Ji Zi said softly:"They spent their entire lives moving towards the unknown, and they are worthy of the name of pioneers."

Then she looked at one of the tombstones:"But......This monument without words is......"

At this time, a lazy voice came from behind:"When Liumeng Reef was born, its owner had not died yet, but that person said 'there must be such a day' and erected a monument without words for himself."

They turned around and saw that it was 'Old Dog' Gallagher, accompanied by Sunday and Liuying who brought them here.

When Sunday saw his sister, he walked up quickly and finally breathed a sigh of relief:"......I 'm glad you're okay."

Robin hid the complexity in his eyes very well, and did not tell the truth about his death. He smiled and talked with his brother.

Luo Ming came to Liuying, touched her head and said,"Thank you for your hard work."

Liuying shook her head and smiled,"This is what Liuying should do. Let's go and take a look. That Gallagher should know a lot about the truth about this place and Pinocchio."


The two came to the train crew.

They saw Walter questioning Gallagher,"Mr. Gallagher has taken great pains to bring together the head of the family, the Star Train, and the Star Core Hunter. I think he has something important to say, right?"

Gallagher shrugged,"I didn't expect that even you could see it."

March 7 said unhappily,"You almost have the words 'the mastermind' written on your face......."

"Hahaha, Mr. Walter is right. It is indeed time to be frank."

"The brother and sister know everything they should know, and they know how to choose them. The anonymous guests arrived late, so I should spend some time answering your questions."

Gallah said in a more formal tone:"Before we start, please introduce yourself again - the founder of Liumeng Reef, the watchmaker's assistant, and the person who sent out the invitation letter......."

"Fictional historian, Gallagher, greets you all."

March Seven didn't react much to the above identities.

But when he heard about the fictional historian, he suddenly opened his eyes wide and exclaimed speechlessly:"Okay, fictional historian, so all the things you told us before were made up?"

Gallagher spread his hands,"I can guarantee this, the stories I told you before are all true......Well, mostly, except for the part about 'the family accepted me again'."

Gallah is a fictional historian who invented himself, including the identity of the family sheriff, all of which are fictional. That's why the family hounds call him Chief but don't know the name Gallaher.

At this time.

Ji Zi thought of something, and her eyes subconsciously looked at Luo Ming, as if she wanted to confirm something.

Luo Ming nodded slowly at her.

Ji Zi looked at Gallaher again, with a few more unspeakable emotions in her eyes.

When the mystery does not exist, the fiction will disappear.

In other words, from the moment Gallaher revealed his identity as a fictional historian in front of the train crew, his life has entered an irreversible countdown.

"I have confirmed with Mr. Mikay that the family, the watchmaker and Mikhail's deeds are all verified."

Gallah smiled and said,"Long live understanding, then we can talk openly. I'm sure you all want to know why I went to so much trouble to arrange a battle for inheritance, send invitations to so many factions, and make Pinocchio so uneasy."

"The answer is actually very simple, and you are all very familiar with it. The root of everything......They are all star cores"

"Star core?" Walter seemed puzzled:"Pinocone is unobstructed and is an interstellar hub with many connections. It doesn't seem to have any signs of pollution. How could it be related to the star core?"

Gallagher agreed:"You are absolutely right, so why not guess what this means?"

Xing was the first to answer:"It means that someone is controlling the star core!"

Gallagher gave her an appreciative look:"Very sharp, how should I put it, you are worthy of being the person who is most familiar with the star core here?"

The star core spirit smiled proudly.

"Beautiful dreams don’t come out of thin air. If we compare the memory field to the sea, building a dream land is like filling up the turbulent ocean to create land."

"To accomplish this feat, unless memories or mysterious messengers are used, the only way is to use star cores."

"Moreover, this is not something that can be accomplished simply by making a wish. It requires a considerable degree of knowledge, a lot of time and manpower to do it so flawlessly. Having said that, you should understand, right?"

Gallagher turned and looked at the tall buildings in the distance:"The star of today's grand event is the star core disaster of Asdena."

"Huh?" Sanyueqi opened his mouth in surprise:"Star of the Gala......Is it the Star Core Disaster?"

Gallagher nodded."The story begins a long time ago. After the watchmaker and his party liberated the border prison, they were at a loss as to how to build Pinocchio from scratch. There were endless internal and external troubles. At this time, someone came up with the idea of Star Core."

"This star core originally fell on Asdena during the war years. At that time, under the appeal of the nameless guest, people gave up the idea of getting involved with this power. However, there have always been people with ulterior motives who are secretly ready to make moves."

"The turning point of everything happened after Tiernan's death. His two unknown companions died one after another, forcing the watchmaker to go to the frontier of pioneering. This long journey gave his opponent an opportunity."

"By the time the head of the Montor galaxy responded to the watchmaker's call and came, the star core had already been activated and infiltrated into the original synesthesia dream."

At this time, Ji Zi said:"I guess the family happens to have the knowledge of sealing the star core?"

Gallagher's tone was a little colder:"More than that! They know more about the star core than ordinary people, and quickly helped Mikhail quell the civil strife, and joined the construction of Pinoconi in the name of harmony."

"That was the third era known as the Dream Chasing Era. The watchmaker, who was kept in the dark, sent out an invitation to the entire universe, setting off a craze called the Land of Dreams.......How did they become enemies?"

Gallagher explained:"Remember the metaphor of land reclamation? The truth is that the star core has never been sealed, but it has changed its form and is stored in the dream. Think about it, what is the price of building and maintaining such a huge dream?"

"It is life, little girl. The magnificent dream is built on the death of the spirit. The poisonous wine called happiness flows through the dream, making people indulge in it. The mind slowly flows to the same destination and eventually becomes the placenta of the dream."

"Confused, lazy, cowardly......These weaknesses, which are common in human nature, are magnified and nurtured by the family, turning Pinocchio into another kind of prison, which is far more indestructible than the previous one."

"We discovered it too late. By then the family had become so powerful that the opponents were quickly controlled and expelled."

"With nowhere else to go, I had to rely on mysterious power to hide in this chaotic memory area, and spent several years to invent a meme in my dreams for our use.——"

"Sleep, this is its real name. Ordinary people cannot fall asleep again in dreams, so we have the opportunity to take advantage of this loophole."

The impossible thing in the dream is not death, but sleep.

Ji Zi finally understood,"So this is the true meaning of 'impossible things', so you sent out invitations in the name of the watchmaker, in order to find the faction that can solve the star core crisis and attract them to come to Pinoconi to discover the truth?"

"Not only that, what I want to see more is the constant fighting between the various factions for the inheritance." Gallagher folded his arms:"Plus, the watchmaker has been silent for more than ten years and has spoken for the first time. The traitor in the family will definitely be exposed."

March Seven said with some regret:"So, the inheritance is really just a cover......."

Gallagher spread his hands and said,"If you want to treat the star core as a legacy, I have no objection."

Ji Zi pondered for a moment,"So, where is the star core now?"

"We should ask that wing-head kid about this." Gallagher looked at Sunday who was not far away:"The Star Core has always been under the control of the family, and he is the face of the Oak family, so he must know everything clearly."

Brother Sunday's nickname is Xijiayi.

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