"Haha, what a big scene! I didn't see them working so hard when they were chasing suspects."

Gallagher stopped and looked at the huge number of hounds not far away, which almost blocked the entire theater. There was a hint of sarcasm in his tone.

Xing stood outside, looked around, and said with his hand on his chin:"Just looking at it from the outside, I feel that this place is very shocking."

"After all, it is the work of the family. Apart from the group of people who believe in preservation, they are the best at building wonders. Let's find a quiet corner to continue."

Looking at Galaher leading the way in front,

Ji Zi's eyes revealed a hint of weirdness.

His words just now directly separated himself from the family. Does this count as concealing his identity?

Luo Ming didn't say much, and followed behind the few people like a wandering trance until he stopped in a more remote corner.

"Let's go here. The view is good and you can see him......."Watch Boy."

Gallagher stopped and looked at the huge statue of Watch Boy in front of him, with a deep complexity and melancholy in his eyes.

Ji Zi also looked at the statue:"If these anime characters can be traced in reality, then the Watch Boy corresponds to the Watchmaker without a doubt."

"He was a companion of the Hanu brothers and one of the first few members of the Dream Town. Can this be understood as the watchmaker in history who also participated in the war and stood on the side of Asdena?"

Gallah nodded:"It was a huge war of independence, the Masked Fool, the Nameless Guest, the Fictional Historian, the Mourning Actor, the Pioneer of Doom......Hanunu, with the help of his companions and aliens, quelled the war."

"Of course, there are also future watchmakers among them."

The Vanguard of Doom is the power of the"End" King's faction.

This shows how chaotic and huge the war was.

Xing caught Huadian:"According to what you said, the watchmaker has lived for hundreds of years?"

Gallagher shook his head:"I don't know, when I met Mikhail, he was already a watchmaker, or he might have inherited the title."

"Do you know a watchmaker?" Xing was a little unconvinced:"How old are you this year?"

Gallagher turned around and said calmly:"Thirteen years old"


Xing looked at this uncle with unshaven beard and smell of alcohol, and she didn't know how to spit.

To be honest, even if Gallagher said that he had lived for thirteen Amber Ages, she would not have such a big reaction.

After answering the question, Gallagher continued:"Hanunu liberated the border prison, but left before he could see peace. The resources are poor, the outside world is eyeing them covetously, and the major prison districts are disloyal and unethical.......Asdena's future remains in jeopardy"

"Until the watchmaker in history offered an olive branch to the family, trying to turn the prison into a star for grand banquets.......Pinocchio finally got its current name and stepped onto the stage facing the stars."

Himeko understood:"That's why he is called the father of Pinocchio."

"But, you clearly said earlier that he was a traitor to the watchmaker's family? You also said that you were his companion, so you are also......"

Hearing Xing's question,

Gallagher shook his head:"I am not his companion, but one of his many 'children'. But I am indeed a traitor, not a traitor to the family, but a traitor to the......Mikhail"

"Oh? What did you do?"Ji Zi asked calmly.

Gallagher looked at the statue:"I didn't do anything......This is the greatest betrayal"

"Like you, I once had close friends. We worked hard for Pinocchio, but the Oak Family’......But it puts us in an unjust situation"

"Mikhail is old and can no longer protect his children. We left the family and found our own way, becoming traitors to Tongxie, even though the real traitor was someone else."

"They still praise the watchmaker's reputation to the outside world, but secretly nail him to the pillar of shame. Even so, we still hope to clear his name. As long as the real traitor, the mastermind behind all this, can be found, Pinocchio's"Harmony" can get back on track......."

Gallagher let out a long sigh:"But we lost. After a long time, the impact on the Dreamland was too deep. Under the endless pursuit, I gave up.......Like a stray dog"

"The family accepted me again and gave me the job of sheriff. It seemed like forgiveness, but it was actually punishment. Since then, my partner and I have been......I have completely severed my connection with my past, and Mikhail......"

"I heard that he died in a corner where no one cared, a place where no one could find him. I understand that from this moment on, the former Pinocchio will never come back."

Luo Ming raised his eyes and glanced at Gallaher. The

'I' he mentioned did not refer to him, Gallaher, but the fifty-two 'children' of Mikhail who took parts of each other and pieced together 'Galaher'.

His real age is probably only thirteen years old, so he has not really experienced that failed history.

Ji Zi looked at Gallaher,"We deeply regret this story, but things are not that simple, right?"

Gallaher nodded and snorted,"Obviously, someone has inherited the name of the watchmaker and has continued to resist the family in secret until now."

The watchmaker is an organization, but there is usually only one person who inherits the name of the watchmaker.

"Unfortunately, after so many years, I still don't know who that person is, or even if it's a person or Mikhail's ghost wandering in my dream." When Luo Ming heard this , Misha's name first came to his mind. But he soon felt that it was not right. Misha, like the clock boy, was a character that did not exist in reality. Only certain people could see him, like the stars. He was not suitable to be a leader like the clockmaker.

"So you understand why I am willing to tell you so much.......The truth behind Pinocchio's death must be related to the watchmaker's legacy, and at the end of the fog......You and I can get the answers we want."

"If it was really Mikhail's ghost, I would really like to meet him. Those who look down on me can go around the hotel three times, but those who are willing to look me in the eye can......Alas, one less person dies."

"I have told you all I know, just as a token of my thanks for your willingness to look at this old dog."

"There seems to be something going on at the cinema.......Excuse me, good luck to you."

"It is really ironic that these stowaways who are now rejected by Pinocchio are the same as the dream chasers who were regarded as pioneers before the Amber Age......."What difference does it make?"

After saying that, Gallagher left here, and his back looked like a stray dog with nothing.

If you don't know the truth, and don't know that he is the 'culprit' who manipulated the memory domain meme and caused the death in the dream, and will make Sunday suffer death next, you will really be deceived by his appearance.

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