Dan Heng said,"Hello, we are the unknown guests of the Starry Sky Train and would like to check in."

"Star Train?" Ellie was stunned:"But before......"

"Yes, my friends have already checked in. My name is Danheng, and the hotel system should have my personal information."

Ellie nodded:"I see, but your friends said that your schedule has changed and you can't check in."

Potiou laughed,"Isn't this another change of plan!"

""Excuse me, who are you?"

Portio crossed his arms,"I'm a newcomer on the train, my name is Pam!"

Pam, who was far away in the orbit of the planet, suddenly sneezed loudly.

Dan Heng lied for him without changing his expression:"......He is my companion. We responded to the invitation letter before he boarded the train, so there should be no record of him in the system. Is there any way to make an exception?"

Ellie understood instantly and showed a kind smile on her face:"It seems that there is also a similar situation among the unknown guests who have already checked in. It seems that more and more people are embarking on the journey of pioneering recently."

Then she thought for a while,"Because there is a precedent, in principle there should be no problem. Please allow me to contact your companions.——"

After operating on the virtual screen for a while,

Ai Li showed confusion on her face and said to the two apologetically:"I'm sorry, you two, I can't seem to contact the guests of the Starry Sky Train."

Dan Heng asked:"What do you mean by can't contact?"

"I'm very sorry, this is the first time I've encountered this situation, but the system shows that several guests are still in a dream."

Portio suggested:"How about this, you give me a room number and we'll go over and take a look."

Ellie shook her head:"I'm afraid that won't work. I can only tell the guests' personal information after I confirm their identities."

"Then why don't you just pick one at random, say Walter, and force him to wake up?"

"this......No, forced awakening has strict rules and regulations, and it cannot be operated at will."

Portio was a little annoyed:"This is not allowed, and that is not allowed. What do you want? Let the two of us sleep on the floor at the front desk, right?"

Ellie still had a professional smile:"Please be patient, we need to contact your companions to confirm your identities......."

Dan Heng frowned and said,"But now it seems that we need to confirm our identities first before we can contact our companions."

"Indeed it is......"There was also a hint of embarrassment in Ellie's tone.

Potio was angry:"Dear, stop using these bureaucratic dead circles! Little girl, I'm not targeting you. If you can do it, please help us. If you can't, please find someone who can do it, okay?"

""Please calm down, my two guests." Ellie apologized first, and then continued:"I remember that it was Mr. Sunday, the head of the Oak family, who handled the matter personally. Please wait a moment, I will contact him now."

Watching Ellie's figure moving away.

Danheng turned his head and said to Potio:"She probably didn't mean to make things difficult for us, but she really didn't know what to do."

Potio frowned slightly,"So the situation is a bit bad. You tried it on the train just now, and they really didn't reply to your message."

Taking advantage of this time, the two of them went to the reception hall to inquire about the guests who were resting.

But without exception, the things that happened in the dream did not spread at all, and almost all the guests were looking forward to this harmonious music ceremony that was held only once in an Amber Age.

After a while, the two returned to the reception desk, only to find that Ellie had not returned yet.

Potio crossed his arms across his chest:"I'm beginning to think that letting her contact that Sunday is not a good idea."

"Whether it is the employees or the guests, they know nothing about the dream. Wherever they go, they see a happy scene. To me, this is definitely not a good sign."

Dan Heng nodded:"I agree. There is another strange thing. Among the five families that govern Pinocchio, the Oak family is the organizer of the parliament and is responsible for all management and coordination work inside and outside the dream. But the strange thing is......"

"I walked around the hotel, but I didn't see a single member of such an important family on such an important day."

Potio suddenly realized something,"He's so precious, if I remember correctly, isn't Sunday the head of the Oak family?"

Danheng made a decision:"It's not advisable to stay here for long, let's return to the train first."

Potio was about to say that he had an appointment with a man for a glass of wine.

He saw a prompt from Danheng's communicator, and after picking it up, his cold face suddenly became solemn.

"What? Did something happen to the train?"Potiou guessed casually.

Danheng nodded:"Two strangers broke into the train, one of them claimed to have brought a bottle of Asdena White Oak"

"He actually went directly to the train?"

Potio shook his head."Since there is nothing good to stay here for the time being, let's go to the train to take a look."

Danheng did not answer him, and strode to the apron.

Pam was the only one left on the train now, and he had to rush back as soon as possible to prevent anyone from damaging the train.


The two returned to the Starry Sky Train. As soon as they opened the door, they saw the small figure of the conductor:"You are back? There were two people getting on the train in front, saying they were looking for Potio passengers. I asked them to wait for Pam in the observation car first."

""Just in time!" Potiou was a little excited.

At this time, a figure holding a black long knife came out of nowhere. It was the elegant and lazy Black Swan.


Botio was stunned and asked in surprise:"It's only been a short time, brother, why did you change your gender?"

"That's her." Pam looked a little annoyed:"Although the Star Dome Express welcomes everyone, everyone sneaks in.......Aren't you guys too ignorant of yourselves as outsiders, Pah!"

Black Swan said with an apologetic smile,"I'm sorry, conductor, I was impolite and mistakenly thought that the train was already familiar with Yi Ting. Now the situation of Pinocchio is complicated, and only the nameless guests are trustworthy."

Dan Heng's face was still cold, but there was no hostility anymore,"Are you the rememberer that Luo Ming mentioned?"

Black Swan nodded,"Nice to meet you, Mr. Dan Heng. I have seen you in other people's memories, and Mr. Portio, this is also our first meeting. I hope you like this bottle of Asdena White Oak." Portio took the rare wine handed to him in a daze, and opened his eyes in shock:"My God, have you really changed your sex, or have you been lying to me all this time?!"

At this time.

A smiling voice came from the long knife in the hand of Black Swan:"Pam, close the door and prepare to beat the dog."

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