Golden moment.

Luo Ming regained consciousness and saw Ji Zi coming over. He smiled and asked,"Are there any clues?"

The person who knows the most about dream bubbles in Pinoconi is undoubtedly Dr. Edward of the Dream Store.

Ji Zi went to the store just now and must have obtained useful information.

Sure enough, Ji Zi nodded and said,"There are indeed some clues. Let's go back to Liumeng Reef first. Thank you for your hard work."

Luo Ming used the ability of the Rememberer without saying a word, opened a transmission channel, and then took Ji Zi away.

Liumeng Reef Garden.

Seeing Luo Ming and Ji Zi return, several people immediately surrounded them.

After briefly explaining the harvest, Ji Zi came to the watchmaker, looked at the dream bubble and said,"Next, we need to enter it with consciousness and reveal the answer inside, but someone must be guarding outside to prevent sudden changes." Hearing this

, Luo Ming said,"I'll stay outside. Since it is a dream bubble left by the watchmaker, there will be no danger inside. You can go in and explore the legacy he left behind." Ji

Zi and others hesitated for a moment and didn't have time to speak.

Then Liuying laughed and said,"Let me do it. It happens that I am not a member of the train yet. I won't join in the fun of witnessing the legacy of the pioneer predecessors."

After she finished speaking, she saw that Luo Ming wanted to say something else, blinked and said,"Unless, brother doesn't trust me and is afraid that if I am left alone outside, he will take the opportunity to do something bad~"

Luo Ming swallowed the words that were about to come out of his mouth.

He rubbed her silver head in annoyance:"What nonsense are you talking about? Among all people, I trust you the most!"


Xing pressed the stop button and shook his phone to Luo Ming with some pride:"Ten thousand credit points, delete it immediately"


Luo Ming laughed,"Look at your phone again to see if there is anything else?"

Xing immediately looked down at his phone and found that the video he had just recorded was gone.

"In the dream, he still wanted to play tricks with the Rememberer."

Luo Ming shook his head, then looked at Liuying and said,"Then you stay here first, and you can also enjoy the scenery of Liumeng Reef from above. We will be back soon."

"Well, be careful."

In front of everyone, Luo Ming lowered his head and kissed Liu Ying's sweet and obedient face, then took Ji Zi San Yue Qi and others with him, and his consciousness entered the dream bubble in the watchmaker's hand.

Seeing that the garden had become quiet.

Liu Ying looked around, then sat on the edge, supporting her chin with one hand, enjoying the beautiful dream scenery while waiting for Luo Ming and others to come out.......

In a familiar dream.

As soon as Luo Ming and his companions appeared, they saw a confused figure in front of them. It was Misha.

He asked in confusion,"Excuse me, where is this place?"......"

Ji Zi was obviously a little surprised to see Misha here, and after a moment's silence, she asked,"Do you have any impression of this place, Misha?"

"I......I can’t put it into words, but it seems like a familiar feeling. Where is this?"

"This is a dream bubble. Our consciousness has entered it. This is a gift left by an unknown guest to the Star Train. But strangely, when we opened it, we found that there was nothing inside."

"Doctor Edward from the Dream Store told me that dreams are condensed from memories. If the core is empty, the dream bubble cannot take shape."

"So I think, as the hotel doorman and the one who knows Pinocchio best among the friends of the Star Train, you, Misha, should be able to help us solve this puzzle?"

Misha thought for a while and said,"Well, I don't know much about Mengbu, but if you want to understand what this big house is......I will try my best!"

""Then I'll leave it to you!" Ji Zi said with gratitude.

At this time, San Yue Qi, who had been silent and vowed to keep a distance from Luo Ming, couldn't help but whispered:"Sister Ji Zi, I'm still confused, why do you conclude that Misha is related to this dream bubble?"

Ji Zi shook her head and said:"I can't conclude, I just have some guesses, but since Misha is familiar with this place......This means my guess may be correct."

Xing touched his chin and said,"I feel this scene is a little familiar......."

"Of course it looks familiar, didn't Fireworks kidnap you here before?"

Luo Ming pointed to the floating words and other iconic scenes,"This is the dream of a child. The thing that Gallagher raised, which was heading towards death, liked this place the most and often brought tourists who accidentally followed the way here back to Liumeng Reef."

"By the way, where did that Masked Fool go? I haven't seen him for a long time."

Hearing San Yue Qi's doubts,

Luo Ming said casually:"Maybe she is waiting in a bridge hole to watch the fireworks. Who knows? It won't be too late to catch her after things here are over."

"Let's go, we are close to the core of the truth again, give Misha some time, he will definitely reveal the secret of the dream bubble for us."

After Ji Zi finished speaking, she looked at the doors around her and said to Misha,"Do you know which door to go out from?"

"Well, I think......"Misha turned around and then stopped in front of a big door:"Maybe this way?"

"I'm not sure, but let's give it a try."

Then he ran towards the door.

Luo Ming and Ji Zi looked at each other, and then quickly followed.

In fact, Luo Ming still couldn't really see Misha's existence, he could only vaguely perceive a group of things that seemed to be there.

Perhaps it was related to the fact that he had not really embarked on the path of pioneering.

Soon, under the leadership of Misha, everyone left the previous room and entered a lobby.

March 7 was a little surprised:"You made the right choice all at once?"

Misha stopped, looked at the surrounding scenery, and said in a confused tone:"Strange, this is obviously not a hotel, and the difference is very big, but I always feel that I have been here, and......"

If I remember correctly," Misha pointed to a corridor.��"Down the corridor, there is a warm fireplace where the Clock Boy and I often sit by the fire and listen to the crackling of the wood."

"The room on the other side is......It is a room for toys. I like to open the boxes and tell stories to each of them."

"No, no."

Misha shook her head vigorously,"Didn't I grow up in Liumeng Reef? Then what is this place?......"

Seeing that he was somewhat panicked, Ji Zi comforted him softly,"This may be a phenomenon called amnesia. Don't worry, Xiao Misha. Everyone will forget some of the past, but they have not disappeared, they just sleep deep in the mind. Similarly, we can also find them back."

"Now that you have an impression of this place, let's go to a few more rooms and see if we can remember more, okay?"

""Okay." Misha nodded obediently,"Then, let's go and take a look at the two rooms I just mentioned."

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