The robin didn't seem to notice Luo Ming's gaze. But her soft body tensed up little by little, and she said in a calm voice:"Mr. Luo Ming, if the Pinocchio incident can be successfully concluded, I want to find a quiet place to relax. Can you recommend one?"

Luo Ming stood behind the robin and continued to help her comb her soft hair. After thinking for a while, he said:"How about the Starry Sky Train? The train will always depart and head to the next stop that needs to be opened up. Each time it is a different scenery. It should be able to help you relax."

Hearing Luo Ming say this.

The robin couldn't help but look back in surprise and said:"Really? Can I also get on the train and travel together?"

Then she noticed that Luo Ming's gaze was not right, her face flushed instantly, and she quickly turned away in panic, trying to pretend that she didn't see anything.

Luo Ming coughed awkwardly.

Nodding, he said,"Of course, the train will not reject any companion who wants to embark on the journey. It's just that your idol singer's identity is a bit special. I guess by then, the train will be even more lively with those fans chasing after them."

As Luo Ming said this, he thought of the scene where Pam struggled to hold the door to prevent those crazy fans from coming in, and he couldn't help laughing.

"No way."

A smile appeared on the pretty face of the robin:"I know how to disguise myself. I will hide the headband and wings and change my clothes. No one will recognize me."

Luo Ming nodded and quickly tidied his hair.

He said to the robin:"You should rest for a while. Don't worry too much about the future. I have left a mark on you. If you encounter any dangerous things, I will use the power of the rememberer to appear directly beside you."

After speaking, Luo Ming did not stay and quickly left the room.

He looked away and closed the door.

The robin then recalled what Luo Ming said, subconsciously lowered his head to look at his body, and whispered softly,"I left a mark.......How come I didn’t feel anything at all?"......

Luo Ming left the room of Robin and was about to talk to Liu Ying about the inheritance when he heard a message from March Seven.

The train team was in her room, preparing to hold a small council, and he was the only one missing.

Helplessly, Luo Ming had to change his route and go to March Seven's room.

The door opened.

Ji Zi and Xing were all there.

After taking a sip of Liumengjiao specialty coffee, Jizi took the lead and said,"If what Sunday said is true, then if we continue to explore, we will face the Dream Master who controls the entire Pinoconi. What do you think?"

March Seven said immediately,"The Nameless Guest is not the kind of person who will retreat when faced with difficulties!"

After speaking, he swept his eyes over several people and finally landed on Xing,"Xing, don't you think so?"

Xing nodded heavily,"If you want to deal with the Dream Master, I will be the first to surrender!"

March Seven glared at her,"Don't joke around in such a ceremonial occasion!"

Luo Ming smiled and said,"I think a mere Dream Master is not enough to stop us from pioneering." Jizi looked at him and nodded,"That's what I mean. We followed the footsteps of our predecessor, the Nameless Guest, to come here. There is no reason not to continue following his footsteps."

Seeing that everyone agreed to continue pioneering.

Walter thought for a while and said,"When Sunday's brother and sister go to confront the Dream Master later, I will accompany them on behalf of the Starry Sky Train. With the presence of a third party, the negotiations should be smoother. If there is any danger,......One more person is always a good thing."

Walter's sophistication and steadiness were obvious to everyone on the train, so they did not refuse the proposal for a while.

Ji Zi thought for a moment and said,"As the leader of the branch of Pinoconi, the Dream Master is probably backed by the entire Tongxie force, not to mention that the star core is in his hands, so we must prepare for the worst."

Sanyueqi's face showed worry,"In this case, Uncle Yang should not go......."

Walter shook his head:"It's better for me to go together. I always feel that Sunday's attitude just now is a little bit wrong, but I can't tell why. At least we have to make sure that he won't turn against us at the last minute."

Xing looked at Luo Ming and asked curiously:"Aren't you going to do something, such as giving Uncle Yang a little gadget to keep in the bottom of the box."

Luo Ming looked at the crutch in Walter's hand and shook his head:"With the mimetic black hole in hand, Uncle Yang will have no problem protecting himself. What's more, before the last moment, the traitor of Pinocchio will never dare to attack the train, because this will expose his plan."

After speaking, he saw that several people were looking at him.

Luo Ming shrugged and said:"Or, I will switch with Uncle Yang and go to see the dream master with Sunday."

"No way!"

March Seven blurted out.

Realizing that his reaction was a bit too much, March Seven explained seriously:"Uncle Yang has experienced more than one planet and is quite experienced. He can make the correct judgment in the first time when encountering an emergency. Yes, that's it!"

Ji Zi didn't say anything, but a smile appeared on her face.

Xing grinned, feeling that she had found an opportunity to blackmail little March Yue.

Walter coughed twice, pretending not to hear March Seven's incoherent explanation, and looked at them and said:"That's it, you guys take care of yourselves too. If anything goes wrong, don't worry about me, you must seal the star core."

After the discussion, Ji Zi and others left the room one after another.

March Seven stood by the door and said to Luo Ming, who was lying on the sofa,"Get out quickly, I want to rest."

"It's okay, you take your rest and I'll take mine."

Luo Ming said, took off his shoes, lay comfortably on the sofa, then closed his eyes and fell silent.

"Hey, why are you still sleeping?"

Sanyueqi came to the sofa angrily and stretched out her hand to pull him off.

But Luo Ming seemed to be grown together with the sofa. No matter how hard she panted and tried, she couldn't get him off.

Besides, this is Liumeng Reef, a dream within a dream, it is absolutely impossible to fall asleep again.

Sanyueqi became more and more angry. She stretched out her hand to pull his hair, pinch his face, and even pretended to spit in his mouth. Luo Ming still closed his eyes and seemed to be sleeping soundly.

""Is he really asleep?"

San Yueqi muttered.

Then an excited expression appeared on her face. She lifted the hem of her pleated skirt and sat directly on Luo Ming's waist. She smiled evilly and stretched out her evil hands towards his face.......

Real hotel, reception lobby.

After proving the identities of the Star Train and the Sea Ranger to each other, Dan Heng and Botio came here together.

The former wanted to find the train crew that had suddenly lost contact not long ago.

The latter wanted to meet the man who killed Huang Quan in the previous call.

"Welcome to Daydream Hotel, how can I help you?"Aili greeted Danheng and Botio with a professional smile on her face.

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