Yinzhi's eyes were very solemn, as if he was having the greatest chivalry duel.

"If I am lucky enough to win, please make way for me for the crown, and admit that the pure goddess Idrila is unparalleled in beauty!"

It seemed that they were about to take action.

Luo Ming stepped forward, looked at Yinzhi sincerely and said:"If we admit now that Idrila is unparalleled in beauty, can you let us pass?"


Yinzhi obviously didn't expect Luo Ming to do this. He was stunned for a moment and didn't know how to respond because he had never experienced such a scene before.

"If you don't answer, I will take it as your consent."

Luo Ming put one hand on his chest and swore sincerely,"I admit that the pure goddess Idrila is unparalleled in beauty!"

After that, he signaled Liuying and Xing behind him to do the same.

Xing took out his baseball bat and was ready for a fight, but seeing Yinzhi was really stunned, it seemed that there was a play.

Immediately imitated Luo Ming's appearance and admitted that Idrila was unparalleled in beauty.

Liuying naturally needed no further explanation. No matter what Luo Ming asked her to do, she would definitely complete it meticulously.


All three of them completed the oath, and then looked at Yinzhi in unison.

Yinzhi seemed to be really stuck.

After being stunned for a long time, he smiled bitterly and put away his spear,"Well, since you admit the beauty of the goddess, this competition, you will be considered the winner."

The knight of justice quickly adjusted his state.

Slightly sideways, he made way for the center of the venue,"Go, handsome sir, pretty lady, the crown of the audition belongs to you."

"I will be here to watch you all bathing in the spotlight, and offer the most sincere cheers and applause with the audience."

Luo Ming smiled and greeted him, then left here with Liuying and Xing, heading for the final stage of the audition.

On the way,

Xing looked back at Yinzhi and asked,"Are all pure and beautiful knights like this?......Uh, so naive? If I meet them in the future, can I get stuck like today?"

As long as I admit that I am pure and beautiful,

I can get the unreserved help of the powerful knight. This kind of thing is really a great deal of money.

"No, even if you don't admit Idrila's beauty, the pure knights will help you without reservation, provided that you don't do bad things, otherwise, their spears will turn around and point at you."The pure knights can be described as fanatics, but they will not force others to believe in them. They often help those in distress selflessly. The fact that Yinzhi saved so many people on the way here is a good proof that he can be called the only good man in the world.

Passing through the long red carpet corridor, a group of three people came to the last pinball machine.

There is still no guide here, because the next venue is the final of the audition.

As soon as I stepped into the venue, the enthusiastic broadcast sounded with exciting music.

"Congratulations to the three contestants for winning the championship of this Hot Sand Festival! Let us look forward to their wonderful appearance at the Harmonious Music Festival!"

"Give the warmest applause to the three young���A promising guest!"

Pushing the door in front of the last big door.

Xing got a mirror from somewhere and began to fix her hair.

Seeing Luo Ming and Liuying looking at her with doubt, she said as a matter of course:"The champion of the audition will be on the scene later. There will be at least hundreds of millions of viewers watching the live broadcast. As the only pioneer among us, I must maintain a good image and not embarrass the train!"

Luo Ming gave her a thumbs up:"Ji Zi will be very pleased when she sees it."

Then he took Liuying and went straight to the last venue.

Originally, as a wanted criminal of the Star Core Hunter, Liuying should not have appeared in such a live broadcast scene with billions of viewers. However, the wanted criminal was Sam, and it had nothing to do with Liuying. As long as the armor was not opened, no one would have thought that under Sam's violent machine, there was such a sweet and lovely girl.

After entering the last venue, the music and the broadcasting all stopped.

The warm sunlight sprinkled from the dome, giving people a very warm and harmonious feeling.

Ji Zi and March Seven, who acted separately, soon came from another passage. As champion guests, they could also enter the theater together.

The moment they stepped into the venue, a familiar voice came from the front:"Congratulations to the three of you for becoming the superstars of this Harmonious Music Festival. Before entering the theater......"

Sunday put one hand behind his back and said calmly,"On behalf of the organizer, I would like to extend my sincere congratulations to you. May you enjoy the joy under His light."

Xing looked at him and asked,"Have you reached an agreement with the Dream Master?"

Sunday nodded calmly,"As promised before, my sister, Mr. Walter and I have met with the Dream Master and had an in-depth discussion with him about the truth of Pinocchio and the Star Core, and we have reached a consensus.——"

"I and the entire Oak family cannot agree to your request."

Hearing this answer,

Jizi's face did not change at all, obviously she had expected the result long ago.

"We agree with the views of the anonymous guests. Pinocchio needs to change, but not in the way you want. The Star of the Festival must not and will never return to a place of chaos, disorder, and the survival of the fittest."

Sunday's calm tone was a bit compassionate:"After going through all the difficulties, you should have more or less felt the epitome of that era: the weak were ruthlessly eliminated, equality disappeared, and in the cruel competition, people were insecure and had a hard time......."

"In the end, only heroes like you can succeed"

"But let me ask you, you do not have the blessing of powerful forces, you do not have any special identities, and you are just a fragile member of the vast number of living beings. Which kind of Pinocchio do you prefer?"

"A wild land where only the fittest survive, or a dreamland where everyone can be happy?"

Luo Ming shook his head."Sunday, with your brainwashing ability, you can't even be a small follower in my hometown."

"As an equal member of the masses, I will never engage in any pioneering work beyond my ability. Ordinariness is the eternal tone of the universe. Otherwise, the club of intellectual geniuses would never have only eighty seats in countless eras."

"As for competition, the progress of civilization is always reborn in competition or even war. Without competition, civilization will only stagnate. Just like what you said, if there was no jungle law of the jungle in the dream-chasing era, the Pinocchio would never have transformed into the star of the grand event that resounds throughout the world."

"What's more, no one forces you to do these things. Only those who want to gain wealth and status will come here from afar to sweat. In this world, there is no happiness that can be obtained without paying."

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