Xing heard this and asked curiously,"What's wrong with falling asleep in a dream?"

She had tried to fall asleep in a dream before during the golden hour, but she couldn't fall asleep at all.

Pipixi trembled all over and cried,"Don't, don't ask anymore! It will attract monsters. All the dead are here, all......!"

March Seven hummed,"Are you talking about memory domain memes?"

Suddenly, as if his words came true, several monster figures emerged from the darkness.

They were memory domain memes such as Vanity is Insatiable.

But they were soon reduced to ashes under Xing's stick.

The Pipisi man fainted because of fear. After checking, Walter concluded,"It should be that the negative emotions are too strong, which attracted the nearby memory domain memes."

March Seven nodded, then looked at the street not far away,"But why don't these pedestrians on the road seem to be afraid?"

Misha explained enthusiastically,"Unlike in dreams, here people don't regard memory domain memes as dangerous monsters. Even if there is real danger, they can be awakened from the dream by forced awakening."

Then he looked at the fainted Pipisi,"But this gentleman......Can't just leave him on the street? Can you take him to a safe place?"

March Seven heard this and immediately looked at Luo Ming with his big blue eyes.

Luo Ming looked back at him with a puzzled look.

He couldn't see Misha at all, nor could he hear what he said.

"Let me do it."

Walter put away his crutches, stepped forward and carried the Pipisi on his back.

March Seven looked at Luo Ming with some contempt:"You don't know how to respect the elderly and love the young."

Luo Ming laughed and said to her:"Then come up, I will carry you, isn't that loving the young."

March Seven didn't know what she was thinking, and blushed and spat:"If I were a child, you would have broken the law long ago, you know!"

"What law did you break?"Xing leaned forward curiously.

"It's none of your business."

March Seven pushed her face away.

The group soon came to Aunt Cuisi, the owner of the fast food restaurant. This was a local whom March Seven met after coming here.

They had seen too many family members or tourists who had various situations after breaking in here for the first time, so they were no longer surprised. They smiled and took in the frightened Pipisi.

Before leaving, the owner Cuisi said with some emotion:"There are more and more unfamiliar faces recently. A lot of things must have happened in the dream. The few remaining free lands in Asdena will no longer be peaceful......."

Walter asked,"Is this kind of thing common?"

Cui Si shook her head and said,"Not common, but the frequency is getting higher and higher. This is also one of the signs of the 'breakdown of the dream'."

They left the fast food restaurant.

Sanyueqi led the way and said to the others,"Sister Jizi and I have been together since we came in. We met many stowaways in the place where we lived before. Most of them came from neighboring star systems."

"It is said that there are more than one place like Liumeng Reef in the memory of Asdena, just like the islands in the sea, they already existed before the family arrived."

The entire Asdena galaxy was submerged by the mysterious excavated memory, so the entire galaxy is an unimaginably large dream world.

However, under the continuous development of the company and the family, the event star of Pinoconi has become a beautiful dream planet with complete facilities and many tourist attractions.

It is said that when Liumeng Reef was in its infancy, it was the center of the dream world.......

Walking through the streets,

Sanyueqi pointed to the front and said,"We separated here. Hey, look, Sister Jizi didn't go far either."

From a distance,

Luo Ming saw Jizi, who was wearing a military coat and had long red hair, chatting with a middle-aged man.

When he got closer, he heard her say in a clear tone,"Is that so?......I didn't expect to complete the rest of the information here."

Uncle Mikael smiled and said,"To use Mr. Gallagher's catchphrase, it's God's will."

At this time, March 7's shout came,"Jizi, I brought them here!"

Jizi turned around, and after seeing the robin beside Luo Ming, he showed a rather surprised expression.

Then he smiled and said to Luo Ming,"Nothing unexpected happened after we left, right?"

Luo Ming simply told Jizi about the appearance of the dream master and the determination to expel Huangquan at all costs. Jizi pondered for a moment and couldn't figure out the reason in a short time. He could only put it aside temporarily and introduced to several people,"This is Mr. Mikael, one of the persons in charge of the exile land."

"Mr. Mikael, they are my companions. This is Miss Robin, you should have heard of her."

Mikael smiled and greeted,"Dear anonymous guests, and Miss Robin, nice to meet you."

March 7th was a little surprised and said,"From Mr. Mikael's tone, it seems that you know us?"

Mikael nodded,"Since the day you stepped into Pinoconi, I have been paying attention to your movements. Unfortunately, if Liumeng Reef had not been separated from the Twelve Hours, we should have met in a more decent way."

The people who opened up Liumeng Reef were the three watchmakers who got off the train.

And Mikael was one of the children raised by the watchmaker, and rounded off, he was also a member of the train crew.

"Let's meet formally. I'm Mika, the gravekeeper of Liumeng Reef."

"Gravekeeper......?"Xing grasped the key words.

Mika smiled and nodded:"Life in Liumengjiao is very free, there is no organization to speak of, everyone lives their own life, and they don't interfere with each other. I can do......It's just cleaning a few tombstones every day."

Misha said to everyone:"Mr. Mika is too modest. Whenever a lost dreamer is brought here, it is always Mr. Mika who takes on the responsibility of guardian, either sending them back to their dreams or teaching them how to survive in the chaotic dream.���"

Walter concluded in a low voice:"So it's for the head of the family."

Mikay asked in confusion,"Huh? Mr. Walter, are you talking to me?"

"......Hmm?" Walter was also puzzled.

Luo Ming looked at the vague shadow on the open ground and asked March 7:"Did Misha speak just now?"

"Yes."March 7 gave a positive answer.

‘That's why Mika couldn't see Misha, and was confused by Walter's sudden"head of the family".

Luo Ming made a reasonable guess in his mind.

Walter didn't seem to think about it any more, and continued:"By the way, Mr. Mika, what do you mean by tombstones? We didn't seem to see a cemetery when we came here."

Mika smiled and said:"It's just a few symbolic cenotaphs. Since Mr. Walter asked, we might as well go and see it in person. If I'm not wrong, you should be able to gain a lot there."

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