After finishing their conversation, they walked towards the brother and sister at the bridge corridor.

Gallagher said directly,"Have you finished your conversation? So, are you willing to tell us where the star core is?"

Sunday was silent for a moment, then slowly said,"It......It is the Pinocchio Theatre itself."

The robin heard this and felt that it was unexpected but reasonable:"It is indeed the case. The incarnation of the family, the building that first appeared in the dream......It is the culprit that caused Pinocchio to become like this."

Sunday said in a heavy voice:"And the person who used the star core to accomplish all this......I'm afraid it's Mr. Gefeimu, the current dream master."

Luo Ming carefully observed Sunday's expression for a moment, and finally had to admit that Sunday was already a master in cunning.

"Oh, it went more smoothly than I thought. You identified the suspect so quickly, or did you do a thorough investigation in advance?"

Gallagher's tone was full of doubt.

Sunday said calmly:"You are right. When tracking down the murderer who killed my sister, there was no one else besides you.......The next person I suspected was him."

"Haha, it seems that it was a good decision for you to confront me first."

"I have no other choice. The Dream Master is always elusive. Even the heads of the families have a hard time seeing him."

"and......Mr. Gopher has been kind to me and my sister, and I really don't want to face this kind of outcome." Sunday said with some sadness in his tone.

"What do you mean?" Ji Zi asked.

Robin explained sincerely,"To be honest, my brother and I are also victims of the Cancer of All Worlds. We have been orphans since we were young and were adopted and raised by a family who came to help us. Mr. Gopher saw that we were qualified, so he brought my brother and me to Pinocchio."

"But we can't just watch Mr. Gopher go to the opposite side of harmony, and I can't use my singing to praise the evil cause......."

"No matter who the traitor of the family is, no matter what order he gives me, I will not sing on the stage. We must not turn the Harmony Ceremony into a ceremony to destroy harmony."

Sunday nodded gently:"As the head of the Oak family, for the bright future of Pinocchio, I have no choice but to do it. Robin and I will go to the dream immediately and find a way to confront the dream master. If the family really deviates from harmony,......"

"I will stand on the same front with you all, stop the Harmony Ceremony, and personally repay the blood debt owed by Mr. Gefeimu."

At this time, Luo Ming stood up and said with a smile:"Don't worry."

March Seven said:"You don't want to let me down, do you?"

"No, I just want everyone to take a break."

Luo Ming looked at Ji Zi and the others and said,"Everyone has been running around since entering here, and you must be tired. Anyway, there are still nearly ten systems before the opening of the Harmony Ceremony, so why not take a break first, get enough energy, and then set out to deal with the 'Dream Master'."

"What do you think, Mr. Sunday?"

Seeing Luo Ming looking at him, Sunday frowned slightly and was about to speak.

The robin laughed first and said,"I think what Mr. Luo Ming said makes sense. Let's take a break first and conserve our energy so that we can better save Pinocchio."

Sunday was silent for a moment and smiled,"Okay."......

In the most luxurious hotel in Liumengjiao.

Luo Ming came to a room and found that the door was ajar. He smiled, pushed the door open and walked in, then locked it.

The room looked very clean, and there was a unique fragrance of a girl in the air.

Luo Ming followed the subtle sound and entered the bedroom. He saw Robin sitting in front of the dressing table, quietly combing her hair.

It seemed that she didn't notice that someone had come into the room.

Luo Ming coughed lightly and said shamelessly:"Do you need my help?"

Robin's little hand in smooth white silk paused, then put it back on her thigh, her pink ears slightly red, and hummed softly.

Luo Ming was no longer polite.

He took two steps forward and came behind Robin, smelling the girl's charming body fragrance, and began to help her comb her soft hair.

"Mr. Luo Ming, do you think Mr. Gefeimu is really a traitor to the family? Or is he a traitor?......Is he the only one?"

Luo Ming replied,"When you and Sunday meet the dream master, you will see the truth."

Robin heard this and lowered his head slightly,"But I suddenly found that I was a little afraid of the truth......."

Luo Ming paused while combing his hair and said with a smile:"Do you believe me, or rather, do you believe in our Starry Sky Train?"

"Believe it!"

The robin nodded without hesitation.

"That's fine, don't worry, I'm here, you'll be fine, and Pinocchio won't sink in the hands of traitors."

Luo Ming said, brushing Robin's soft hair behind her head, and then he saw the white and dazzling curve in her tube top dress from behind.

He was actually a little curious, why didn't Robin's tube top dress without shoulder straps slide down?

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