You are such a good judge of people!

Luo Ming praised Xiao Sanyue in his heart.

But he said,"What nonsense are you talking about? It's not like we haven't slept in the same bed before on the train. There's no need to sneak in. We came here openly."

"Ah, you guys...Have you ever slept in the same bed?"

Xing opened her eyes wide. She was still less than a month old. Could she really listen to such exciting things?

"Bah, don't listen to his nonsense!"

San Yue Qi blushed and retorted:"It was obvious that he caught a cold that day, saying that he was cold and insisted on sleeping with me. I was soft-hearted and he begged me twice, so I......We'll just sleep on the same bed."

After saying that, she waved her fist at Luo Ming and snorted,"Now I've seen through your despicable heart. Don't even think about using similar excuses to trick me again!"

"Yes, little Sanyue is the most beautiful and kind-hearted person!" After being teased by Luo Ming for a while,

Sanyueqi forgot about the depressing things at the previous dance.

Pointing at the dream pool, he asked:"We are about to enter the dream world, which area do you plan to go to?"


I can do anything.

"I'll probably go to Golden Time."

Luo Ming said casually. As expected, Liuying was waiting for her there. She hadn't sent her a message after entering Pinocchio. She must give her a surprise later.

"It seems that we can't go together." Sanyueqi seemed a little regretful, but still looked more excited:"I want to go to the twilight time! How can I come to a resort and not go to a shopping paradise! I'm ready to fill my shopping bags!"

"How can I fill my shopping bags?" Luo Ming stretched out his hand to Sanyueqi with a generous look on his face:"Give me your dream passport."

Sanyueqi didn't think much and took out his dream passport from the small pocket of his skirt.

Luo Ming took it in his hand, then took out his own passport and swiped it on it.

With a beep, the transfer reminder sounded.

"I've allocated 100 million credit points to you. You can play and spend as you like. If you don't have enough, contact me."

Although Luo Ming's current funds are not as much as those of the company's eldest lady, Esta, who casually gave away a star destroyer, he is definitely a wealthy man.

Those various cultural works from his hometown have flourished in various entertainment fields under the operation of Esta.

A large amount of credit points will be credited to the account every month.

It's really not painful to give away just 100 million credit points.

"one......One hundred million?"

Sanyueqi opened his eyes wide, and didn't dare to take back his passport."I have never seen so many credit points since I was a child!"

On the side, Xing looked at Luo Ming eagerly, trying to attract the attention of the sponsor by acting cute.

"We are all family, why should we be so polite?"

Luo Ming took San Yueqi's hand and slapped her passport on it,"But you should try to buy slowly, not because you are afraid of spending money, but because you are afraid that the train will not be able to accommodate it."

The things that Pinocchio bought in his dream can be brought into reality and mailed directly to his home.

The beautiful girl's desire to buy is definitely very strong. Luo Ming doesn't want to have a steady stream of express deliveries delivered to the train every day for the next period of time.

"It means to buy only the expensive ones."

Xing nodded, indicating that she understood what Luo Ming meant, and then blinked at him expectantly.

Luo Ming pretended not to see it.

He waved to Sanyueqi and said,"Then I won't disturb you from sleeping. Remember to have fun. If you encounter anything, contact me as soon as possible."

Then he took Xing and left Sanyueqi's room.

After the two disappeared, Sanyueqi lowered his head and looked at the dream passport in his hand. His always sunny face looked a little complicated.......

In the corridor.

Xing, who didn't get any credit points, didn't care and followed Luo Ming happily. Then he heard him say,"When we get back, pack your luggage and we'll change rooms."

"Ah, why?"

Xing looked up in confusion.

"Your room is prone to trouble."

Luo Ming stopped and looked at the wide-open door of the guest room in front of him, and laughed:"Look, trouble is coming."

Entering the room.

The first smell was the smell of new furniture and decoration, which smelled a little sweet. Obviously, the family had done enough service in this regard.

In the middle of the room, there stood a figure in gorgeous clothes, who seemed to have been waiting for a long time.

"Hey, he is......"

Xing saw that the back figure looked familiar, as if he had just met him.

"What a coincidence, we meet again."

Shajin turned around and looked at the two of them with a smile, but when he saw Luo Ming also appeared, he was obviously a little surprised.

"This is my room, why are you here?"

Xing said with her hands on her hips.

She still remembered Sha Jin's attitude clearly, and she was naturally wary of the people in the company. Such profit-seeking businessmen were most likely to go to two extremes.

Sha Jin wanted to speak. Luo

Ming stood up and said in a calm tone:"If you want to give the train a bargaining chip, you can leave now."

"My friend, don't be so repulsive."

The light in Shajin's eyes flashed rapidly, as if he was thinking about how to deal with Luo Ming, the 'uninvited guest'.’,"Pinocchio is not as calm as it seems. I think everyone on the Star Train can see that."

"As for me, representing the company, my purpose is very simple. I just want to take back some things that originally belonged to the company. If you are willing to help me, you will get rich rewards after the task is completed, and you will also get the blessing of"Cunhu"."

Luo Ming laughed,"The blessing of Cunhu? Is it very powerful? Besides, among the ten people of you, only the chief steward Diamond is the Cunhu Order. At most, you can rely on the cornerstone to borrow a little power from the Cunhu Order. How can you give us the blessing of Cunhu?""

Cunhu is indeed very powerful.

But it's not like Luo Ming has never received a glance from Him, let alone nothingness, joy, abundance, these truly top star gods.

Even the big brother's hunting, a random power can make him easily destroy the entire Pinoconi.

At present, the only threat to Luo Ming in Pinoconi is Sunday, which is suspected to be able to summon Taiyi to come.

The corners of Shajin's eyes twitched.

Choosing to ignore Luo Ming, his eyes passed him and fell on Xing, with a hint of bewitching in his tone:

"You should know that you are special, special enough to overturn the entire card table. That power, don't you want to use it?......Don't you want to get rid of it? Don't you want to become famous in the universe because of it?"

"The power that everyone fears but desires is in your hands.......Miss Xinghe, am I right?"

Shajin's main target is still Xing.

After all, she has a star core in her body. She is the only biggest variable on this Pinocchio stage.

As long as she is pulled to her side, it will be enough to make everyone afraid.

Xing shrugged, looked at Luo Ming and said,"Do you want to kick him out?"

The company's reward? The protection of the guardian? Use the power of the star core?

Luo Ming, Ji Zi, and Uncle Yang are here.

Does she need those?

Xing doesn't have to think about it at all. Unless she is full, she will do business with the businessman in front of her company.

Shajin exhaled lightly.

Knowing that today's goal cannot be achieved, he was about to struggle one last time.

Suddenly, a cold and threatening voice came from outside the door:"Hey, what are you doing in my room?"

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