Xing turned around and looked outside the door, and saw a tall, beautiful figure with purple hair, two long swords hanging from her slender waist, emitting bursts of cold and powerful aura.

"......Your room?"

Xing turned his head and looked at the gold dust.

There are too many weird people in Pinocchio. He was broken into twice in a row, and this one even robbed the room.

And why does this one look familiar? I seem to have seen him somewhere.

"No wonder......"

Shajin seemed to understand something and sighed slightly:"So you have already invited your companions. However, I still want to remind you that this place is full of good and bad people. There are too many guys with bad intentions. Remember to be more careful, for example......Remember to close the door."

After saying that, he shook his head and was about to leave.


Luo Ming turned around, without looking at the purple-haired figure whose pupils suddenly trembled.

Instead, he looked at the gold dust and said casually:"Since you are here, I will give you a hint. The family promised that Pinoconi's dream......There is no real death."

Shajin stopped and pondered for a moment. Suddenly, a gleam flashed in his eyes. He turned around and looked at Luo Ming with some surprise and gratitude:"I see, thank you."

Soon there were only three people left in the room.

Luo Ming thought of Shajin's experience, but his face remained calm.

Destruction and destruction, the extinction of races, and even the collapse of entire galaxies into endless dust, happen countless times a day in the universe.

He has seen many disaster survivors who are cynical, hate everything, treat it calmly, and have firm beliefs. He really can't arouse much interest.

Luo Ming is not a saint, he just wants to protect the safety of those around him.

When encountering similar things, he can only say a few words to wake up.

He can't do anything else, and he is too lazy to do anything else.

"Why don't you say anything?"

Xing stretched out his hand and waved it in front of the purple-haired woman who suddenly appeared, but found that she was staring at Luo Ming, her lips opened and closed several times, as if she wanted to say something but hesitated.

"Long time no see, Huang Quan."

Luo Ming smiled and looked at the woman at the door.

"you......Know him?"

Xing looked at Luo Ming with some suspicion.

Then he heard a clanging sound of a sword being drawn.

Looking back, the purple-haired woman named Huang Quan at the door actually pulled out a long sword from her waist. The dazzling and domineering sword light instantly spread out, giving people the illusion that their souls were about to be destroyed.

Xing thought they were going to fight, so he quickly took out a baseball bat.

"Luo Ming......"

All the past memories came flooding into his mind as he drew his sword.

Huang Quan stared at Luo Ming in a daze, and the indifference on his face disappeared without a trace.

"You two really know each other."

Xing put away the baseball bat, with a look of excitement on his face.

"You should go now."

Luo Ming picked up Xing's luggage and stuffed it into her hand, then transferred 100 million credit points to her dream passport and pushed her out the door:"It's getting late, hurry up and dream, there's nothing for you to do here."

He drove Xing away.

Luo Ming closed the door and looked at Huang Quan's beautiful face. He didn't know how to start for a moment.

"Your knife."

Huang Quan took out a black long knife from his waist.

Luo Ming looked at this familiar knife.

He took it with a complicated look.

A familiar force flowed through his arm into his limbs and bones, making his body cold, but he no longer had the feeling of powerlessness of dying step by step.

At the same time, the memories that Luo Ming had sealed in it also flowed into his body. It was like experiencing it again, and his thoughts were filled with waves.

"It's you."

Huang Quan spoke softly, his pair of snowy eyes under his purple hair were obviously much softer.

Luo Ming hung the long sword on his waist.

He looked at Huang Quan carefully for a while and sighed:"You are stronger now, but you have also gone further on the road of self-destruction."


Huang Quan stammered a few times, obviously having a lot to say, but finally just nodded.

When he was on Izumo Star, Luo Ming had already fallen into a deep state of extinction, and his whole body was extremely numb and he seldom spoke.

Now that he is no longer a self-destructor, Huang Quan has become the person who has gone the furthest under the shadow of nothingness, and all emotions have almost disappeared. Only when he draws his sword can his emotions be revealed.

But every time he draws his sword, it means that Huang Quan has taken another big step towards the shadow of nothingness.

"Come and have a cup of tea."

Luo Ming took out water and tea leaves from the small space of the Demon-Breaking Cone, and quickly boiled them with the power of destiny, brewing a pot of fragrant tea.

"Do you remember what happened after that day?"

Luo Ming handed Huang Quan a cup of hot tea and asked her.

He still didn't know what happened after that knife. Huang Quan, who was on Izumo Star at the time, should know something, right?

"I don't know either."

Huang Quan took a sip of hot tea and shook his head, saying,"Your knife......It was beyond my comprehension. I couldn't see anything. When everything calmed down, I was already in the cold space. Izumo, Takamagahara, and the entire galaxy disappeared without a trace...." this......I'm sorry, I destroyed your house.

Luo Ming was ashamed.

However, Izumo Star and Takamagahara were supposed to disappear after the tragic round dance. Even those armed archaeologists could only find them from some remaining records.

Whether Luo Ming slashed with the sword or not, the ending was already determined.

"What about now? How come you suddenly appear here?"

Luo Ming looked at the room, with a hint of laughter in his tone.

Huang Quan didn't seem to notice his teasing tone, and answered honestly:"This hotel is too big, the corridors are arranged very similarly, and I got lost."

She was indeed lost. Her deep state of self-destruction made her lose her memory every moment. Maybe she had forgotten what she said in the last second in an instant.

Luo Ming pondered for a moment:"It's not good for you to get lost all the time. Why don't you stay at my place so that you can take care of each other."


Huang Quan nodded and agreed without any politeness.

Luo Ming was stunned on the spot.

"......Sorry." Huang Quan noticed Luo Ming's expression, realized something, and said apologetically:"I forgot that you have your own friends and partner now, and it is really not appropriate for me to trouble you."

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