Looking at the direction where Gallagher left, Jizi thought for a moment and said,"We have gained a lot of information this time, such as the true identity of the watchmaker, his relationship with the family, and the power struggle hidden behind the dream and death."

Xing added,"The family is not united, and the death is also related to the watchmaker."

The two mysteries surrounding Pinocchio now are the family traitor and the watchmaker's legacy.

The information provided by Gallagher just happened to confirm these two points in some aspects.

"And the most important point!" Xing said seriously:"Clock Boy is a watchmaker!"

Ji Zi laughed,"It seems that you like Clock Boy very much, but that is just an animated character, not the real person."

"but......The clock boy who can only be seen by the stars seems to have many secrets, but unfortunately I haven't met him since then."

Luo Ming said at this time:"The clock boy may be a special memory domain meme that can be active in reality."

"I read Pinocchio's history before and learned that a long time ago, a mysterious faction of fictional historians had launched a raid on the Museum of the Moment of the Sun."

"Among them, the records related to the Clark Cinema Exhibition Hall were tampered with, and the image of the famous first-generation Clock Boy statue was suspected to be integrated with the unknown meme."

Ji Zi heard this, and her eyes gradually became more serious:"Don't forget, in addition to the Clock Boy, there is also the hotel receptionist named Misha, and only Xing can see it. If this information is true, doesn't it mean that Pinocchio's dream and reality are merging with each other?"

Luo Ming nodded:"It is possible. After all, there are many people who hope to completely destroy this grand event star."

After speaking, he glanced at Xing and said lazily:"While there is still a lot of time, find a local specialty restaurant and review the known information while eating."

Xing's eyes suddenly lit up, and he nodded heavily, feeling that his saliva was about to flow out.

Ji Zi smiled and nodded, and agreed.

Huang Quan naturally had no objection.

The four of them soon came to a nearby iconic restaurant, asked for a secluded box, ordered a lot of specialties, and while tasting them comfortably, they summarized the information they had recently obtained.

Halfway through the meal.

Xing suddenly remembered something and said to Luo Ming:"It seems that nothing is going on in the real hotel, right? Why don't we call Xiao Sanyue in as well?"

"If the factions fight to the end and directly sink the Pinocchio, there will be no chance to come here to play."

Luo Ming was a little surprised:"I didn't realize that you care about Xiao Sanyue."

"Of course." Xing muttered,"We are good friends."

"All right, I'll go back and bring Xiao Sanyue here."

Luo Ming wiped his mouth, stood up, snapped his fingers, and a transmission channel appeared in front of him. He stepped inside and disappeared instantly.

Watching Luo Ming disappear,

Xing said with some envy:"It's so cool, Sister Ji Zi, is there any way to learn the ability of the Rememberer?"

Ji Zi smiled and shook her head:"Probably there is no way, unless you can embark on the journey of memory."

"Memory is destiny." Xing felt yearning:"Maybe I can really have it."......

Reality Hotel.

Luo Ming opened his eyes from the bed in the bedroom, checked the time, and found that not much time had passed.

After coming back last time, in order to avoid being retaliated by March Seven, he left his body in the bedroom and locked it from the inside. Sure enough, no strange marks were found on his body.

Getting off the bed, Luo Ming stretched his body, and his whole body made a refreshing crisp sound like popping beans, and then he slowly left the bedroom.

Came to the living room.

To his surprise, there was no figure here.

""Where is he? Did he sneak out to play?" Luo Ming muttered to himself.

Just as he was about to take out his cell phone, he suddenly heard a faint sound of"ah ah ah" from the crack of the half-open study door.

Luo Ming's eyes slowly widened.

The voice seemed to be from March Seventh, which really made people imagine a lot.

At this time, the sound inside seemed to be louder.

Luo Ming was really curious.

He came to the study without making any noise, pushed open the half-open door, and saw the scene inside.

He saw March Seventh standing barefoot on a chair, trying to tiptoe and stretch his neck to pick up a book on the bookshelf.

Because he was trying too hard, he made those strange noises.

"This silly girl, doesn't she know how to use tools?"

Luo Ming shook his head, leaning leisurely against the door, watching Sanyueqi's silly behavior.

Then he found the highlight.

Sanyueqi was wearing a beautiful blue pleated skirt, but it was relatively short, just reaching the thigh position, barely covering her small buttocks. With her current movements, it was inevitably pulled up, completely exposing her cute white fat buttocks.

If you look a little sideways, you can even see the blue bow in front.

Combined with her completely exposed, smooth and flawless snow-white long legs, it almost perfectly outlines the youthful and fiery figure of a girl.

Luo Ming admitted that he was a little greedy. He couldn't help but want to hold the cute little Sanyue in his arms, watching her shy and blushing appearance and playing with her wantonly.

"If it's March Seven, it should be okay, right?"

While Luo Ming was thinking about it, a scream suddenly rang out.

When March Seven took the book, because of the large amplitude of movement, the stool under his feet shook, and his body tilted to the side, and it seemed that he was about to fall heavily to the ground.

Luo Ming's body shook, and he appeared beside March Seven in an instant.

He stretched out his hand and easily hugged the little March Seven who was about to fall to the ground.

March Seven seemed to be really scared. After touching him, his arms almost subconsciously wrapped around him, and his little face looked a little pale.

""Sanyue, when will you change your rash habit?"

A familiar voice sounded from in front of him.

Sanyueqi looked up and found that it was Luo Ming who was holding him firmly in his arms. He breathed a sigh of relief and was completely relieved. However, he said stubbornly:"I am just like this. It is impossible for me to change it."

Then he asked doubtfully:"Aren't you helping your family investigate death in your dream? Why did you come back suddenly?"

"I was worried about you, so I came back to see you."

Luo Ming did not let San Yue Qi go. Instead, he adjusted a more comfortable posture and held her tightly in his arms.

Feeling the warmth and the charming fragrance from her youthful and charming body, he was intoxicated and reluctant to let her go.

San Yue Qi was touched to hear that Luo Ming cared about her.

But she soon realized that something was wrong, and she spat, blushing and whispered,"Put me down quickly." As she spoke, her delicate body twisted in Luo Ming's arms, as if trying to escape from his clutches.

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