Hearing that Luo Ming actually looked at him like this.

Huang Quan hesitated for a moment and explained seriously:"It's just a provocation, not a capital crime. I'm not the kind of person who kills and fights at will."

Huang Quan, who has always been cold and taciturn, actually took the initiative to explain, as if he was afraid of being misunderstood.

After Liuying realized this, she felt a little uncomfortable, but it was not easy to get angry, so she could only quietly pinch Luo Ming's lower back to vent her anger.

She planned to settle the score with Luo Ming when there were only two of them.

Luo Ming smiled and said nothing more.

After a brief rest.

Luo Ming looked at Hua Huo, touched his chin, and asked:"How should we deal with her? Just like Huang Quan said, although she caused us some trouble because of having fun, she is not guilty of death."

Huo Hua blinked and said in a pleading tone:"Then let me go. I will never dare to tease you heroes again."

Several people ignored her.

Xing slurped some fructose that she got from somewhere and said vaguely,"It's simple. Send a message to her family and ask for a lot of credit points before releasing her."

Luo Ming rolled his eyes at her and said,"We are not kidnappers. Besides, Hua Huo is the Joy Order Envoy. She has lived for who knows how many years. Her family no longer exists."

"Yes, yes."

Hua Huo nodded like pecking at rice:"I'll give you an address, you can get a lot of credit points from there, and then let me go, okay?"

Still no one paid attention to her

"I don't think she's just looking for fun."

Liuying looked at Huahuo and continued,"It's as if she saw where we were going and waited in the tavern on purpose, as if she was caught by us on purpose."

Huahuo gestured exaggeratedly,"No way, the tavern is where I rest, I was caught by you by accident!"

Luo Ming nodded,"I can see that too. Anyway, no matter what, this girl's motives are definitely not pure, she must be punished."

Xing stopped sucking fructose and gave Luo Ming a strange look.

Just as he was about to say,"Is this what you really think?", a message notification sound suddenly came from both of them at the same time.

"Luo Ming, Pinocchio seems to have a problem, hurry back to the real hotel, Ji Zi and Uncle Yang are also on their way back."

It was sent by March 7.

Luo Ming looked up at Xing and found that she was looking at him with a serious expression.

"What happened?"

Liuying asked in confusion.

"Something went wrong in Pinocchio's dream. The train is gathering at the real hotel, and we have to go there too."

Luo Ming explained and looked at Liuying. After thinking for a while, he said,"Why don't you go back first? Leave the matter of the watchmaker's legacy to me. When I get it, I will go to your side in reality immediately."

"With the watchmaker's legacy and the power of abundance, your entropy loss disease will most likely be completely cured."

Seeing Luo Ming's caring look,

Liuying smiled sweetly:"Thank you, brother."

But she immediately shook her head:"I can't go back now, and I also have to go to the deep dream, so I will separate from my brother for the time being. When everything is revealed, we will get together again."

"Deep dream?"

Luo Ming thought of the real Pinocchio where Liuying went after being killed by What Towards Death.

He immediately said:"It's very dangerous there, I'll go with you"

"No need, Liuying can handle it alone."

Liuying took a step forward, put her arms around Luo Ming's neck, stood on tiptoes, and kissed Luo Ming lightly on the lips.

A sweet scent unique to a young girl instantly spread throughout Luo Ming's body, making him feel his bones were soft.

Not far behind him

, Huang Quan watched this scene with a thoughtful light in his eyes.

Seeing Liuying's firm tone

, Luo Ming had no choice but to nod and agree. After all, with Liuying's strength, she was in the first sequence in the entire Pinoconi, and it was difficult for anyone to really hurt her.

But to be foolproof, Luo Ming took out a small golden cone, handed it to Liuying, and said,"Take the Demon-Breaking Cone. I have poured enough power of nothingness into it, which should help you a lot."

Liuying did not refuse, and took the Demon-Breaking Cone in her hand with great care.

"Then I'll go first. If everything goes well, we'll see each other again soon."

Watching Liuying leave,

Luo Ming didn't waste any more time. He used the power of the Rememberer to open two vortex passages in the open space in front of him:"You guys go back to the real hotel first, I'll be there soon."

This is the Memory Domain, the home of memory.

Luo Ming can naturally open up a passage to leave the dream world like the Black Swan.

"What about you?

Huang Quan asked with concern.

"I'll deal with her first."

Luo Ming turned his head to look at Hua Huo who was sitting on the bench and kicking her feet leisurely.

"Okay, I'll wait for you in the hotel room."

Huang Quan believed in Luo Ming's strength, so he said nothing more and stepped into the vortex channel and disappeared.

Xing also left here.

For a moment, only Luo Ming and Huo Hua were left here.

"Hey, what are you going to do with me?"

Hua Huo blinked and looked at him curiously. Suddenly, she put her hands on her chest with a frightened expression:"There are only two of us here now. You won't take the opportunity to do anything bad to me, right?"

Luo Ming looked at her puzzledly:"Why do you seem a little excited?"

"Oh, you saw through it!"

Hua Huo held her face in her hands 'shyly',"Actually, I've liked you for a long time, so I keep bothering you. Otherwise,......"

"Stop, stop, stop!"

Luo Ming resisted the urge to kick her.

This girl's biggest interest was to have fun. She probably discovered his hidden strength or something else during their previous encounters, which aroused her strong interest and made her want to have a lot of fun with him.

Otherwise, there was no other reason to explain it.

"Give me your dream passport."

Luo Ming extended his hand to Hua Huo.


Hua Huo shook her head, holding her hands tightly in front of her chest.

"Are you sure you don't want to give it to me?"

Luo Ming's eyes swept over Hua Huo's small body wantonly.

He thought of what Hua Huo had said when he mocked Sha Jin, asking Sha Jin to take off all his clothes, kneel down to apologize to Sunday, and whimper and promise not to have any ideas about Pinocchio.

What would it feel like if Hua Huo was stripped naked and made to kneel on the bench and spanked ? Suddenly being stared at by Luo Ming with such eyes, Hua Huo felt a little uneasy inexplicably.

She quietly sat up and hid her white legs.

She didn't dare to be naughty anymore, and obediently took out her dream passport:"Here, if you want it, of course I will give it to you.

I was just joking with you just now.

You are so funny.


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