Sunday said in a calm and compassionate tone:"You just said that the gentleman who lives on dreams is not living. In fact, even without Pinocchio, people will live in their own illusions. This illusion is called self-worth."

"People always think that they are destined to achieve a certain value. Earning value for oneself means great power. On the contrary, people without value are relegated to being weak."

"However, value is not created out of thin air by people, and its sum is also limited. In order to realize the so-called value, people must plunder from others. In this way, the weak are exploited and oppressed......."

The robin looked at his brother and said,"You mean......It shouldn't be like this, right?"

"Exactly."Sunday nodded:"However, the irony is that people don't think it's wrong to do so, because they always regard the illusory self-worth as the criterion, even the weak think so."

"Survival of the fittest, the strong prey on the weak......All the tragedies in the world originate from this, and the reason why Pinocchio is a beautiful dream is that it provides a place of rest for anyone who wants to escape from it......."

"There is no tragedy here, only happiness - although it is only in its infancy, isn't this exactly what paradise looks like in our minds?"

The robin was silent, she knew that Sunday's words were full of loopholes.

But she didn't know where to refute it for a moment.

So the two continued to look around at this golden hour before the dream master came, so as to verify their respective ideas about harmony.

Soon, the two met a young woman who entered the dream world without hesitation because she couldn't stand the lonely and boring life in the outside world.

She got the long-lost happiness here, and if such days lasted forever, she would never feel bored.

Then she met a quiet guest, he was hunched over, and even if he couldn't feel the pain in the dream, he still coughed habitually.

In the real world, he had been on the battlefield, and when he climbed out of the mothership, some radioactive iron lumps were stuffed in his head, so he didn't have much time left.

His hometown also melted in several neutron radiation bombings, and he couldn't survive, but he heard that there was a way to"cure" the disease here. sick, came here.

His body is now lying in a life support device, and a nurse is always watching over him, while his consciousness has entered this dream paradise without pain.

Therefore, he will never be able to leave this dream in the future, but for him, being alive is a blessing, and it doesn’t matter whether he dreams or not, and he has no choice.

Watching the old man leave.

The robin seemed to have some insights. The old man’s story was very sad, but fortunately this beautiful dream did leave him with happy thoughts for the rest of his life.

This seems to be the meaning of Pinocchio’s dream.

But beautiful dreams are limited after all. They are just a safe haven for the frustrated, and cannot eradicate pain from the source of reality.

The two continued walking on the street, observing the various guests in this dream.

But soon.

A new 'robin' appeared in front of him, and he said to the robin in surprise:"Hey, look - who is this lovely lady?"


The robin stopped and said hesitantly,"That is......Myself?"

‘The robin came over and said to Sunday in a playful manner:"Brother! What a coincidence, we meet again."

Sunday said coldly:"Show your true self, your tricks are useless to us."

The robin also thought of something,"You are the masked fool who is good at deception, are you having fun?"

When Luo Ming caught Hua Huo in the room before, Hua Huo was in her true form, so the robin did not react for a while.

"Just barely enough."

Fireworks returned to her true form and spread her hands in boredom,"The people here are too easy to deceive. They will take the bait if you give them a little sweetness, and they will shrink back quickly when there is danger. In short, they are stupid, rich and afraid of death!"

The robin said calmly:"Since you have had enough fun, you'd better leave as soon as possible. The harmonious movement cannot tolerate noise."

Fireworks raised her little face and said unhappily:"What? Now that I am back, I am useless? I have helped the family so much, it's really chilling"

"You should thank me if I hadn't cleaned up this mess.......Now Pinocchio is in a mess, right?"

Sunday looked at her and said,"That was a personal request from the head of the Iris family. It has nothing to do with us. Step back and stop causing trouble for the Harmony Ceremony."

Hanabi put her hands on her hips and said unconvincedly,"Harmony Ceremony? Humph, who are you trying to scare? Do you think I don't know what you are up to?"

"Regardless of what you think, Chicken Wing Boy, our lovely Miss Robin should have decided not to go on stage now, right? After all, you have also seen how ugly this beautiful dream is under the operation of harmony......."

"Dreamland Pinocchio......"Hanabi's tone was very cheerful:"Is this the paradise you two wanted?"

"Shut up!"

Sunday seemed to be irritated, and scolded Huo Huo coldly.

Huo Huo became happier,"What's the matter, chicken wing boy? Did I touch your sore spot?"

The robin said,"Our agreement has nothing to do with you, fool, leave quickly, otherwise don't blame the family for being rude."

"OK, OK~"

Hanabi nodded her head:"I'll go, but Miss Robin, I still advise you to think about it carefully.——"

"Can people who live in dreams really stay away from pain and gain true happiness?"

The robin closed his eyes silently without giving any answer.

"Haha, I have done what I need to do. Now all I have to do is wait and watch the fireworks."

"The last two gifts are for you. If the Harmonious Music Ceremony is unfortunately held......Be sure to use it at the performance, don't lose it."

"Bang - it's going to be exciting!"

With a burst of joyful laughter, Hanabi's figure disappeared in front of the two of them like bubbles.

After a moment,

Sunday turned around and looked in the direction they came from,"There are crows calling there.......It looks like the dream master is coming soon."

The robin nodded, and the two of them returned there quickly.

On the empty platform.

Sunday said,"This is a good place. Let's wait for the dream master to arrive here."

The robin nodded.

After a moment of silence, she looked at Sunday with a complicated look:"I heard that you no longer touch your favorite sweets. I always feel that many things have changed during my absence. What happened?"

Sunday looked up at the moon-like theater and said calmly:"Even in a beautiful dream, someone must stay awake at all times."

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