After asking all the questions, Sunday solemnly announced:"......He sees your faith and approves of it, and so it proves——"

"Please wait a moment."

Walter, who had been watching this scene, stopped him.

"What's the matter, Mr. Walter? Sunday gave him a puzzled look.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, I have another question that I hope to be answered."

Walter continued:"As far as I know, the harmonious coexistence of families has never relied on the so-called 'laws'.’......"

"Is the 'God' you two just mentioned really the Hippie?"

The Dream Master and Sunday were both strangely silent.

After a moment, the Dream Master said in a pious voice:"Mr. Walter should know that the family members are as close as brothers and sisters. Under His light, they embrace unity and are of one mind. All second thoughts cannot escape the face of harmony."

"If it weren't for Lord Hippe, which other god could have orchestrated such an exquisite and complex piece of music so perfectly?"

"Perfect harmony?" Walter closed his eyes, his brain working rapidly:"This is the problem. It is not the external enemy that is secretly changing the harmony, but the one that was secretly born from this movement.......Dissonant sound."

He seemed to have grasped something, and his eyes became sharper:"Long ago, there was a star god in the world. He plucked his knuckles and compiled the laws of the galaxy. His followers formed an outer choir and spread solemn and solemn hymns to the entire universe."

"Later, He fell. The path of this star god collided with the harmony, and was swallowed and assimilated by the latter. The chorus that resounded through the universe was silent for a while, and when it was played again, it had become a hymn of harmony......."

"Even if the star gods perish, they will leave behind a fate without a master, in the harmony that embraces everything.......Naturally, there may be some old noises quietly growing."

Hearing his judgment, the dream master's eyes gradually turned cold,"Mr. Walter......Being overly sensitive is never a good thing, especially when you are alone and helpless."

Walter snorted:"It is true."

The dreamer no longer tried to hide, and ordered Sunday:"For the sake of our great cause, Sunday, please take a rest."

The robin looked at Sunday, with a little more disappointment and desolation in his eyes.

Her brother finally embarked on the road of fighting against Tongxie.

Sunday closed his eyes, seeming helpless, and then suddenly looked at Walter and the robin.

The two showed painful expressions almost at the same time.

The robin even held his forehead with his hand, as if his will was going through a torment.

"Sorry, robin, only you......I don't want you to know all this, but unfortunately, it doesn't go as planned"

"So this is the real reason why I can't sing? The shadow that hangs over Pinocchio is actually......"

Sunday looked at the robin, trying to convince his sister before she could completely revolt:"We have never been harmonious children. The paradise we dream of should not be created by Hippie. The happiness of the masses can only be promised by 'one person' above the masses.""

"In the law, humans build society......In harmony, we have order"......

Robin felt like she had entered a chaotic space. There was no sound or substance around her. She was like a ball of air, and she gradually began to feel panic. Just as she was becoming more and more confused, a familiar voice sounded beside her:"He really did hit you. How is it? Are you okay?"

"Luo, Mr. Luo Ming?"

After hearing the voice, the robin's emerald eyes burst into unbelievable surprise.

"It's me."

Luo Ming's smiling voice came, and he asked again:"Are you not hurt?"

"No." The robin suppressed his surprise and asked softly,"How did you get in here? And where is this? I can't sense any breath of harmony. Have you left Pinocchio?""

"This is Sunday's consciousness space, and you and Walter have been imprisoned by him."

Luo Ming explained,"As for me, didn't I say before that I left a mark on you, and I will always pay attention to you and protect you from harm."

The sudden concern made Robin's cheeks feel a little hot.

Then she heard Luo Ming continue:"Just as I guessed, Sunday's blood relationship with you is real, and he will not really attack you. You don't need to do anything next, just stabilize Sunday here, and then wait quietly for the end."

"Um......If you are really scared, I can use my memory to condense a little person to stay here with you?"

"No, no need for that."

The robin waved his hands repeatedly, and looked around subconsciously, as if trying to find where Luo Ming's voice came from.

Unfortunately, this consciousness space was like a chaos, with nothing around except darkness.

"That's good, I told you, the world-renowned Miss Robin wouldn't be so fragile."

Luo Ming's voice was slightly teasing.

Then he asked,"Those so-called self-worth fallacies that Sunday said didn't change your perception of how the world works, right?"

"Of course not." The robin replied softly.

"Very good, in fact, you only need to remember one thing, energy is conserved, that's it"

"Pinocchio is a world-renowned dreamland. Countless people want to come here to enjoy their dreams, but only a few can come here. Their average assets reach 3.5 billion credit points."

"The guests are using their wealth to exchange for a dream of luxury, and Sunday's ideal paradise of forgetting all pain requires people to become his puppets as a reward for enjoyment."

Luo Ming paused for a moment.

Then he said:"Let's do this for now. If anything happens here, you only need to���Call my name in your heart and I will appear immediately to save you"


As soon as the robin finished speaking, Luo Ming's faint consciousness disappeared, and the entire consciousness space turned into a dark and chaotic place again.......

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