In front of a precision instrument, a blond Tianhuan woman was looking at the memory black hole in front of her and muttering to herself,"I finally figured it out. After ten systems, the beautiful dream above will swallow up the beautiful dream below! My guess is right. This place will no longer exist. The beautiful dream will swallow up everything."......"

Luo Ming's heart moved slightly. Ten system hours later, it was the time for the Harmonious Music Ceremony to be held.

"Hmm? Who are you? This place is going to disappear, why don't you leave?"

The yellow-haired Tianhuan woman noticed a few people, turned around, and asked with some doubts

"Who are you?" Xing Ye asked curiously.

"I am Ke Mei, a dream surveyor."My major is memory dynamics, and I am currently studying my life's work."

"Do you see this big hole? Many years ago it was just a crack, but now it has grown into a big hole. The memory nearby has been flowing slowly to the other end of the hole at a constant speed."

"But the scary thing is, according to my calculations, the speed of memory surge has begun to change recently, and it is faster than ever before -......It's like something is sucking from the big mouth!"

After Xing heard this, a ferocious abyss of huge mouth swallowing the whole world appeared in his mind, and his body shuddered.

"After listening to Ms. Lazarina's continuous improvement of the memory quality measurement method, I finally got an accurate result.——"

"After ten system hours, Liumeng Reef will no longer exist! Just like the melting of an iceberg, everything will collapse and merge with the fragments of the beautiful dream on the other side of the hole!"

"Well......"Misha saw the worry on Walter and Xing's faces and comforted them,"Don't worry, this has happened many times before.......Miss Ke Mei is not a bad person, she is just a little immersed in another world. She should soon find out that she was wrong."

If Luo Ming could hear what Misha said, he would definitely say that this time, she was actually right.

"Compared to this, there is another thing that concerns me. Who is the Ms. Lazarina you mentioned?"

Hearing Walter's question, Komei was surprised:"Do you know her too? Or do you also like mesodynetics?"

Walter spread his hands and said:"We are very interested in Ms. Lazarina's achievements. Can you tell us more about it?"

"Of course! She is an outstanding scholar of mesity dynamics and the first person to apply the mesity velocity measurement method to interstellar travel."

Ke Mei's tone was full of reverence, and soon she said with regret:"Unfortunately, due to the existence of Liuguang Yiting, ordinary people don't care much about the nature of mesity. In the end, she passed away in obscurity, leaving only a few thin notebooks......."

"I came to Pinoconi because of her reputation and went through so much trouble to find Liumeng Reef, just because this is where she died. God is jealous of her talent.......If Ms. Lazarina has time, she will find a way to reverse the flow of amnesia!"

"I feel it, the source is here......Golden moment! There is some abnormal existence there, stirring up the ocean of memory. I must give a more intuitive proof, and I will definitely convince everyone......."

Ke Mei quickly fell into my research again.

Walter turned around and said,"Do you still remember the name Lazarina?"

Xing asked in confusion,"Who?"

"Before we set off to Pinoconi, the conductor asked us to find out about several unknown people, and her name was among them. It seems that she did a lot of research and calculations in Liumeng Reef, and then died in a hurry."

Miss Komei often mentioned her. I heard that Ms. Zalalina died during the prison war.......If she could see the current Pinocchio and see everyone building their homes in the Memory Domain, she would definitely be very happy."

Walter nodded:"......Maybe."

Several people did not stop.

Under the leadership of Misha, they went to the trade area of Liumeng Reef, where there were the most people, and they might find Ji Zi and Sanyueqi.

On the way.

While Luo Ming was walking, a soft voice came from beside him,"Mr. Luo Ming, are you worried about what Miss Ke Mei said?"

Turning his head, he found that the robin was looking at him gently. That holy and pure smile seemed to be able to soothe all the worries in his heart.

Luo Ming smiled and shook his head:"No, I'm curious, as a member of the same Tianhuan tribe, why doesn't Ke Mei have such cute little wings like you?"

As he said, Luo Ming looked at the pair of holy little wings of the robin.

The robin blushed.

The little wings seemed to be shy and hid behind the neck. The voice was soft and sticky:"Not every member of the Tianhuan tribe has wings......."

Luo Ming nodded to show that he understood, and then said with interest:"You Tianhuan people seem to be quite special. I hope to have a chance to get to know you better in the future."

Robin's face turned redder, and she twisted the hem of her skirt with both hands, and her voice seemed to be squeezed out of her throat:"But......OK~"......

After passing through the streets and bridges, they arrived at the trade area. As expected, there were more people.

Luo Ming stood on a high place and looked around casually. He saw the silly pink-haired girl in the crowd.

"Let me go......"

A Pipixi man was crying with tears streaming down his face.

Sanyueqi touched his forehead helplessly and said,"Wake up~ I beg you......."

"Ghost, ghost, don' not come......"

Seeing the Pipixi people were so scared that their souls almost flew away, and they were shaking all over.

Sanyueqi became more and more helpless,"Hey, I've already said that I'm a living person, and you're also a living person, can you be normal?......"

"Ah! Luo Ming, and Xing, we've been waiting for you for a long time!"

March 7 noticed the people coming behind him and shouted with surprise.

Then he looked at the robin who was following Luo Ming closely like a girlfriend, and became even happier:"Oh, Miss Robin is here too!"

"Please help me.���I met a family member on the road. He was very scared. I wanted to calm him down......."

Luo Ming looked at the Pipixi who was shaking all over, with snot and tears streaming down his face.

He suppressed his laughter and said,"Is it possible that in the eyes of the Pipixi, a cute girl like Sanyue is no different from a prehistoric beast?"

The Pipixi trembled and added,"Ahhh, let me go. I have done good deeds all my life, why can't I rest in peace after death?......"

"What? I was brought here by a monster, so I thought I was dead."

Misha couldn't help but remind him,"My dear guest, this is not the afterlife, it's the Liumeng Reef." Sanyueqi looked at the Pipixi and said helplessly,"That's right, did you hear me? Repeat after me: Liumeng Reef."

The Pipixi was even more scared, and his little body couldn't stop shaking,"You, you're still chatting with invisible things, if I'm not dead, what am I? Woo, woo......I shouldn't have challenged the taboo and tried to fall asleep in a dream.......Curiosity killed Pipixi!"

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