"You are......What are you doing?"

Liuying stood outside the door and was obviously stunned when she saw the scene in the room.

"Wuwuwu, he wanted to bully me, and when I refused, he tore my clothes off."

Hua Huo looked like she had just experienced a 'humiliation', with one hand protecting her small chest and the other covering her small fat breasts, her little pearls falling, and she looked extremely scared.

Damn, you've really had enough!!

Luo Ming wanted to sew Hua Huo's mouth shut.

He had known for a long time that the Masked Fool was best at acting, but he didn't expect that he acted so realistically, as if he really wanted to rape Hua Huo.

"Brother, I didn't expect you to be such a person."

Liuying walked in with a complicated expression and closed the door.

Luo Ming said helplessly:"Liuying, listen to my explanation......"

"The evidence is irrefutable, what else do you have to explain?"

Liu Ying came to the bed and looked at Hua Huo, who was curled up pitifully on the bed.

She said suddenly:"Since it's already like this, brother, you might as well continue, I'll go outside to keep watch for you."

Hua Huo was shocked, and even forgot to sob, staring at Liu Ying with wide eyes.

Luo Ming was also stunned for a moment.

He reacted immediately and laughed:"Hahaha, it turns out that Liu Ying loves brother the most, no problem, I will execute this witch right now!" After that, he walked towards the big bed with a grin.

Hua Huo saw that the situation was not good. He immediately restrained the soft posture of the dancing tears, wrinkled his nose and cursed:"Bah, you are really a pair of dogs and bitches, this lady will not play with you anymore!"

Seeing a faint pink mist of light floating around Hua Huo, her body quickly became illusory and transparent.

Luo Ming sneered:"It's like this, and you still want to leave?"

He slapped the magic cone on his waist, and the small golden cone hummed, releasing a thick black halo that instantly enveloped the entire room.

Hua Huo's face changed:"What kind of power is this?"

She felt the real breath of death in this black halo.

It was not the kind of death that enters a deep dream, but the real death of flying into ashes!

Luo Ming did not answer her.

The thick black halo kept shrinking, and finally squeezed Huo Huo into the corner of the wall. She raised her hands above her head, not daring to move, looking a little funny.

"You will suffer the consequences if you do evil to yourself."

Luo Ming looked at Hua Huo with some joking,"I still like your naughty look, please recover."

Hua Huo, who was imprisoned in the corner, snorted lightly:"I bet you don't dare to really do anything to me. Sooner or later, you will let me go obediently, otherwise, the Starry Sky Train you are in will face big, big troubles!"

As a faction of the Joyful Destiny, the Tavern is not as organized and disciplined as the company and the Immortal Boat Alliance, but its strength is absolutely unquestionable.

Once they know that Sparks, the messenger of the Joyful Order, has been imprisoned by the Starry Sky Train, those fun people will definitely make some big moves against the train.

"I really won't do anything to you, but if I 'do something' to you, I won't let you go."

Luo Ming looked at Hua Huo, whose face suddenly changed, and continued with a smile:"As for the trouble in the tavern? You are welcome at any time. I am just worried that I can't establish authority for the train team. As long as those people who like to have fun in the tavern dare to come, I guarantee that none of them can leave."

After that ,

Luo Ming ignored Hua Huo for the time being.

Turning back, he touched Liu Ying's head and said with relief:"Sure enough, Liu Ying trusts me the most and was not fooled by that bad woman."

Liu Ying was touched on the back of her head and squinted comfortably.

Then she said in a soft voice:"Brother, since I trust you so much, can you tell me the truth?"

Luo Ming's heart skipped a beat, but he kept a smile on his face and said:"What truth?"

Liu Ying looked down at the black long sword on Luo Ming's body:"What is your relationship with Miss Huang Quan downstairs?"

"Hehe, little girl, haven't you figured it out yet? Of course, they have a very, very close relationship."

The Le Nv who was not in a position to protect herself tried to add fuel to the fire, with a pink halo in her big eyes and a bewitching tone:"The woman named Huang Quan is cold and indifferent to others, but when it comes to your dear brother,......Oh no, you don't need me to remind you, do you?"


Hua Huo's petite body suddenly trembled, and she felt a burning pain behind her. She was distracted for a moment, staring at Luo Ming in disbelief.

After teaching Le Nv a lesson,

Luo Ming looked at Liu Ying, and was about to say something when he heard footsteps on the stairs outside.

Then Xing's shout spread throughout the fourth floor:"Luo Ming, come down quickly, there are people making trouble outside!"

Luo Ming immediately walked out of the room.

He was thinking in his heart who dared to make trouble at the golden hour? At the same time, he said to Xing in the corridor:"What's the matter, is there a conflict?"

When Xing saw him, he felt relieved as if he had found his backbone, and said:"It's a group of guys in formal clothes, claiming to be from a hound family. They saw the drunkards hanging on the street lamps outside, and said that we were disturbing the order. They wanted to see our dream passports and fine us."

"Oh, the hound family."

Luo Ming nodded,"These people are responsible for maintaining the law and order of Pinocchio. To be honest, we are the ones causing trouble."

Xing nodded as if he understood,"What should we do next? Pay them a fine?"

""What the hell."

Luo Ming turned around, handed the Devil-Breaking Awl to Liu Ying, and arranged:"You take Hua Huo away from here first, I'll go downstairs to pick up Huang Quan, and we'll meet at the old place in half an hour."


Once the business was done, Liuying immediately showed the efficiency and decisiveness of Sam, the star core hunter. After taking the magic cone from Luo Ming, he walked towards the imprisoned Hua Huo in the corner.

Luo Ming patted Xing's shoulder, then walked past her and headed downstairs where the noise was faintly coming from.......

Half a quarter of an hour later.

Deep in a secluded park.

Luo Ming brought Huang Quan and saw Liu Ying and Xing waiting there.

Hua Huo's hands were tied in front of her body by a black halo. She kicked the flowers and plants with her feet in boredom, as if she was out for fun, without any awareness of being a prisoner.

"Brother, are you okay?"

Liu Ying saw him and immediately came forward. Her voice was soft and sweet, and the faint fragrance of a young girl kept drilling into her nostrils, making her feel happy.

"It's okay, they are just a few hounds, and they are probably drunk now."

Luo Ming said, looking at Hua Huo not far away, wondering:"Why don't you ask about those masked fools, they are your companions after all."

Hua Huo stopped kicking the flowers and plants with her little feet.

Turning her head, she raised her arms pitifully:"I can't even protect myself, how can I care about others?"

"You actually arrested her?"

Huang Quan suddenly spoke, with a barely perceptible weirdness in his tone.

"Do you know her?"Luo Ming looked at her

"Well, I was provoked by her some time ago."

Hearing Huang Quan's answer,

Luo Ming sighed and said to Huo Hua:"You really provoke people wherever you go. You are lucky that Huang Quan didn't chop you to death."

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