The robin shook his head gently:"But that person shouldn't be you, nor should it be any specific person, brother, you are burdening yourself too much."

"The paradise we imagine should not be like this. Pinocchio is just a dream. It cannot eliminate the worries and pain in reality and bring people real happiness. What it can do is nothing more than providing people with a place to escape from reality, but that's all."

She tried to get Sunday out of a certain obsession cage.

But Sunday calmly asked back:"Remember the old man just now? If it weren't for this dream, he might have fallen into an irretrievable situation."

The robin first nodded in agreement, and then retorted:"But even without Pinocchio, he might have embarked on another life. As far as I know, the Knowledge Society has long been promoting corresponding rehabilitation treatment technologies."

"Although that kind of life would be ordinary and much more difficult, now he is in a coma and receiving hospice care called Beautiful Dreams. His ending is......It's already destined"

"Did Pinocchio give these people a future, or did he take away their future?

Sunday looked at her and said,"Before that, you have to know......Not everyone can go to the future. The future to people is like birds in the sky. People mistakenly believe that flying is the nature of birds because they have never seen birds falling to the ground."

"Do you remember the Harmony Pigeon we adopted when we were little? How did we treat it?"

The robin replied,"We carefully raised it in a birdcage, fed it and changed its water every day, combed its feathers, and later......When I decided to leave Pinocchio, I opened the cage door and let him return to the sky."

"I didn’t mention it in my letter because I was afraid it would make you sad."

Sunday told the ending of the Harmony Dove:"Not long after you left, it fell in front of your window."

The robin was silent for a moment, a little sad,"I guessed that otherwise, you would never say a word about its whereabouts."

"Although the ending is a bit regrettable, I still firmly believe that this choice is right. Birds do not break out of their shells to spend their whole lives in cages. Even if they are unable to fly, the sky is their home."

Sunday also tried to bring his sister back to the embrace of order.

His tone became more severe and aggressive,"But this is the problem. If there are some baby birds in this world who cannot fly all their lives, how can we assert that the sky is their home?"

The robin was silent for a while, guessed what Sunday was thinking, looked at him and said,"What do you want to say?......Is it the same for humans?"

Sunday seemed to realize that his tone was a bit harsh.

He turned his back to the robin and said softly after a moment:"Think about the Star Train. This is a good example. The Nameless Guest has made great efforts to connect the worlds and is famous all over the world.......However, there are only a handful of people who can persevere in such a difficult journey, let alone ordinary people."

"Because the cause of pioneering is definitely not something that ordinary people can bear, otherwise, how could this fate end up with the silver track being cut off, the train being abandoned, and the star god falling?"

The robin took two steps forward and questioned in his voice:"What a twisted logic, if we follow this logic, wouldn't the future become the privilege of heroes?"

Sunday paused for a moment, and said firmly:"Unfortunately, this is the reality. Another name for the future is.........It is self-worth"

"There are heroes in this world, and people admire and praise them, but the vast majority of ordinary people will never become heroes in their lifetime."

"Some people are born weak and helpless, some are trapped in misfortune, and some succumb to meanness and cowardice. In the face of survival, they are all equal and can only watch their own value being plundered by external things."

The robin retorted:"So we should love and care for the weak and give them full assistance, as if they were our own......The Ode to Harmony has always taught us this."

Sunday turned around and looked at his stubborn sister:"The ambition of harmony is indeed lofty, but even in this carefree dream, the strong will always be strong, and the weak will become weaker.......Human nature is like this. It has a great side, but it also has weaknesses that cannot be eliminated no matter what."

"At its core, if people cannot even guarantee their survival, let alone the illusory equal future, as long as the law of natural selection exists in the world, there will be chicks that fall to the ground."

"If people don't live for the future, do they just live for the sake of living? If my brother thinks that even harmony cannot save the plight of the weak, then which star god can realize our ideals?"

Seeing that the robin is still"obstinate",

Sunday let out a sigh of helplessness,"People always forget that once, when the first bird flew into the sky, the whole world had high expectations for it......."

"From then on, no more chicks fell to the ground and died.

Sunday recalled that when he was a child, he told his sister Robin about his dream of becoming a harmonist.

He had completely understood that Robin would never take the path of order no matter what, and all the previous attempts and efforts were useless.

"Let's go, the Dream Master has arrived, let's go meet him."

The two quickly returned to the place where Walter was waiting.

At this time, there was already a young woman from the Oak family there. 'She' was the Dream Master, or in other words, all the 100,000 members of the Oak family were Dream Masters.

After hearing the story, the Dream Master's ethereal voice was filled with a hint of disbelief:"You mean, for a long time, there have been villains who have taken away the Harmonious Music Ceremony that we have blessed the world with.......As a tool to realize ambitions?"

"That's right, Master of Dreams." The robin said seriously,"Once the Harmony Ceremony begins, the power of the star core will spread throughout Pinocchio with the singing. At that time, no one in the dream will be able to wake up from the dream."

"Well, this is surprising to me. The dream is the result of the joint maintenance of the five major families. If someone uses the harmony to wantonly spread the power of the star core, this person must be in a high position......."

"Do you have any suspects?"

Walter interrupted politely,"Excuse me, are you really unaware of the existence of star cores?"

The dream master looked at him and said,"Hehe......I never thought that this unknown guest would point the finger at me directly. It is really jaw-dropping."

"If there is any offense, the Starry Sky Train sincerely apologizes to you, but the current situation is urgent and we cannot investigate in detail. This is also for the sake of the peace of the dream. Please dispel our concerns."

The robin echoed:"Master of the dream, as long as it can be proved that the Harmony Ceremony has nothing to do with the star core and that we are overthinking it,......I will return to the stage to sing as promised"


The Lord of Dreams nodded and said,"Sunday, robin, I have watched you grow up and know your character very well. Today, we can be called His most devout preachers.......I know your determination very well."

Then the dreamer looked at Walter and said,"This matter is of great importance and is not to be taken lightly. Since Mr. Walter sincerely asks for it, I will do it myself to show my response. If necessary, the entire Oak family can also be at your disposal."

"May Sunday bring you to Him, to shine His light, and to ask His questions for me, to expose all lies?"

"I will obey your will."Sunday put one hand on his chest

"Robin, can you be a witness on the scene, record the truth, and declare my innocence, so that all the stigma will be eliminated?"

The robin also put one hand on his chest:"I will obey your will."

"We hope your will will be carried out on earth......As in the sky."

Sunday saw that the dream master was ready, and immediately sent down the light of harmony to the dream master, just like he treated the gold dust not long ago.

Under the witness of harmony,

Sunday asked the dream master five questions.

The dream master answered one by one without being punished, which means that all his answers were true.

But whether Sunday's questions or the dream master's answers specifically mentioned whether they were loyal to"harmony", but used"Him" or"Star God" instead.

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