she has taken a big step towards the abyss of self-destruction again.

"Forget it, let's just take it one step at a time. No matter if Huang Quan still remembers me or not, I can at least be considered to be traveling with the Starry Sky Train."......

The melodious music slowly stopped, and the lights filled the VIP hall again.

This impromptu dance party was over.

The guests left the dance floor in twos and threes.

Luo Ming originally planned to take Black Swan to meet his friends in the train group.

But Black Swan said that he had some unfinished business, and after drinking a glass of wine with Luo Ming, he left temporarily.

Luo Ming had to return to the train group alone.

Then he saw March Seven snorted at him fiercely, turned his little face away and ignored him.

"What's wrong with her?"

Luo Ming asked Xing in confusion.

Xing closed her mouth and shook her head to show that she would never betray her friends.

Luo Ming took out his mobile phone.

Ding~ credit points arrived, one million!

Xing's eyes lit up instantly, and she wanted to tell Luo Ming immediately what color and style the little fat man had today, in exchange for more credit points.

"Okay, everyone go back and rest first, and enter the dreamland when you are ready."

Ji Zi clapped her hands, attracted the attention of several people, and arranged it like a gentle big family.

"The Pinocchio in the dream is divided into twelve independent dreams. It is said that when different people enter the dream for the first time, their destinations are also different."

Luo Ming smiled and said,"Which dream do you plan to go to, Sister Jizi?"

"my words......"Ji Zi thought for a moment and said,"I'm looking forward to the hot sand time. The wild wind, taverns, and grand auditions there are more pioneering colors of Wumingke. The morning dew time is also a good choice. I can take the opportunity to visit the family."

"I see."

Luo Ming nodded. It sounded like the hot sand moment was really interesting. He must take Black Swan or Firefly to play there if he had the chance.

"Tell me before you visit the family, and I'll go with you."

The Pinocchio family is not safe, especially on Sundays when there are suspected family traitors. If Ji Zi wants to visit, Luo Ming will naturally protect her as much as possible.

"How about you, Uncle Yang?"

Luo Ming looked at Walter, wanting to hear from this mature and steady senior in the train group whether the place he went to was of reference value.

"I am personally very interested in the Hour of the Sun, which is a dreamland that carries the history and culture of Pinocchio.

Walter recalled,"Pinocchio Museum, Chuxing Library, Origami University......These may contain the past we want to explore."

"What's so good about books?"

Xing muttered to herself. She wanted to go to a place with good food and fun things to do.......

In the carpeted hotel corridor,

Luo Ming was late and was about to walk with Xing towards her room.

When passing a guest room,

San Yueqi's surprised voice came from inside:"Wow! What a big bathtub!"......"

The two looked at each other, pushed open the unlocked door, and walked in.

Then they saw San Yue Qi standing in front of a large shell 'bathtub', eager to lie in it.

"Ahem, this girl, I must remind you, please lock the door before going to bed, so as to prevent someone with ulterior motives from sneaking in and doing something unspeakable to you."

Luo Ming warned seriously.

However, he got a pretty roll of the eyes from San Yue Qi:"The person with ulterior motives you are talking about, isn't it you yourself?"

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